Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 997 My Lord A-Cha

"Oh, it feels good." After a while, the girl named A Cha finally finished yoga, shook her head, twisted her neck, stretched her arms and legs, and sat up straight.

"Sorry for the wait." A Cha smiled and asked: "Zhang Xiaoming, who are you? You can even mend my gloves."

"What? What the hell is mending gloves? Who are you?" Do all the great ones speak in such a jumpy way? Xiao Ming was confused.

"How dare you. How can you talk like that?" The handsome guy next to him immediately scolded: "This is the famous King of the Underworld, my Lord A Cha!"

( @- @*) Xiao Mings were all confused. 'Why didn't I know that the King of Hell was a girl? ’

Acha raised her hand to stop the handsome guy from flattering her, smiled cutely, and said:

“I am the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the legend of Pangu Star. Haha, you must think I don’t look like it. This name is not chosen by me.

Because almost no ghost messengers of Pangu Star have seen my true face, so you passed it on and it became this name. In fact, I have always called myself the Hades. This is the ghost messenger Zhao Li.”

This is quite decent. Hei Wuchang also said that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva wanted to see him in person. It seems that this is really this beautiful woman. And the handsome guy turned out to be Zhao Li.

The four Xiao Mings, including Lu Shu and Zheng Zheng, bowed together and saluted: “Greetings, Lord Hades.”

Seeing that Xiao Ming seemed to have never heard of these two names, Acha smiled again: “It seems that you have not experienced “Soul Ferry” yet. I know you have a lot of questions, listen to me slowly.”

Acha changed her posture and stretched out her hand. Zhao Li quickly came over and lit a cigarette for her. Cigarettes are probably not harmful to Hades.

"Actually, I seldom come out to see people. Back then, I was a reincarnationist like you. This image was also cosplayed by a character in the plot. Later, I became Hades."

What? Xiao Ming was confused. Wasn't this A-Cha girl too terse in her words? Is that all?

A-Cha took a puff of cigarette and continued, "You should have heard of the Infinity Stones, right?" Xiao Ming nodded to indicate that he had heard of them.

"In fact, in the real world, there are also such Infinity Stones that can emit endless energy. The Dragon Palace calls them source energy, and the Heavenly Court calls them innate treasures. Infinity Stones are my name. I copied the term from the world of reincarnation."

This sentence is a bit interesting. Innate magic weapons are simply well-known in legends, and Infinity Stones are also so powerful in the Marvel Universe that they are the source energy.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but wonder, then which Infinity Stone, or which innate treasure, is the silver source energy that is born in his body? Or just keep listening obediently.

"The universe is so vast that we don't know exactly how many Infinity Stones there are. In our corner, there are four well-known ones.

The orange Soul Stone, also known as the [Book of Life and Death], is the foundation of our underworld. The six reincarnations revolve around the Soul Stone.

The reason why we can meet each other in our respective soul worlds is also due to the power of the Soul Stone.

The so-called underworld and the Soul Stone are the same existence. We can say that we are all in the Soul Stone at this moment.

The purple Power Stone, also known as the [Pangu Banner], is in charge of the Heavenly Court. Since you don't have a position in the Heavenly Court, I won't tell you more.

The green Time Stone, namely the [Chaos Clock], is the cornerstone of the reincarnation space. You are more familiar with this. It's a pity that I missed it back then.

There is also a blue Space Stone, also known as the [Tai Chi Diagram]. You should have seen the space transmission network that spreads throughout the universe. , that's it.

You must be confused. Why are the colors of the Infinite Gems in reality the same as those in the reincarnation world?

Why do the Infinite Gems, the innate treasures, turn into flowers, plants and trees in your soul world? The answer to this question is actually very simple.

Infinite Gems, Source Energy, and Innate Treasures are just names given to them by humans. It is spread across a large universe, and it seems to be just a singularity.

In fact, this kind of thing has no specific shape and color, and it cannot be seen by the naked eye. Different people will feel different.

The color is the same, but it is because you, as a member of the human race, are affected by the consciousness of all humans.

In terms of color, humans have the same recognition, so the color is consistent; but in terms of appearance, human cognition is varied, so you just play it yourself. "

Oh my God! This is a bit of information. But Xiao Ming thought about it carefully. It makes sense.

High-end and classy things like source energy really can't be characterized by superficial human cognition. Different people "see" different appearances, which is quite reasonable.

Source energy, infinite gems, innate treasures, these are nothing more than different names. It is normal for such a powerful thing to have multiple different names.

Remember the Fuxi Qin? It presents a completely different appearance in the eyes of the three tribes of humans, gods and insects. That can be regarded as a reminder to Xiao Ming in advance.

Eh? By the way, silver, yellow, and red are also the source energies I possess. Why didn’t my master A Cha mention them?

Xiao Ming was about to ask a question, and A Cha seemed to see through his thoughts and said directly:

"You are right. Your silver, yellow, and red source energies are also the first time I have seen them in the real world. Can you tell me how they came from?

It is precisely because I saw three kinds of source energies that I have never seen before that I took the initiative to meet you, a junior. Otherwise, you can only hear my soul transmission."

At this moment, Xiao Ming was in a soul state, and he didn't know how to lie. Besides, facing such a powerful person, he didn't think it was necessary to lie.

So, Xiao Ming told Pluto Ah Cha the origins of these three sources of energy. He spoke very carefully, this was not the time to be ambiguous.

After listening to Xiao Ming's story, Ah Cha nodded and summarized:

"The silver source energy is what you are born with, and I can't match it to the same one. But the other two do match the Infinity Stones.

The red source energy from the little spider you mentioned should be the reality stone, and the corresponding treasure is [Qian Kun Ding];

The one that the three cosmic races of humans, gods and insects are fighting for is probably the yellow mind stone, and you also know the corresponding [Fuxi Qin].

By the way, your ability is also unheard of and unseen. It's so easy to get the recognition of the Infinity Stones.

As Pluto, I have lived for hundreds of millions of years longer than you... Shut up, don't say I'm old, and don't imagine me as an old lady in your heart.

Uh... By the way, I have lived for so long, and in addition to the orange soul stone, I only got a few fragments of the power stone. You can actually have 6 kinds?!

Ah————, God is so unfair!"

Mourning the martyrs and compatriots who died in the fight against the new crown epidemic. I have no regrets about coming to China in this life, and I will still be a Chinese in the next life.

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