Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 984 Whose show of power?

Phantom Cat Kitty Pryde is a plot character that Xiao Ming brought back from the world of "X-Men" by accident.

She has the ability to walk through walls, but accidentally got into Xiao Ming's Bright Summit and was brought to the real world.

Because she is a plot character, many reincarnations know her. Xiao Ming dare not let her appear by his side, nor dare to let her run around.

There are many masters on Pangu Star, and Katie's own combat power is very poor. If she is not caught, it will be troublesome if she is caught by the police.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to find a reincarnation world that Katie liked and leave her there. But he always missed the opportunity.

On August 8, Phantom Cat followed Xiao Ming to leave the X-Men world; on August 15, the mutants led by Magneto stayed in the Marvel world.

This time was originally an opportunity, but Katie was playing with the Death Girl in Huaguo Mountain at the time and did not follow Xiao Ming to the reincarnation world. So he missed it.

On August 20, Xiao Ming went to the Saint Seiya world on impulse, but he didn't bring Phantom Cat with him.

After that, Xiao Ming fell into the state of being interviewed by the underworld. He has never been summoned by the reincarnation space.

To be honest, it's good to miss these two times. These two worlds are too dangerous. Magneto and his friends are all combat mutants, so it doesn't matter if they go to fight.

But Katie is just a young girl, Xiao Ming can't bear to let her fall into the fire pit, and has always planned to send her to a more peaceful world.

But this is also a problem. Katie is not Xiao Ming's follower, and must be smuggled through Guangmingding or Kunlun.

But all the worlds that can open these two spaces are worlds with energy levels that are high to a certain extent. Generally, they are not very peaceful.

Xiao Ming is worried about Katie, but Katie doesn't care. She actually prefers to live within the scope of Xiao Ming's management.

Not only is it very safe, but it's also quite fun. You can see all kinds of magical species. Especially the strange insect humans, insects, and monsters in the demon world.

Here she didn't feel discriminated against at all. She lived much more comfortably than the American rape in the original world.

Xiao Ming also noticed her mentality. If Xiao Ming took this opportunity to propose to transform her into a human insect, she would agree with a 49% probability.

Another 51% possibility is that she was worried that she would become ugly after becoming a human insect, so she disagreed. Later, she agreed again on the premise that Xiao Ming promised to continue to be beautiful.

However, after careful consideration, Xiao Ming did not make this suggestion. After all, Katie is still young and her mind is not settled.

Today, she made an impulsive decision. After a few days, when the novelty is gone, she may regret it.

Let's wait until she is older and can be responsible for her own choices before talking about this.

Besides, I have become a civil servant in the underworld now. After this name is published, maybe Katie can live a stable life in the real world.

On Pangu Star ruled by the Chinese countries, both the social atmosphere and the moral level are much better than the earth dominated by the American rape in the reincarnation world.

A kind-hearted character like Katie deserves to live in a better world. At present, Katie still likes to keep Xuecai company and play together.

Although Phantom Cat and Death Girl come from the same world, their personalities, ideals, and principles are too different. Death Girl's personality is still simpler and more direct.

But to be honest, Death Girl is not very old. Xiao Ming hopes that she can be as lively and active as Katie.

Unfortunately, Death Girl's life is much more miserable than Phantom Cat, and this is not something that can be changed overnight.

When the Toguro brothers came to the villa a few kilometers away, they were discovered by the demon world plants planted by the fox demon Kurama.

As soon as he saw that it was them, Kurama did not let the demon world plants attack. Otherwise, the two brothers would have been hit by a ton of pea cannons.

Kurama reported to Zhang Zhong and notified Xiao Ming to return from the demon world. At the same time, he notified all the combatants in the villa to be on alert.

When the Toguro brothers arrived at the front door of the villa, Green Xiao Ming had already led a group of masters to wait for them. Of course, Setsuna and Katie were not included in this list.

The speed of the invasion of the Toguro brothers was not slow at all. They had originally thought that they would rush in to give Xiao Ming a warning.

Unexpectedly, the detection range of the Kurama Demon World Plants was too wide, and it was useless for them to be fast. Instead, they were taken advantage of by Xiao Ming and lost their edge.

"Hehehehehe..." As if he was very unhappy about losing the initiative, the Toguro brother laughed harshly and unpleasantly. It was like the voice of eunuchs in ancient costume movies and TV shows.

He only heard him say in a yin-yang tone: "Not bad, you know to save trouble for grandpa, and line up together to die. So good..."

The Toguro brother said nothing, standing beside his brother, and did not say anything to stop him. It seemed that he was letting his brother test the strength of Xiao Ming's side.

It seems that he didn't beat them lightly last time. He only kicked them once, and they didn't learn the lesson.

In fact, Xiao Ming knew very well. They were so arrogant, nothing more than because their strength had greatly improved. And it was the reward and punishment sword that I gave to the two last time that caused this result.

Toguro brother received life and health rewards because of his many good deeds. As a result, his strength has risen to a higher level than before. Now he has reached the level of A-level monsters. No wonder he doesn't take Xiao Ming seriously.

Toguro brother is not a good person. It's just that he followed his brother and did some good things passively at the beginning, so the punishment of the reward and punishment sword on him was not strong.

And he was a little bit crazy, so those minor punishments further stimulated his demonic power.

Of course, even if he is upgraded, he is still a B-level guy and not worth a damn.

It doesn't matter whether Brother Huyu or Lu wants to play the harp or the harp. But to go to Xiao Ming's base to show off his power is to be short-sighted.

Xiao Ming lightly stamped his foot on the ground, "Poof!" "Ouch~~", an object 7 or 8 meters long broke out of the ground, still carrying flames.

The end of the object is connected to Brother Toguro. This barbeque is his body.

As a monster, Toguro's special ability is to change the shape of his body at will, and he can also turn into weapons or armors.

He can move the position of any organ such as the brain and internal organs at will so that the enemy cannot attack the vital points. It also has a very strong regeneration ability.

Brother Toyu Lu was talking and laughing strangely to attract everyone's attention; at the same time, he was extending his body underground and leaning toward Xiao Ming and the others, waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

But this change was clearly seen by Xiao Ming's Yuan. Stomping his feet was just an illusion. Xiao Ming actually secretly used alchemy to turn the soil around Toguro's body into magma.

More than 30% of his body was burned in an instant. If he hadn't rushed out of the ground quickly, it would have been possible for him to be destroyed directly. Who told him to be speechless? !

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