Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 981: Ghost Messenger Wuchang and Judge

What if the clone is involved in natural disasters or killed by some extraordinary people?

It doesn't matter, the civil servant in the underworld is not dead. His soul can continue to practice in the underworld and accumulate enough energy to condense a clone again.

In addition, there is no limit to the number of clones a civil servant has. As long as the soul has accumulated enough energy, it can continue to condense new ghost messenger clones.

When the number of ghost messengers reaches about 10, the level of the next condensed clone will be improved. The second-level clone is no longer a ghost messenger, but a black and white impermanence.

The number of impermanence that a civil servant in the underworld can maintain is about one-tenth of the number of ghost messengers he maintains. There is a fluctuation.

When the number of impermanence accumulates to about 10, that is, about 100 ghost messengers, the new clone will be upgraded again, and then the judge will appear.

By analogy, there may be clones such as the King of Hell later. A very high-level civil servant in the underworld is equivalent to a complete set of the underworld system.

Clone responsibilities of different levels are also different. Simply put, the civil servants of the underworld are responsible for managing the souls of all living beings after death.

For example, the ghost messenger is responsible for collecting the souls of the dead, and generally can only collect the souls of the original species of the civil servant.

For example, the ghost messenger clone of a human civil servant can only collect the souls of dead humans, and animals are not under his control. Or it can be said that his ability is not enough.

These souls are temporarily managed by this ghost messenger and are considered his subordinates. If the ghost messenger needs it, they can even help the ghost messenger fight.

However, ordinary souls have little combat power, and these subordinates are not very useful.

The number of souls that a ghost messenger can control at the same time is limited. After a certain level, it should return to the underworld.

Hand over the soul to a higher-level impermanence for management. It can also be handed over directly to the judge.

Generally, civil servants will train a certain number of ghost soldiers to protect their own safety. At the same time, leave some vacancies for collecting souls for delivery.

If a civil servant does not have an impermanence or a judge in his own clone, he must hand over the soul to the impermanence or judge of other underworld civil servants in the underworld.

Generally, each civil servant will have a direct superior, depending on who interviews him.

So in theory, Xiao Ming's direct superior should be Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Although he has never seen this Bodhisattva.

When he reaches the level of Black and White Impermanence, he has the ability to collect the souls of all dead things, and can also receive the souls handed over to him by the ghost messenger.

The number of Impermanence that can be controlled is of course much larger than that of the ghost messenger, but when it is almost full, the souls must be handed over to the judge. He and the ghost messenger are both soul porters.

Generally speaking, the most common and active underworld personnel in the human world are the ghost messenger and Black and White Impermanence. Those above the third-level judge rarely come to the human world.

Because their work is in the underworld. The judge is the person who is responsible for judging the soul and has the power to check the life and good and evil of any soul.

Above the judge is the fourth-level King of Hell. The King of Hell is responsible for communicating the six reincarnations and executing the judge's judgment.

If there is an unjust, false or wrong case, he can also overturn the judge's judgment.

If it is the avatar of the same civil servant, there is no difference between the judge and the King of Hell, and the judgment is naturally the same.

However, the highest-level avatar of many civil servants is the judge. After all, not many can reach the level of the King of Hell.

The souls he has judged still need to be sent to the six realms through the superior Hades. Then there is a possibility of overturning the verdict.

Different civil servants have different understandings of the rules of the underworld.

In addition, for the same civil servant, different levels of clones have different attributes and combat power, and will also get different levels of underworld weapons.

There are actually other positions above the Hades. But it is no longer within the scope that Xiao Ming can currently access and understand.

The level and number of clones; the territory occupied by civil servants in the underworld; are proportional to the strength of the civil servants themselves.

Ordinary civil servants start as ghost messengers and climb up little by little. But Xiao Ming himself is very strong.

With Xiao Ming's S-level dissatisfaction and A-level swaying strength, he should be able to condense several judge-level clones. The King of Hell is definitely out of the question.

However, some things are difficult to proceed normally when it comes to Xiao Ming, and he will cause trouble if he is not careful.

When entering the reincarnation space, Xiao Ming got the status of a VIP, which made his way of playing in the reincarnation space very different from other reincarnations.

This time he was recruited as a civil servant by the underworld, and he had problems again. In fact, Xiao Ming got the opportunity to interview the underworld so early this time. It was a big surprise in itself.

I remember that Yijian Guang Hanzhao Jiuzhou once told Xiao Ming that the test of Xiao Ming by the three families had started before. But the underworld did not plan to interview so early.

I never expected that Xiao Ming brought a large area of ​​the underworld directly from the world of "Saint Seiya", and began to accept ghosts.

The souls rescued from the private world of "Beyond the Rift" now live in Xiao Ming's own underworld. This is a very low probability event.

The underworld or underworld of any normal world has an owner. Let alone taking it away, if you dare to touch it a little bit, the owner will probably fight you to death.

When Xiao Ming was in the underworld, he only captured a few low-level Hades warriors, and Hades didn't care about the life or death of the Hades warriors, so why was he so angry?

Even at the cost of a full-scale attack, sending three giants to attack the bases of the three gods at the same time. As a result, the Hades warriors suffered extremely heavy losses, and the three gods turned from defense to offense.

Hades' final defeat can be said to be most directly related to this incident.

Such an obvious mistake, was Hades's brain watered at the time? In fact, not entirely.

As a god, Hades felt the threat of Xiao Ming to him in the dark. So he decided to get rid of Xiao Ming at all costs. As a result, he made the wrong move.

And it was because of Hades' death that the underworld was in a state of ownerlessness and was about to collapse. This gave Xiao Ming the opportunity to pick up the leak and take it away later.

Otherwise, no matter how big Xiao Ming's brain hole was, he would not think of "taking away" a large area of ​​the underworld.

After taking it away, due to the nature of the underworld itself. The souls of the three creatures who died near Xiao Ming will automatically enter Xiao Ming's underworld.

So, he has not yet become a civil servant in the underworld, but he has already started working in the underworld. Baizhang Ya certainly discovered this situation at the first moment.

And he also felt Xiao Ming's specialness. The extremely powerful Hades could not deprive Xiao Ming of the underworld. This was simply a challenge to the authority of the Hades.

Fortunately, the management of the Hades, who had gone through countless years, was still very sensible. Like Qianxinglou, they knew how to deal with this unexpected situation.

So they sent Hei Wuchang to take the initiative to accept Zhang Xiaoming into the Hades system.

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