Chapter 384

The concepts cultivated by the three of them are existence, yin, and yang, which can also be simply understood as energy, matter, and spirit.

The supreme is being, representing energy, occupying the concept of prehistoric energy and being;

Primitive is Yin, representing matter, and occupying the concept of primordial Yin in matter;

The sky is the sun, representing the spirit, and occupying the concept of the sun and the spirit.

Duobao stretched out his hand and grabbed it at the star realm, spreading his palm, and three light spots appeared in his palm.

Sanqing’s gaze was immediately drawn over, his heart trembled, and he was eager to obtain it.

They can feel, attract them, and the opportunity in the induction lies here,

“This is the Star Realm’s concept of Master, Master, and Second Master.”

Duobao said: “Because the concept is the same, the master, the uncle and the second uncle will have the feeling.”

Of course, this is also related to his failure to shield the connection between the star realm and Sanqing.

The star realm was formed by him, existed and prehistoric, but detached and prehistoric, even the concept was separated from it, and formed a series of its own.

If he didn’t want to, how could Sanqing feel it.

“Can you give us this thing?” Tongtian withdrew his gaze with difficulty and asked Duobao.

As a master, I shouldn’t be so polite, but this thing is too precious. He has a hunch that once he gets the concept of the astral world, he will immediately achieve the concept of Sage, at least it can greatly shorten the relationship between them and the concept of Sage. The gap between.

Taishang, Yuan Yuan also looked forward to Duobao.

This thing is so important to them!

But because it was too important and too precious, they wouldn’t let Dubao give it to them as a matter of course.


Duobao smiled, holding the concept of the star realm in both hands, and handed it to Sanqing: “Please master, master, and second master, take it away.”

Sanqing was stunned, but he didn’t expect Duobao to be so straightforward.

They are not surprised that Duobao will give them this thing.

After all, the difference between Star Realm and Honghuang, although they are not very clear, they also have vague feelings.

If they don’t want to, they can’t feel it at all.

It’s just that they didn’t expect Duobao to be so simple.

“So, then we will laugh at it.” Tongtian grabbed the corresponding concept of own and smiled openly.

This is his disciple. No matter what he is, or what Yuan said, Duobao has always been the closest to him.

The disciple is so good, and he can give them such a treasure without hesitation, and at the same time he is happy, but also proud.

Taishang, Primordial also grabbed them, and immediately there were countless Taoist aggregates in his eyes, and his body surged, but in this short period of time, there was a lot of gain.

“Then, we will accept it.”

Duobao smiled and suggested: “The concept of the astral world works best in the astral world. Here, it can also speed up cultivation.”

“Master, Master, and Second Master, why don’t you just stay in the star realm and wait until you completely occupy the concept before you go out?”

Sanqing glanced at each other: “That’s fine.”

Duobao is right. Here, they can indeed feel a clear improvement, faster than the outside world, the strength of Ascension.

Now they have understood that because of the existence of Hongmeng Ziqi, they had no bottleneck before the concept of Sage, so the strength Ascension is very fast!

But in the astral world, they got the concept of the astral world, and their strength of Ascension was much faster than in the prehistoric world!

Being able to Ascension is of course a good thing, and they will not refuse.

When the words fell, the depths of the star realm naturally changed, and three magnificent palaces were born in them, magnificent and magnificent, rich in laws, and Spiritual Qi is like rain.

“Master, uncle master, uncle second, please come with me.”

Duobao bowed and brought him: “The disciples have prepared the palace for Master, Master, and Second Master, you are here to cultivate.”

Looking at Duobao’s back, Sanqing was very satisfied, and his eyes were gratified.

This disciple, confiscated in vain!


Outside of Kunlun, Tai Yi came. After staying for a long time, the door that did not enter in Kunlun appeared, and he could not find the existence of Kunlun, nor could he enter.

After a long time, Taiichi left with a calm face.

“Dobo… is it really you?”

Walking, walking, suddenly stopped, looking straight ahead, the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow boiled in the body, almost rushing out.

In front of him, a middle-aged man in black appeared out of thin air, staring straight at him with cold eyes.

“Who are you?” Tai Yi’s heart was beating, and he felt the attraction of blood origin: “Are you also a three-legged Golden Crow?”

Before the words were over, eight figures suddenly appeared in front of him, like the original one, dressed in black with cold eyes.

In them, Tai Yi felt the traction of the bloodline.

“Come with us!”

The black-clothed middle-aged man who first appeared said, his voice was cold.

“The comer is not good!”

Taiyi understood that no matter how these people came, whether they were three-legged Golden Crow, but obviously, their appearance did not hold him kind.

“If you want to take me away, it depends on whether you have the skills!”

The Chaos Clock appeared in his hand, and a finger was struck, the vigorous bell sounded, time and space stagnated, everything seemed exquisite.


A jet-black flame ignited on the nine middle-aged people, burning through the space and burning sound waves.

The chime of the Chaos Bell was burned by flames, and it was burned not far after it rushed out.

In the flames burning, an invisible force started from the ascending of the nine human bodies, linked together, and a dark space opened up.

Taiyi hadn’t reacted before being covered by space.

“Are you the calamity of my monster race this time?” Tai Yi raised his vigilance and slowly understood.

These people in front of them may also be three-legged Golden Crow, but they are not in the same camp.

The black flame is essentially the real fire of the sun, but the real fire of the sun, so masculine and strong, red gold.

And the sun of these people is really hot, soft and black.

Although it is a race, Taiyi felt a distinct sense of opposition after the real black sun fire appeared. It seems that the two are inherently opposed!

No one answered, and Taiyi stopped questioning, shook the chaotic clock frantically, displayed magical powers, and wrestled with everyone.

“You have to go out first, tell Dage!” He seemed to have found the source of the calamity.

Let go of the thoughts in his mind, Taiichi fights with all his strength.

For the nine middle-aged people in black, the black sun was really burning, and Tai Yi was trapped.

Space obstructed the chaotic clock, the sound of the bell came out, and the powerful sun rushed towards Taiyi.

Taiyi is the supreme in the fire. For it, the flame not only can’t cause damage, but can also supplement it.

But the real fire of these black suns was different, falling into the body, and Taiyi suddenly felt the pain of being burned by the flame for the first time, and the flame could actually hurt him!

The black sun was really overwhelming, flooding the entire space, and Tai Yi’s figure was submerged.

The chaotic bell rang frantically, hitting the real fire of the sun.

The faces of the people in black were gloomy, and there was not much change in their expressions from beginning to end.

“The target has been trapped and returned to the Black Territory.” The first middle-aged man in black looked at Tai Yi in the flames and said after a long time without a sound.

Everyone manipulated the space, and soon flew out of the wild world into the chaos.

After flying in the chaos, a dark door suddenly appeared, and everyone flew toward the inside.


Just as he was about to step into the gate, a huge roar suddenly came from the space.

When everyone looked at it, they were surprised for the first time.

In the space, within the endless black real fire, a huge vortex appeared, swallowing many black real fires.

The core of the vortex is a sharp mouth.

Taiyi turned out to be the deity, a golden three-legged Golden Crow that is as huge as a mountain, with a golden sun burning on his body, and as he swallows it, his body gradually takes on a hint of black.

The real fire of the black sun conflicted with the real fire of the golden sun. On the Taiyi deity, wounds appeared, and golden blood flowed out of it.

Everyone was surprised, but didn’t expect such a change.

“How dare you?” someone whispered in shock.

Regardless of whether it is the real fire of the black sun or the real fire of the golden sun, it is the strongest flame, and there can only be one of the two. Either black overwhelms gold, or gold overwhelms black.

The difference between them alone and Taiyi’s strength is not big, and the nine people work together, and naturally they can easily suppress Taiyi.

But they didn’t expect Taiyi to dare to swallow the real fire of the black sun.

Tai Yi swallowed it all, and soon swallowed all the real black sun fire.

Taking a look at the stunned people, the chaos clock flew out from the center of Tai Yi’s eyebrows, Tai Yi’s third foot, struck it with all its strength!


An unprecedented huge bell appeared, the space was stagnant, and the people in black were shocked for the first time.

Taking this opportunity, Taiyi hung the Chaos Clock, smashed the space with violent force, and rushed out.


As soon as Fang came out, the atmosphere of chaos filled him, and he glanced at the door in front of him, and then his head couldn’t fly away.

Soon, the people in black recovered and appeared from the space, looking at the back of Tai far away, without chasing.

“The goal disappeared, the mission failed… Go back!”

Everyone walked into the gate, and the gate disappeared!


In Heaven Court, Fuxi’s figure is illusory, Hetu Luoshu shines brightly in front of him, and countless secrets are revealed in it.

Kunpeng squeezed a book, and the three thousand enchanted texts floated, and a sense of civilization filled the surroundings.

Kunpeng motivated all the monster races, using their eyes, perceiving, and collecting all the data.

The data is summarized in Hetu Luoshu, and calculated by Fuxi’s hands.

“His Majesty Heavenly Emperor, something happened to His Majesty Dong Huang!” Suddenly, Fu Xi said solemnly.

“Is it Duobao?” Di Jun’s face was solemn.

“No, it’s the calamity…” Fuxi shook her head and calculated carefully. On top of the illusory figure, fine sweat appeared.

Dijun sits in the center, suppressing all backlash, letting Fuxi devour it.

Although Taiyi was anxious, he did not panic.

“With the help of the body of Taiyi, detect the source of the calamity.” Di Jun solemnly ordered.

Fuxi did what he said, and countless secret messages appeared, forming a black Karma in front of him.

In Karma, black aura is permeated, changing rapidly, and in a short time, a golden three-legged Golden Crow is formed.

It’s the One!

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