Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 909 Death Knight

Running to the city gate alone to challenge, this kind of scene has only been seen in novels. This guy is simple and straightforward, and directly asked to see Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming and Annabelle looked at each other, but asked an irrelevant question: "Why are they speaking Chinese?"

Annabelle almost sprained her waist, rolled her eyes and replied: "This was changed more than ten years ago. Probably because they figured out our language."

"What about twenty years ago?" Xiao Ming asked.

"At that time, they spoke English." Bella frowned cutely, "Ha, I didn't think about it until you said it. Why did you choose English among so many languages?"

Xiao Ming looked at her hand, but didn't see the reincarnation ring, and didn't know whether he should tell her.

Then he changed the subject: "This black knight seems to be calling me, should I go out?"

Although he was challenging himself, this is a battlefield after all, and military law comes first, and the decision must be made by the command center.

Suddenly Bella reached out and pressed the receiver in her left ear, pretending to listen carefully. Then he said to Xiao Ming:

"Mr. Zhang, the headquarters said that if you don't mind, don't show up for the time being. It's quite dangerous. The headquarters plans to send someone to pretend to be you."

Xiao Ming nodded and understood what this operation meant. It's rare to get in touch with the top of the undead and have a conversation.

The so-called protection of Zhang Xiaoming by the military is just a cover. What's more important is to occupy this right to speak. They are also afraid that Zhang Xiaoming doesn't know the depth and says the wrong thing.

In fact, Xiao Ming is more worried that the military will mess things up. So he kindly reminded him.

"That's good. But since the other party dares to come here like this, they may have a way to distinguish the true from the false. If you deceive them, be careful that the other party will get angry out of shame."

Bella's expression condensed, and she quickly reported Xiao Ming's words.

Ten minutes later, the city gate opened, and a wizard in a gray robe and hood walked out of the city gate slowly.

He came to a place more than 20 meters away from the black knight and stopped. Without lifting his hood, he raised his voice and asked:

"Who are you? Tell me your name. Why do you want to see my master?"

It seems that the command center listened to Xiao Ming's advice. This trick is really cunning. It is not an impersonation, but it has a certain right to speak.

"I am the Death Knight, Delaman!" The opponent suddenly released a powerful aura, and a spiritual force rushed straight to the mage.

If the mage's body was here, he might be able to resist one or two. However, now he is using a clone.

The spirit and body cannot reach 100% matching. He was immediately "offline" after being hit by the opponent's spiritual power. Even the spirit was damaged to a certain extent.

As for the body that stayed in place, it immediately collapsed to the ground. It can no longer be used.

"Humph! Too weak, lie to me." Delaman looked down on it.

Even if he pretended to be an apprentice, it would not work. After all, the grade is too low. The military's idea is good, but it is a pity that it is difficult to implement.

First of all, the other party is an expert in undead magic. People can tell at a glance whether a wizard has this quality.

To be more precise, many masters of the undead lineage have no eyes. They basically use mental power to sense. It is really easy to distinguish between the same kind.

There are also a few undead wizards in the army. In order to pretend to be like that, the wizard who transformed the human just now was also controlled by the undead wizard.

It’s just that the wizard’s undead magic is not very strong, and he copied the body of the transformed human by mental remote control.

Such a chaotic mental state, Delaman didn’t believe it at all. No matter which undead wizard, if he had such a weak apprentice, he would have turned him into an undead soldier long ago.

The Death Knight is not good at speaking, so he hates people deceiving and wasting his time the most. The momentum of his body is gathering. It seems that he is going to go crazy.

A new order came from Annabella’s headset immediately. However, in an emergency, Xiao Ming took action before Bella relayed the order.

The corpses of our transformed people and the remains of the opponent’s undead soldiers were everywhere outside the city. The situation was quite tragic, and the materials were quite rich.

After Xiao Ming waved his hand, countless corpses began to disappear gradually, and countless skeleton soldiers stood up shakily. Among them, there were many level 3 and 4 ones.

Since Xiao Ming's character, the dead, mastered the skeleton specialization in the game, Xiao Ming's death harvest basically appeared skeleton soldiers. Even in reality, it was the same.

These undead armies were naturally nothing in the eyes of the enemy, but this spell was too eye-catching.

The characteristics of death harvest were quite obvious, and Delaman recognized it at a glance. "Death, harvest?!"

At this time, the body of the mage who had just fallen to the ground was transformed into a level 3 skeleton soldier and stood up. He was directly taken over by Xiao Ming.

Even though he didn't have organs such as vocal cords, throat, and mouth, he could still vibrate the air with mental power to make sounds.

In fact, Delaman used a similar method. As a death knight, his vocal organs were incomplete. The sound was a little weirder.

In fact, Xiao Ming could communicate with Delaman directly mentally. But if we do that, others won't be able to hear the conversation, and it will become a secret meeting. It's a bit disrespectful to the military.

"Yes, it's Death Harvest. I didn't expect you know him."

Hearing this, Delaman immediately turned over and dismounted, put his spear beside him, and knelt on one knee. He crossed his hands in front of his chest and bowed his head in salute.

"God of Death, Death Knight, Delaman, here's your greeting!" His tone was still strange. But his life energy showed a very excited feeling.

"God of Death, no need for such a big gift, please get up." After hearing the other party's honorific, Xiao Ming followed suit and added a sentence of God of Death.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Delaman's aura became more pleasant. But he still didn't get up and continued to ask: "Is this city yours?"

"Not really, the owner of this Qingqiu has done me a favor and invited me to help."

"So that's it. Qingqiu is safe from now on. The undead army will not come again. I don't care about the small group."

If I didn't understand it wrong, he seemed to represent his forces and gave up the fight for Qingqiu Fortress from then on.

His giving up represented that the undead siege incident was completely over. Qingqiu was recognized by the local undead forces.

"That's enough. Thank you, General Delaman." Listening to Delaman's words, Xiao Ming felt as if he had accidentally made a great contribution.

He thought that he should return the favor, and then a strong breath of death appeared in his hand and floated towards Delaman.

The Death Knight was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly. After respectfully absorbing it, he picked up his gun and led his mount back. Soon the entire undead army disappeared without a trace.

The human side did not cheer enthusiastically, and all members fell into a strange silence...

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