Chapter 312 Demon Ancestor Luo Hui

In the past, he had done such things countless times, and said countless times, and the results were the same. Unexpectedly, there was a different development today.

In surprise, the owner of the voice appeared from the darkness.

Unexpectedly, the person in this darkness was actually dressed in white, with a crown-like face, beautiful eyes, and a white jade hair strapped on his head. He was a young man who looked only twenty-two years old.

“The disciple takes the lead…”

“Disciple Zhundi…”

“See Demon Ancestor.”

Attendance, Zhundi pays homage.

Luo Hui looked at the two curiously: “Why are you guys letting go today?”

“What happened to change your will?”

Without waiting for the two to answer, he stretched out his fingers and counted, and for a moment, a voice of surprise came from Luo Hui’s mouth: “Huh?”

Taking the lead, Zhundi raised his head and looked at Luohu.

“You can’t count it?”

Luo Hui is very strange. Although he is not in a good state now, he is not a complete strength, just a thought, but his strength is not comparable to that of Sage. With his strength, he can’t count things.

This was really beyond his expectation, and it also attracted his interest.

Luo Hui turned to the lead, and Zhundi asked, “Get up, tell me, what happened to Honghuang?”

After taking the lead, Zhun Di was also shocked. Looking at Luo Hu, he suddenly doubted whether his own choice was right.

“Can’t Master Demon Ancestor count it?”

Luo Hu scratched his head and smiled heartily. Judging from this appearance, he couldn’t believe that he was the source of the prehistoric demons, Luo Hu, the ancestor of all demons.

“In that battle, I lost to Hongjun. Although there were other reasons for this, I lost it.”

“I was injured by Hongjun, the deity established Devil Dao, hidden in Devil Dao, here is only my thoughts, the strength is greatly reduced.”

“Sumeru Mountain was also set up by Hongjun as Restrictions, which prevented me from investigating the prehistoric events and greatly reduced my ability.”

Luo Hui explained very simply.

With his simple and straightforward words, Zhundi couldn’t help but look at each other.

With such a rectum, there is almost no concealment to tell directly about his own situation, and he can’t see the scheming at all. Is the calculating person really the demon ancestor?

Could this be a fake demon ancestor?

The two of them were puzzled for a moment, feeling the unfathomable aura on Luo Huo’s body, and dispelling the thoughts in their hearts.

Although very strange, there is no doubt that the one in front of him is Demon Zu Luohu.

Just being the incarnation of a mind gave them such a feeling, and there was no one else except Luo Hu.

Was the Mozu so innocent?

Unconsciously, the two of them actually put such a label in their hearts.

“It’s like this…” Although he was surprised in his heart, Zhundi still honestly told what had happened in the recent flood and their guesses.

“Devil soldier? This sounds a bit like the style of my demon race.” Luo Hu scratched his head and smiled, looking a little stupid.

Taking the lead, Zhun Ti lowered his head, couldn’t bear to look straight, and a suspicion once again rose in his heart, is this guy really the demon ancestor?

“The person behind Sanqing… is that the old guy?”

Luo Hui said thoughtfully.

After receiving the lead, Zhundi’s expression was shocked, and they all raised their heads, expecting and curiously asking: “Who is it?”

They are really curious. For the people behind Sanqing, they have guessed a lot for a long time, but there is no answer.

It seemed that Luo Hui had guessed the identity of that person.

“Who, it’s the willow tree of course.” Luo Hui smiled, his expression was a little dazed, as if thinking of something, he laughed again.

After receiving the lead, Zhundi glanced at each other suspiciously.

“Do you think Hongjun is the strongest?” Luo Hui suddenly asked Zhundi to the lead.

Taking the lead, Zhundi nodded immediately.

This is of course, Dao Zu Hongjun, the predecessor Xeon, this is already a recognized fact.

Even Luo Hu was defeated by him.

Can Honghuang be stronger than him?

“Hehe.” Luo Hui snickered, like a fox who stole a chicken, very proud: “You don’t know this, Hongjun, it’s actually defeated.”


Hearing the words and receiving the quote, Zhun Di Qi Qi was shocked, and he looked at Luo Hu in disbelief.

“I remember that at that time Hongjun had just become a saint, and the Zixiao Palace hadn’t opened…” Luo Hui fell into the memory and said slowly: “At that time, he was the No. 1 Sage in the world and he was very proud of it.”

“Of course, that was only the first Sage he thought.”

Zhundi heard the meaning in Luohu’s words: “Isn’t it?”

“Of course not.” Luo Hui smiled happily: “Hongjun, who had just become a holy, met an old man in the chaos.”

“The old man made a bet with Hongjun, saying that wherever he stood still, he wouldn’t be able to hurt a single hair if Hongjun attacked.”

“Of course Hongjun doesn’t believe it, and uses all his best, all means…but…”

Speaking of this, Luo Hu smiled happily. This is the only happy thing he can think of after he lost Hongjun and was sealed here.

“But what?” The always calm lead couldn’t help asking.

Listening to Luo Hui’s meaning, it seems that Dao Zu Hongjun has been crippled, but how is this possible?

You must know that Hongjun at that time was in peak state.

Not to mention Sage’s strength, there are so many babies all over his body that make people jealous even thinking about it.

Kaitian Zhibao, Taiji Figure, Pangu Flags, Supreme Xiantian Lingbao Four Swords of Zhu Xian, Ten Second Rank Golden Lotus, Xiantian Five Elements Five Color Flag, Shanhe Sheji Figure… etc., etc.

These babies, which one is weak?

Hongjun, who has so many treasures, can be defeated…however he thinks it is incredible.

“But the old man really stood still, letting Hongjun attack, no matter how he attacked, no matter how he attacked, spells, magical powers, Xiantian Lingbao used it, Xiantian Supreme Treasure used… they were all taken away by the old man. past.”

“Take it in?” Zhundi’s voice was trembling, shocked to the extreme.

“Yes, it was accepted.” Luo Hu said happily: “In that battle, he was defeated. Not only could he not hurt the old man by all means, but even all of his treasures were used by him who was anxious and depraved. Take it away, including Kaitian Zhibao.”

Have been taken away, then…

Suddenly he was shocked, shocked, listened, listened, and suddenly his heart moved, and asked, “Did you go back then?”

If Dao Zu Hongjun was really defeated and the treasures were taken away, how would he open the Purple Heaven Palace behind him, and how would he divide the treasures?

Luo Hui glanced approvingly at the lead, and then said angrily: “Yes, that old brain has a pit, so many treasures, if you take it away, you will take it away. Tell me about you, what else do you go back to?”

“If you don’t return it, there will be nothing wrong with Hongjun behind!”

Luo Hu was very angry, anyway, as long as Hongjun was deflated, he would be happy, and Hongjun would be profitable, and he would be unhappy.

“So, the person behind Sanqing is the senior?” Zhundi asked cautiously.

Luo Hu dared to call that man an old man, but he didn’t dare.

After all, that is the power to defeat Dao Zu Hongjun!

“It should be right.” Luo Hui thought and said slowly: “The old man is unfathomable. It is not impossible to say that there is such a means.”

“It’s just a little bit weird.”

Zhundi asked immediately: “What?”

“Why would he help the Lich?”

“Why did he make these things?”

Luo Hu was puzzled, this was the only thing he couldn’t figure out.

“After the old man defeated Hongjun, he walked away from Chaos and never appeared again… how come he suddenly appeared again, and also helped the Lich Ascension’s strength.”

“The most important thing is, why would he stand behind Sanqing?”

With that, Luo Hu couldn’t help gritting his teeth: “Why can’t you come to me?”

“You and Hongjun are enemies… Sanqing is Hongjun’s disciple. We are on one side. Why do you look for me when you find Sanqing?”

The more Luo Hu thinks, the more angry he gets, and the more he speaks, the more upset he gets.

“Huh… just leave it to you, if you don’t find it, don’t find it, am I really missing you?”

After receiving the quote, Zhun Di was silent, listening to Luo Hu’s words, and did not dare to speak.

Isn’t that just a lack? You even have to recruit us, which shows how the lack of people is.

Hey, by saying this, it seems to have turned oneself into a humble look.

Taking the lead, Zhun Di was helpless, thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case… Compared to the power that can defeat Daozu Hongjun, they are really nothing.

Dignified Sage, why is it so close?

Inexplicably sad.

“By the way, you said before that there are magic soldiers in the prehistoric land, right?”

Just when the two were silently feeling the invisible sadness, Luo Hui suddenly asked.

Zhun Tidy paused, sorted out his feelings, and replied, “Yes.”

He looked at Luo Hu and didn’t understand what he was going to do to ask this question?

“Hmph, that’s all right.” Luo Hu sneered, and suddenly a black Lotus flower appeared in his hand.

The flower blooms twelve, and it has a strong aura of destruction.

“Ten second rank black lotus.” After receiving the introduction, Zhundi immediately recognized the identity of this lotus flower.

Luo Hu held the Lotus flower, tapped it lightly, and a Xiantian Taoist script appeared.


A thought fell, and the two immediately understood its meaning.



The next moment, a series of voices came, and then countless figures appeared.


Hundred Martial King led the people of Hundreds of families, fleeing desperately, with a sad expression on his face.

While escaping, he glanced back, and the bitterness on his face became more intense.

“Give me a chance, we want to be good people now!”

He yelled in his heart and didn’t say anything.

After saying it, no one will answer.

Changes are always faster than planned. As soon as they were preparing to be good people, the Wu Clan appeared.

And after appearing, they immediately thought that they were inexhaustible and destroyed the Demon Realm that would definitely not be destroyed.

Before they were ready, they had been discovered by the ancestor witches and chased them.

Hundred Martial King didn’t think about explaining it, but the angry ancestor witches, after seeing the earth being so hurt, how could they listen to their explanation?

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