Chapter 356

The consequences of the collapse of the Five Elements cycle are too serious, not worse than a single calamity.

Originally, the collapse of the Five Elements cycle was caused by the two groups of Liches, Karma, and their karma.

But if he did it, it would be equivalent to helping the Five Elements cycle collapse. Karma would naturally share his karma.

Moreover, it may not be small.

Even for Sage, this kind of karma, Karma, is definitely not something that can be easily solved.

Without the obstruction of the embankment, the power of White Tiger’s golden travel smoothly merged into the Five Elements cycle.

The power of Jinxing skyrocketed, and the power of soil, wood, and fire formed an illusory Five Elements roulette, which actually rushed back the pure energy a little bit.

However, the speed is still a bit slow.

The power of Five Elements is not complete, and it is still short of the power of water travel.

The power of Five Elements’ consummation is naturally stronger than the power of Five Elements, which is now incomplete!

Now they are able to impact pure energy. If you wait until Five Elements is complete, I’m afraid you can hit it back directly!

Unexpectedly, many great powers looked towards the four seas one after another.

The Five Elements cycle of heaven and earth, among the water travel, the dragons occupy the most.

At this time, it should have been time for them to take action.

It’s just that when they saw the Dragon Clan in the four seas, the great abilities couldn’t help but were stunned.

They suddenly remembered that before the dragons were in the four seas, they were sealed by inexplicably powerful forces, and they have become a forbidden territory… In recent years, dragons have rarely appeared because the dragons have been sealed by the town. Can’t get out of the world.

In the sea, countless dragons looked at the prehistoric world with eyesight, although they were sealed off, they did not interrupt their perception.

They have also seen everything that happened in Honghuang over the years.

At this time, seeing the prehistoric situation, I was extremely anxious.

The Five Elements cycle is just one water trip!

In ancient times, due to the war between the three races, the dragon race was contaminated with a lot of karma, Karma, which led to the dragon race being trapped by karma, Karma all these years.

Although the ancestor dragon incarnates the dragon veins and the earth veins, it reduces the largest Karma and karma, but the remaining karma is also unclear for suppressing the dragons.

At this time, the Five Elements cycle is about to collapse. If they can help and want to help, there will definitely be a lot of merit, which is enough to eliminate their dragon’s not-small Karma.

This is a great good thing, and for them, it is a great opportunity.

However, no matter how they tried to make a move, the four seas were blocked to death, even if they used all kinds of magical powers and spells, they couldn’t make the sealed four seas shake at all.

“Who, who is, who on earth is against my dragon clan!”

Candle Dragon was going crazy, was sealed in his own space, his eyes were red, and he was furious.

Seeing a great opportunity to eliminate the dragon’s karma, Karma can only watch it. This is really tormenting!

“Heavenly Dao, why do you treat my dragon like this?”

“Even if my dragon clan did many wrong things in the ancient times, my Dage has made up for it. Over the years, my dragon clan has been more conscientious, working hard to maintain the world, and doing more merits. Just like that, you still won’t let it go. My dragon?”

“Ahhhh… Heavenly Dao is unfair! Heavenly Dao is unfair!”

The candle dragon roared with anger, and red blood and tears fell from the dragon’s eyes as huge as a mountain.

Over the years, the dragon clan is really too aggrieved!

They were originally the overlords of the Primordial Land, their presence in the Primordial Land is almost nothing in the past few years, and it seems that any existence can bully the Dragon Race!

What a frustration is this, what a humiliation is this!

But just like that, they didn’t dare to move, because the karma on their body was too heavy for Karma, and a little mess would cause a lot of catastrophes!

For the current dragon clan, it is an unbearable pain!

Originally, this was fine, but I didn’t expect that now there is a great opportunity that can eliminate karma, Karma, but they can’t do it!

This makes the spirit of the candle dragon even crazy.

Among the red dragon eyes, black energy gradually appeared, that was devil energy!

At the foot of Sumeru Mountain, Luo Hui was bored, and suddenly his heart moved: “Hey, another creature is going to be enchanted?”

“Well, let me see… it seems that I’m still an acquaintance?”

The devilish energy flickered and turned into a dragon with blood and tears before him, Luo Hu dumb.

“What happened to Honghuang?”

“It depends on the situation… Is this going crazy?”

Luo Hu became interested, and felt the situation in the wild through the devilish energy on the candle dragon.


After a while, he couldn’t help taking a breath: “…The Lich is so courageous, the Five Elements cycle is about to be broken?”

“The decline of the Xiantian era, this is the general trend, how can it be changed?”

“That’s not right… It looks like it’s not impossible, right?”

“The energy in the channel opened by the two groups of Lich, the vast ocean, is indeed pure and powerful. If used well, it can be transformed into an endless Xiantian Spiritual Qi… at least to continue the existence of the Xiantian era. No problem!”

“As long as the Five Elements cycle doesn’t collapse, the energy can be controlled well… it’s really possible!”

Luo Hui’s eyes widened, his thoughts turned in his mind, thoughtfully: “Duobao, is that you?”

In the original prevalence, the two groups of Lich would definitely not join forces, nor would they have the ability to continue the existence of the Xiantian era.

But now, the fact is that it’s really possible, and it’s no longer impossible!

In Luo Hui’s view, the only changes that occurred were Duobao’s sudden appearance and the sudden proving of the Taoist rules, and only he was qualified to have an impact on the prevalence.

These older generations of the Sage of the rules of the preaching, the previous general trend was that they were influenced by them… No matter what changes, it can only be other rules of Sage.

“It seems, my little brother, it seems really extraordinary!”

Luo Hui whispered in a deep voice.

The previous general situation was that he, Pangu, and Hongjun ruled Sage together, and a trivial rule, Sage, can have such an impact… Obviously, Dubao has a big secret in him.


In the Kunlun Manor, Sanqing looked at Duobao together.

The Dragon Clan seals the town in the four seas, which is the hand that Duobao accidentally moved.

Duobao stroked his nose awkwardly.

At the beginning, he didn’t understand, the chaos, to simulate the predicament to drive the real predicament, when he was transforming the four seas, he accidentally suppressed the outside world.

Especially after the strength behind him, Ascension, he reformed it again, and in this way, the four seas were even more tightly sealed.

“Junior Brother Yellow Dragon, come and see me.”

In the star realm, the Yellow Dragon had just finished the battle, with scars all over his body. He was slowly recovering, and Dubao’s voice suddenly came from his ears.

At the moment, he didn’t dare to neglect, he left the star realm and flew towards Kunlun Manor.

After entering the manor, the familiar man came to the wind pavilion, and it was not just Senior Brother Duobao who appeared in front of him.

For the gift of Yellow Dragon see: “Disciples Yellow Dragon see Master, Master Uncle, Third Master Uncle, and Senior Brother Duobao.”

Primitive looked at his apprentice with satisfaction and waved his hand: “Get up.”

Yellow Dragon stood up and looked at Duobao: “Big brother?”

call out!

Duobao waved his hand, and a jade talisman fell into Yellow Dragon’s hands.

“Junior Brother Yellow Dragon, I remember you are a dragon, right?” Duobao asked sternly.

Yellow Dragon blinked and froze for a while, before repliing, “Yes.”

His deity, with the strength of the big brother, can’t fail to see it.

Moreover, it should have been known for a long time, why would such a question be asked?

“Ahem.” Feeling Yellow Dragon’s gaze, Duobao coughed awkwardly: “Now that the dragons are trapped in the world, you hold my order and go to unblock the dragons.”

“What?” Yellow Dragon’s eyes widened suddenly and asked incredulously.

He is a dragon clan, and his status is not low, although in the eyes of other forces and creatures, the dragon clan seems to have declined.

But he knew that the current strength of the Dragon Clan is not weak, although it is not as good as the Lich Clan, but it is not much worse than when the Dragon Clan was at its peak in ancient times.

There is still an old ancestor in his own family, who supported the peak of the dragon clan with the ancestor dragon and survived.

By now, his strength is not much worse than that of Emperor Jun, Taiyi, and Twelve Ancestor Witches, but he is the strongest among the real quasi-sages.

In addition, there are many Dragon Clan of Da Luo Jinxian secretly.

Furthermore, Yellow Dragon guessed that there may be other quasi-saint powers among the dragons. According to legend, the dao companion of the ancestor dragon, the lord dragon mother, are still alive.

It’s just that he has never seen it before.

All in all, the dragon in my heart is really not that weak… such a dragon can still be trapped?

“Could it be that Sage made the shot?”

Yellow Dragon came up with a guess, but quickly denied it, and turned to look suspiciously at Dubo.

Given the current situation of the Dragon Clan, there is no reason to provoke right and wrong, even Sage has no reason to act on the Dragon Clan.

Moreover, even if it is done, it will only target a certain dragon, or a few, not the entire dragon family!

There is no reason!

This sudden closure of the town, without any accident, always feels an inexplicable sense of familiarity!

“What are you looking at me for?” Duobao looked at me and urged: “There is a big change in the predicament. It is not for the Dragon Clan to take action. You should go quickly and don’t waste time on the road.”

Yellow Dragon’s eyes became more suspicious, but under Dubao’s urging, he did not dare to say more: “Yes.”

After speaking, he took the jade symbol and left the Kunlun Villa.

On the jade talisman, the light flickered, pulling Kunlun and pulling the Yellow Dragon out.

As soon as Fang appeared, a terrible breath came, causing the Yellow Dragon to stop in place, staring at the huge Five Elements wheel above the sky and the endless energy seawater.

The roulette wheel is huge, the rules are shining, and the Taoism is permeated. The entire wilderness is trembling. It seems that there is a feeling of breaking at any time, and the heart is lifted up unconsciously.

When seeing the Five Elements roulette, Yellow Dragon immediately understood why the big brother had to unblock the dragon by himself.

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