Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 920: Residents’ Gratitude

Xiao Ming doesn't like fancy things. He only cares about practical effects and doesn't really care about aesthetics. But others still care.

At the beginning, everyone was embarrassed to say it. After all, everyone thought that King Lu had done too much. It was a bit too much to bother others for such a thing as aesthetics.

So everyone started to decorate by themselves. However, the problem was that the house built by Xiao Ming was made of very solid materials, and it was a large piece of boulder.

Except for a few God Warriors, it was difficult for others to damage it. But how to decorate it without destroying it?

For a time, several God Warriors became popular. Residents asked them for help.

But then again, being able to become a God Warrior means that these people are more focused on practicing, and they are not very interested in things like aesthetics.

This made the residents of the Fairy Palace feel difficult. Later, it was the Queen's sister, the little princess Freya, who broke the deadlock.

She actually had her own house in the Fairy Palace. But when she saw so many vacant houses outside, she and her friends selected several as playrooms.

What if there are no amusement facilities inside? She won't be polite. She jumped and pulled Green Xiaoming to work for her.

After using alchemy to make a lot of toys and facilities, Freya said that the house was too ugly and she didn't like it.

Xiaoming quickly patted his chest and guaranteed: Little princess, just draw what you want, I will make it for you. It doesn't matter if you can't draw it, you can just say it.

As a result, this little girl not only can't draw, but also can't speak clearly. Fortunately, Xiaoming's alchemy is really convenient.

It doesn't matter, if you don't like it, just change it. Change it seventeen or eighteen times, and you can always make the little princess satisfied.

The appearance of several beautiful children's playgrounds immediately caused an uproar among the residents.

Through Freya's mouth, everyone understood that it was not difficult for King Lu to beautify the house. It seemed that he could open his mouth.

Gradually, some of them began to ask Green Xiaoming for help, and Xiaoming readily agreed. Then there was an endless stream of people like this...

Soon after, the Nordic Asgard became a gathering place for all kinds of architectural styles.

There were buildings of different styles everywhere. Modern, contemporary, ancient, Western, desert, Eastern, all kinds of styles are available.

Many of them are beyond the imagination of the locals of Asgard. Fortunately, Xiao Ming has experienced so many worlds and has seen too many architectural styles.

When the residents can't come up with good ideas, he will come up with various plans for them to choose from.

Then it got out of control, and the characteristics of many worlds were integrated here. The Asgard became a hodgepodge.

The architectural style of the elves in the Lord of the Rings is quite popular. There is also a high support rate for the heavy metal mechanical style. It is probably because of Xiaojia's recent popularity.

Even the architectural style of the Zerg is sought after by some people. You know, the buildings of the Zerg are actually alive. The appearance is also like the Zerg, with ridges and corners. There are actually people who like this.

Some residents had already completed the renovation, but later found that they liked that style so much, so they asked Xiao Ming again.

For all these reasons, some people who like new things and hate old things even renovated 5 or 6 times.

To be honest, each house looks good individually. But so many buildings of different styles piled together, the sense of disharmony is overwhelming, it is simply horrible.

But the residents of Asgard just like it, and Xiao Ming can't do anything about it.

Of course, the residents are not children like Freya, and they all asked Xiao Ming for help and gave rewards.

However, the residents of Asgard are very poor. You can see from their lives. They can't give out anything too good.

The food is even worse. Their current food is still brought by Xiao Ming. They can only give some rough handicrafts.

But if too many such things are given, everyone knows that King Lu doesn't need them. It's meaningless to give him a lot of rags to store.

So under the leadership and organization of several God Warriors, they collectively gave Xiao Ming an unexpected treasure-[Asgard Ring].

Faith is a magical thing. The Asgardians have served Odin for generations, and they can already do something with faith.

So they gathered the gratitude of all the residents of the Asgard to King Lu and condensed it into this Asgard ring.

As long as he wears this ring, King Lu can use the cold breath of the ring to attack the enemy, and at the same time, it can greatly improve King Lu's resistance to cold.

Every moment, as long as there are residents of the Asgard who are grateful to Xiao Ming, the energy of the ring will continue to increase. The more people thank Xiao Ming, the more it increases.

It will only be consumed when Xiao Ming uses it. This is a very good and thoughtful thing, but it is also a useless thing.

Xiao Ming smiled helplessly after getting the ring. His own body can survive in space, Xiao Ming is not afraid of cold at all!

The attack with cold air can only be said to be a little interesting, but it is not very useful in practice. Xiao Ming's fighting methods are already quite rich. It doesn't matter.

The trouble is that the Asgard ring represents the gratitude of the residents of the Asgard to Xiao Ming. Only Xiao Ming can use it. Others can't use it at all. I can't even exchange it.

There's no other way, so I'll just wear it. Xiao Ming likes this kind of thing that is full of other people's thoughts even if it's useless.

The problems of food, clothing and shelter have basically been solved. What about the problem of transportation?

Now the residents of the Fairy Palace basically walk on their legs, which is too hard. Moreover, if they are exposed to the outside for a long time, they may get frostbite even if they are dressed warmly.

So Xiao Ming took out the long-hidden 3rd-level and 4th-level biological controllers.

Xiao Ming has basically learned how to make this item through the analysis of textbooks. Now controlling a few 3rd and 4th-level creatures is not much help for Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming's original plan was to find an opportunity to trade this thing with certain forces. I believe that the armed forces of the New Han Kingdom will definitely be interested.

But it is the same to give it to the Fairy Palace now. They can use the controller to control some creatures in the Arctic region, such as polar bears, dire wolves, Arctic foxes, seals... and so on.

The big ones can be used as mounts or used to pull sleds; the small ones can be used for reconnaissance and hunting.

If a group of marine creatures can be subdued, in addition to fishing, they can also ride them to play in the sea. This will almost completely change the lifestyle of the Fairy Palace.

Such a gift is embarrassing. The Fairy Palace still accepted it. After Xiao Ming used alchemy to make hundreds of controllers, the energy in the Asgard ring surged again.

Many residents were almost as grateful to King Lu as they were to Hilda.

They believed that Lord Lu was definitely sent by the great god Odin to save the Nordic Asgard.

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