Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 93 Summoning Skeleton Soldiers

Xiao Ming did not die within a few minutes, but persisted for more than 2 hours.

Shortly after his arrival, the "circle" released detected that zombies and skeletons began to gather in his direction. She probably "smelled" his human scent.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Ming did not hesitate. Quickly get into the alley with complicated terrain.

The area he chose should be a former bustling commercial district or high-end residential area. There are a series of large courtyards, almost all of which have small buildings with 2-3 floors.

Now only one and a half floors and two and a half floors have collapsed. The layout of the buildings is also different, and they are probably used for different types of businesses.

Such a large area has undulating terrain and difficult roads. Just the right place for hide and seek.

Xiao Ming hopes to rely on terrain to avoid enemies. A complex environment can force nearby enemies to take long detours to get to you.

Unlike an open area, it is easy to be surrounded. Once surrounded, you can't run away.

He even tried to use his telekinesis ability "Jue" to hide himself. Unfortunately, he rarely practiced this ability and it didn't work at critical times.

After playing hide and seek with more and more undead people for more than 20 minutes, Xiao Ming found that he was still forced to have no way to escape.

So Xiao Ming chose a hut for defense. The house may be a warehouse-type building.

The walls are relatively strong and will not be easily pushed by the undead. Moreover, there are relatively few doors and windows, so the enemy's entry path will be limited.

It is a suitable place to stick to. Xiao Ming quickly got into the hut. It will take some time for the enemy to surround us.

He piled the large items in the house, such as boxes, benches, stone slabs, and wooden boards, into a low wall. Isolate this small area of ​​yourself. Build a small fort.

In addition, collect stones, wood chips, tiles and other items that can be ejected, and throw them into the fortress one by one.

When the released circle felt the undead approaching, it quickly entered the fortress. Not long after, the battle began.

The battle at the beginning is very easy. Only one zombie can walk in at a time, or two skeleton soldiers can squeeze in.

The two windows are one large and one small, and their positions are higher than ordinary windows. That big window could probably fit a skeleton soldier in. Of course it has to climb up first.

A small window is too small, and it would be nice if a cat can get in. The location is close to the ceiling, and I don't know why such a window is opened.

The battle started smoothly. There were also few skeleton soldiers coming in, and they were attacked by Xiao Ming Nian's ability.

Basically he was beaten to death soon after he came in. Zombies are a little more troublesome, as their bodies are less afraid of being hit.

The power of Shi Zi'er is also limited. Even if the output of telekinesis is increased, it will just punch a hole, and the zombie will not die.

So fighting zombies in reality is similar to fighting zombies in movies, you can only hit the head. Xiao Ming’s usual movies are not in vain.

After quickly adopting an effective strategy, Xiao Ming temporarily suppressed the undead's offensive.

After killing many undead, he gradually couldn't hold on any longer. Because the undead gradually gathered, the number became larger.

It's no longer like at the beginning, Xiao Ming has killed the undead that entered in front, and the undead in the back have not yet entered the house.

Now there is a tendency for more and more undead to enter the house. Fortunately, the undead have low IQs and often get stuck at the door. It also gave Xiao Ming a chance to breathe.

Of course, if Xiao Ming hadn't remembered the combat skills of suing the dead, he would have been game over if he had persisted for a few minutes at most.

The deceased has been fighting on the strategic map, and Xiao Ming has never used the combat skills he took risks. It's all good luck that I can think of at this time.

Elementary summoning skeleton: consumes 10 bones, 10 mana, and 10 breath of death to summon a level 0-1 skeleton to become your own mercenary.

Skill release range: 5 meters. There is a low chance of summoning level 1 skeleton soldiers.

Summoning skeletons in reality is slightly different. He does have mana, but there is no data to show him exactly how much.

When using spells, it's probably more than a hundred points based on your feeling. Obtaining skeletons and breath of death is not difficult either.

Dead zombies and skeletons were scattered all over the ground. It is easily obtained by using Death Harvest and Corruption, the life skills of the deceased.

These two spells are usually used too much to sue the dead, so they are used very smoothly in reality.

Summoning skeletons, on the other hand, has never been used before. Nowadays, when used in a hurry, it is difficult to guarantee the chance of success.

So Xiao Ming almost used up all his mana, and only summoned a total of 6 skeleton soldiers to protect himself.

The level of skeleton soldiers cannot be seen in reality. They all feel like level 0. The undead on both sides started to fight stupidly - novices pecking each other. The scene had an inexplicable sense of joy.

Xiao Ming couldn't stand it anymore and commanded his skeleton soldiers to attack the opponent's head and neck. Gained an advantage in the battle.

Xiao Ming took the time to meditate and restore his mana. If you have extra mana, use the skill - Repair Bones. Maintain the combat effectiveness of skeleton soldiers.

Primary bone repair: Consume bones and mana to repair damaged skeletal units.

If you have extra mana, you can continue to summon new skeleton soldiers. While not forgetting harvest and corruption.

After fighting like this for a long time, Xiao Ming's defensive front was basically stable.

Xiao Ming even had the time and energy to try to modify the skeleton soldiers, but this attempt failed.

Can only control the skeleton soldiers to use weapons in battle - that is, bone sticks. This is successful.

With time, Xiao Ming opened all the boxes he used to build the fortress. There are indeed some things inside.

Xiao Ming did not have time to look carefully, and stuffed them into the butler space directly. The one cubic meter butler space is not big, and it was quickly filled.

Because Xiao Ming chose a good terrain, the enemies could only squeeze in a few, while Xiao Ming was able to fight with more people and attack the vital points.

Xiao Ming can easily replenish the consumption of mana through meditation and superpower conversion.

If the situation continues like this, Xiao Ming seems to have a chance to kill all the enemies.

Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. The enemy has a stronger type of soldiers. Strong zombies that are much larger than ordinary zombies.

It looks very similar to the 3rd level 20 iron gate zombie in the game. But it is wielding a huge hammer.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse in an instant. It swept across the front defense wall and it collapsed.

Another sweep shattered all 4 skeleton soldiers in the front row, and 2 skeleton soldiers fell to the ground with serious injuries. (Several zombies and skeletons on the side of the undead were also killed.)

Xiao Ming knew that it was over, and there was no escape this time. But don't think it would be easy for you!

In the Hunter Secret Realm, there was a guy named Gan Shu on the Greedy Island who put a telekinetic bomb on Xiao Ming.

At that time, Xiao Ming took off the bomb and put it in the textbook of the teacher's telekinetic beast to study and analyze. Some principles have been analyzed in the past few days.

So Xiao Ming can make telekinetic grenades in the secret realm. I haven't tried it in reality. (I dare not)

Now facing a situation where he must die, Xiao Ming is desperate and uses his telekinetic ability to make two bombs at once, which are directly detonated - boom!

Xiao Ming himself was the first to be blown to pieces. He didn't see whether the huge zombie was killed.

This did not prevent Xiao Ming from believing that he had killed the enemy zombie.

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