Chapter 134 Hou Yi can’t shoot arrows

Hou Yi looked at Duo Bao inexplicably, with doubts in his thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He didn’t understand why Duobao would say this, but his puzzled face didn’t change too much, but it was always so pitiful.

Especially in Dubao’s view, it was even more pitiful.

“How about Ice Bow Xuanjian?” Duobao asked.

Hou Yi put away the doubts in his heart, looked at the ice bow and mysterious arrow in his hand, and sighed sincerely: “It’s really too strong!”

Duobao sighed and shook his head: “So, do you know how to arrow?”

Hou Yi believed in himself: “Of course, I am Hou Yi shooting the sun.”

“Is that your own ability?”

Hou Yi wondered, of course it was my own ability, otherwise?

Duobao blinked, looked at Bing Gong Xuan Jian, and then at Hou Yi.

After a while, he slapped his forehead: “I almost forgot, the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, so I can’t see Magic Treasures.”

The ice bow and profound arrows have the law of must hit, as long as they have the primordial spirit, they can see it.

However, the Wu clan has no primordial spirit. Although it has a spiritual mind, it is different from that of a cultivator.

The spiritual mind of the cultivator is transformed by the primordial spirit, while the spiritual mind of the sorcerer is transformed by the body.

The difference between the two is equivalent to a muscular man and a brain genius.

Hou Yi might not be able to discover the laws in the ice bow and mysterious arrows, as long as he worked hard to find them, he could still discover them.

It’s just that he is a muscular man, where he would think of this, he has no thoughts in this regard, so he has never noticed it.

“Since you think so…” Duobao looked around and then pointed to the rockery in the room: “So, do you see that rockery?”

Hou Yi looked over and nodded, “I see.”

Duobao waved his hand, and a wave of space appeared, extending the space infinitely between Houyi and the rockery.

“Then now, you shoot at the rockery with an ice bow and profound arrow.”

“If you can shoot, I will admit that you know how to shoot.”

With that said, quietly sealing the must hit rule of the ice bow and profound arrow, only basic abilities remained.

He would definitely not be able to replace it with the original Houyi, but it shouldn’t be too simple to replace it with the current Houyi.

After doing all this, Hou Yi didn’t notice at all.

Although Hou Yi was strange, the person in front of him was the one who gave him the Ice Bow and Profound Arrow. Since he had asked for this, he naturally couldn’t refuse.

“Thank him for the Magic Treasures he sent me!”

Hou Yi secretly said in his heart, the ice bow stood up, his fingers dropped on the bowstring, and the last profound arrow was placed in his hand.

When he reached the limit, he was about to let go, when he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and looked at Duo Bao, and then put the Xuan Jian down.

“Um, if this thing is destroyed… Senior won’t blame me?” Hou Yi asked.

He knows the power of the ice bow and profound arrow, even the sun can shoot down, how can this small rockery be able to withstand it?

Duobao shook his head and said indifferently: “Use the Xuanjian, it doesn’t matter.”

“A bow without arrows, how do you prove your archery skills?”

If it were Houyi in his original peak period, Duobao would naturally not dare to be so big. He had finally made such a shop. If it were destroyed, he would die of heartache.

But if Hou Yi is in this state…it’s not that he underestimated Hou Yi, and given him ten thousand years of shooting, it might not hurt the fur of the rockery.

The rockery is a rockery, but it is not a rockery.

It was transformed by his Magic Treasures. The essence is Magic Treasures, not ordinary rockery.

With the current strength of Hou Yi, even his full blow, here, with the ice bow and profound arrows, it would be difficult to hurt the rockery.

“You can do it boldly!” Duobao encouraged.

Hou Yi felt an inexplicable breath, and it was too much to look down on me so much.

Calm down, don’t think again: “If this is the case, don’t blame me!”

Hou Yi Xuan Jian hit the ground, intending to prove his own strength in front of Duobao, telling him that he was not that weak either.

Anyway, he is also the most powerful witch of the Wu clan, so he is underestimated, is it okay?

Hou Yi didn’t leave any hands, and pulled the ice bow to its limit. Above the profound arrow, a powerful force surged. This time, he was not suppressed by that inexplicable force again.

It seemed that it was because Duobao allowed it.

call out!

Hou Yi let go, and the mysterious arrow flew out.

It shoots out like electricity and walks like a tortoise.

Hou Yi: “…”

Hou Yi was stupid. Even the sun, which is endlessly far away, could be reached by arrows. But placed here, it looked like only a few steps away. The profound arrow he shot with all his strength was like a tortoise, flying like a tortoise. Extremely slow.

Hou Yi was silent, shocked.

Suddenly he took a step and got to the side of Xuan Jian. Seeing Xuan Jian flying slowly, his mood suddenly became complicated.

He could feel the breath of the law of space, knowing that Duobao extended the space between him and the rockery.

However, he didn’t care about it.

No matter how far it was extended, the mysterious arrow came out, ignoring the spatial distance, and it came in an instant.

But, now, Hou Yi suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Helpless, shocked, shocked, speechless… After a long while, he turned his head to look at Duobao: “senior.”

Duobao also froze for a moment, he still misestimated Hou Yi’s strength.

The original extension of the space was just to give Hou Yi more room for development and show his arrow skills.

Originally, he didn’t expect this to happen.

It is really Hou Yi’s strength…weaker than he predicted.

Moreover, what can be played out in the end is even worse.

“It seems that Taiyi, Di Jun’s methods are really powerful…dignified Houyi god-tier, turned into a tortoise god-tier… and absolutely absolutely.”

With a sigh in his heart, Duobao waved his hand, shortening the distance of the space.

After that, he waved his hand again, grabbed the Xuanjian in his hand, and handed it to Hou Yi: “Do it again.”

Hou Yi stared at Duobao: “…”


Are you sure you are really not fooling me?

I know you are very strong, but such behavior is a bit too much, right?

“I was not good before, do it again, don’t you want to prove yourself?” Duobao tried his best to show the sincerity of own in his eyes, and said to Houyi: “This time I made it right, and I promise that there will be no problems just now. .”

Hou Yi was silent for a long time, and finally took Xuanjian.

Mainly, if he doesn’t try again, he always feels that the senior in front of him will be very upset and unhappy.

In this case, there may be unimaginable horrors.

The strength is not as good as that of people, so he can only obey.

There was some grief in my heart, but I didn’t dare to say it.

Hou Yi hit the bow again, and Xuan Jian hit it, pulling the bow to its limit.

The same as before, a powerful force was brewing, but this time, Hou Yi no longer had the energy he had before, and he was more depressed.

“Choose the point you want to attack and remember that location.”

In the ear, Duobao’s voice came.

According to Hou Yi, he chose a place, but he was a bit dissatisfied, and remembered that place deeply.

let go.

call out!

The mysterious arrow flew out, and in an instant, through the endless space, came to the rockery.


The mysterious arrow fell on the rockery and then fell down.

The profound arrow that could shoot Golden Crow shot on the rockery, but there was no reaction at all, and even a little bit of movement could not be caused.

In this regard, Hou Yi has been mentally prepared enough, and he is not too surprised.

But he was still shocked and surprised.

Before Duobao could speak, he walked to the rockery in disbelief, and looked at the rockery and the mysterious arrow falling below, and said nothing for a long time.

Duobao came over: “Did you see it? This is your arrow method.”

“Now, do you still think your arrow skills are very strong?”

Hou Yi turned his head to look at Duobao, and asked in disbelief, “Why is this happening?”

The mysterious arrow flew out without causing any harm to the rockery. He was not surprised at this point.

What surprised him was that the place where Xuan Jian finally landed was far from the place he had chosen before.

This made me think that he had a hundred shots, and even the sun in the sky could one arrow with one arrow, but he didn’t expect that the arrow would be so missed.

He couldn’t understand, why is there such a big difference between before and after?

“Could it be… he did the trick?”

Duobao picked up the profound arrow and explained: “What you call a hundred shots and one hundred hits is not your ability, but the ability of the ice bow and profound arrows.”

“Ice Bow Xuanjian?” Hou Yi was even more puzzled.

“That’s right.” Duobao touched the profound arrow and unblocked its law of must hit: “In the ice bow of the mysterious arrow, there is the law of hit.”

“If you get it, no matter who it is, even a three-year-old child can get hits every time.”

“As long as he has the ability to pull the ice bow and profound arrow.”

Duobao handed the Xuanjian to Hou Yi: “Now, you try again.”

After that, in Hou Yi’s eyes, the space was extended and folded again without concealment, which was larger than the original first space folding.

The space of such a distance was clearly displayed in Hou Yi’s eyes.

Originally, the power of Hou Yi could not be perceived.

However, Duobao wanted him to see it, so he would naturally be able to see it too.

Hou Yi took the Xuanjian and placed it on the ice bow without using much force. He pulled the bow lightly and released his fingers.

call out!

The mysterious arrow flew out, traversed the endless space, and arrived on the rockery in an instant, just falling on the target he chose.

“It turned out to be true!”

Upon seeing this, Hou Yi was extremely lost.

Dubao had no reason to lie to him.

So, all of this is true.

He is not a hundred shots, only because of the ice bow and mysterious arrow, he can shoot Golden Crow, if there is no ice bow and mysterious arrow… he would not be able to do all this.

“It turns out that they all rely on ice bow and profound arrows.”

Duobao patted Houyi’s shoulder comfortingly, “Don’t be discouraged, boy, I’m here for after-sales service, dear.”

“Dear?” Hou Yi looked at Duobao, wondering what he meant.

Duobao explained: “Although I gave you the ice bow and mysterious arrow, it is also my commodity.”

“Since it is a commodity, then I have reason to teach you how to use this ice bow and mysterious arrow correctly.”

“Here is a heart arrow method, which is the supporting method of the ice bow and mysterious arrow. As long as you cultivation it to a certain level, then even without the ice bow and mysterious arrow, you can still be an archer with a hundred shots. .”

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