Chapter 293 Red Spear

Hong Yun was startled, and suddenly laughed: “Yes, you and I entered here, so I never thought I could go back alive. It’s a mere Xiantian Lingbao. If you don’t have it, you won’t be there!”

The two continued to move forward, and along the way, magic soldiers continued to appear, attacking them.

The two struggled to deal with it, all covered in blood, it was their own blood.

“Something is wrong.”

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi’s face turned straight, and he felt different fluctuations, slowed down, and looked around vigilantly.

Hong Yun took Calabash in his hand and looked around. There was no special change in the environment, but the feeling was suddenly different.

A nervous, dangerous breath gradually appeared, making their hearts sink… as if something dangerous was about to appear.

“It seems that we are really coming soon.” A hint of joy flashed in Hong Yun’s eyes.

Zhen Yuanzi took a deep breath: “It’s true, maybe we can find what we want, it depends on whether we can get through this catastrophe.”

This is of course a catastrophe, or a catastrophe of life and death.

call out!

Suddenly, a red light suddenly appeared, passing through Hong Yun’s chest, at an extremely fast speed, and neither of them responded.


Hongyun coughed up blood, her hand was covering her chest, and the red blood kept flowing out.

Zhen Yuanzi did not look at Hong Yun, nor did Hong Yun look at his own wound. The two seriously watched the red light not far in front of them, showing a blood-red spear.

The long spear is one person tall, and the body of the spear is engraved with strange lines, the lines are vertical and horizontal, which outlines the image of a young man.

It seemed that it was not just some lines. When they saw it, the spear turned, and the lines on the gun body seemed to be smiling at them.

“Growing wisdom?”

The two of them became more heavier, Zhen Yuanzi took the lead, turned a big khaki hand, and patted the spear.

The spear danced with a blood red spear, and the spear met the big hand, and both were annihilated at the same time.

The red light flashed, the spear disappeared again, and the two of them were startled, but it was too late.

A sharp pain came, Zhen Yuanzi lowered his head and looked at own chest, where a three-finger penetrating wound had appeared.

The two turned around. After the red light passed through Zhen Yuanzi, a figure appeared in the back. The gun body shook, as if mocking.

Zhen Yuanzi felt his own blood flow continuously with the wound, running various magical powers to temporarily suppress the injury.

The result was not unexpected, and the effect was not great…Although the wound was not big, there was a strong mana energy on the edge of the wound, which suppressed all his recovery methods.

“It’s so fast!”

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

In terms of strength, this spear is not the strongest magic soldier they have encountered so far, but in terms of light speed, it is the fastest they have encountered.

Hong Yun took out Calabash, unplugged the Calabash plug, and red sand spurted out from the sky, falling beside him, forming a red mist.

“Brother Dao, the speed of this ghost is so fast that I can’t see it at all, what should I do?” Hong Yun asked worriedly.

Zhen Yuanzi looked down at the book from the ground in his hand, silently put it away, his eyes were firm: “Don’t worry, I have a way.”

“Do you have a way?” Hong Yun was surprised.

The speed of this spear is not only speed, but also extremely powerful. Various methods may be able to hurt him, but as long as the other party is willing, it will not be able to attack it at all.

He knew Zhen Yuanzi just as Zhen Yuanzi knew him.

Facing such speed, they had no other way except to escape.

But even if he escaped, to be honest, he might not be able to escape in front of Red Gun.

Its speed is really too fast.

“any solution?”

Zhen Yuanzi did not answer Hongyun’s question, and quietly closed his eyes.

A breath of life suddenly appeared, the body became virtual, and then, a huge ancient tree appeared in front of the red cloud.

“Brother Dao, what are you?”

Hong Yun was even more surprised, Zhen Yuanzi turned out to be the deity?

call out!

Without waiting for Zhen Yuanzi to speak, there was a broken voice in his ear again.

Hong Yun gave a thud in his heart.

He knew that this was the provocation of Red Gun.

At the speed of the red gun, they shouldn’t have heard any sound before being injured, because its speed had already surpassed the sound.

But they just heard it, this is what Red Gun deliberately.

Even if they heard the movement, they couldn’t avoid it.

Suddenly, in the red mist, endless spatial fluctuations appeared, turning into ripples, like a stone on the calm lake, arousing endless fluctuations.

A terrifying power suddenly appeared, and Red Sand was instantly annihilated under this power.

On the edge of the red sand, a force that made the red cloud’s heart throb, rushed in an unstoppable force.

Along the way, all the red sand was broken by this force.

Hong Yun snorted, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were filled with joy.

Endless spatial fluctuations, like countless hands, grasping that force.

At the beginning, that power was just power, but as the spatial fluctuations increased and strengthened, the power gradually revealed its essence.

It was the red gun that was extremely fast… the spatial fluctuations entangled the red gun, limiting its speed.

The spear continued to struggle, bursting out endless terrifying power, and in his body, there were countless terrorist explosions.

It wants to explode the space power that entangles it.

However, the space power that exploded was far inferior to the space power that was entangled.



Suddenly, countless voices sounded again.

The next moment, countless branches with green leaves on them, like a snake, head towards the spear.

The spear seemed to feel the danger, the speed of struggle was faster, the movement of resistance was greater, the more powerful force, and the explosion occurred.

The nearby branches were blown off, but new branches continued to appear afterwards.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The powerful explosion sound spread throughout the magic mountain and surprised the countless magic soldiers, Divine Armament.

The explosion sound slowly weakened, and the power of the red gun seemed to have been exhausted.

The dense branches swarmed and quickly entangled the red spear.

Before long, the red gun became the green gun.

All power disappeared, and all fluctuations disappeared.

Everything calmed down in an instant!

“Brother Dao!” Hong Yun coughed up blood constantly, shouting sadly.

Zhen Yuanzi’s breath was already extremely weak.

“Old friend Hongyun…I will leave the rest to you.”

“If you can find the last place, then wake me up, if you can’t find it…it’s really impossible, just break out with this spear!”

call out!

Following Zhen Yuanzi’s final voice, the red spear that had been entangled by the branches and turned into a green spear flew into Hongyun’s hands.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi finally understood.

Demon Mountain is indeed too fierce, with their current strength, it is far from the time to break through.

This has not yet reached the core of the magic mountain, just a red gun, but it almost killed both of them.

Going on… he doesn’t have much hope for them to enter the core place, find the source of the magic weapon, and seal it.

The sky is full of red sand, rolling back.

Hongyun clutched Calabash, looking sadly at the place where Zhen Yuanzi was originally, empty.

Zhen Yuanzi turns into a deity, extracts the origin from his own insight into the space, turns into countless branches, and suppresses the red gun at the expense of himself.

“Brother Dao!”

Putting away Red Calabash, Hong Yun looked down at the spear in his hand and muttered in a low voice.

He could feel that Zhenyuanzi now had only one last breath left… Zhenyuanzi also only had the power of the last blow.

He left this last breath because of unwillingness in his heart.

They have gone through so many, in order to seal the source of the magic soldier, and restore the original appearance of the original.

But at this time, it seems that they have to retreat.

After all, Zhen Yuanzi still wanted them to rush over and seal the source of the demon… he was really unwilling.

“Don’t worry, brother Dao.” Hong Yun reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were firm, and he firmly grasped the spear in his hand: “What’s the fear of death? With this spear… we may not be able to enter the core of the magic mountain. !”

Feel the power and speed above the spear beyond imagination.

When Hong Yun thought, he held a spear and pointed it at the front, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Boom boom boom!

Following his actions, countless buzzing sounds suddenly sounded around him, countless terrifying powers were recovering, as if countless terrifying existences were awakening.

Hong Yun’s heart trembled and he sensed countless powerful existences.

The more you move forward, the more terrifying the breath you can feel.

In the blur, he saw all kinds of weapons around him, appearing in front of him.

The powerful and terrifying air force pressed down, trying to suppress him and block his advancement.

It’s just that his speed is too fast. When those terrorist weapons appeared, he had already surpassed them.

Boom boom boom!

A more violent explosion sounded behind him, with endless anger.

It seems that he is so ignorant of what is good or bad for Hong Yun, and he is very angry. Numerous weapons, with powerful force, chased him.

Hong Yun did not dare to relax at all, holding a long spear, running at full force, activating the power in it, and moving forward with full force.

Each of the weapons that appeared behind was extremely terrifying, powerful and unparalleled, and stronger than all the magic soldiers they had encountered before.

However, in terms of speed, it is still inferior to this red gun… With the speed of the red gun, he has escaped countless attacks.

Hong Yun quietly turned his head and glanced back, feeling a deep chill in his heart.

Behind him, he has followed many terrifying weapons.

“Why haven’t you arrived yet?”

Hong Yun was very anxious, and even more unexpected.

He didn’t expect that the two of him were still so far away from the real core.

At the speed of the red gun, for such a long time, it hasn’t reached the real core…If you rely on the two of them, it is really impossible to reach.

Moreover, even his current position, if there is no red gun, they would not be able to reach it at all, they would die halfway!

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