Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 901 Good Guys and Bad Guys

Xiao Ming followed the clues and found Xiaoxi Village. He walked around the village and invaded almost everyone's mind.

After discovering the situation of this village, he was simply amused.

The villagers in their village are so cautious, why do they still want to be thieves? They can make a living by doing anything together.

This is a mentality problem. There is a type of people who like the pleasure of harming others and benefiting themselves.

If they go to work, others will not lose anything, and the boss will make more money than him, which makes them very unhappy.

So they will never work, and they will look for various opportunities to take advantage of them all day long.

In fact, after a day of busy work, it is more tiring than working, and they earn less, but they just enjoy it. This character is unique.

Of course, those people are generally second-rate people in the surrounding area. The people in Xiaoxi Village live better than these people. They are organized and disciplined, and even thieves have their own code of conduct.

Therefore, they are living quite comfortably now. But this village is now at a crossroads.

Of course, they can continue to live like this. It is also likely to make some changes.

If they go in a good direction, they can collectively become good people. With such a good organization, they can make a living by doing some business, and they may live better than now.

If they go in a bad direction, they will give up their principles little by little, do more and more evil things, and the whole village will slide more and more towards the direction of sin.

Now there are people with these three tendencies in the village. In terms of quantity, most people want to take the middle road.

But this group of people is also the most indecisive. Maybe one day they will be abducted by someone from the other side.

Xiaoxi Village is so interesting, Xiao Ming really wants to get involved and do something. But business is more important.

A family in the village left collectively and lived in a relative's house. They gave up the house and let an outsider live in it. This person is a member of the mercenary organization.

Hong Cheng, 30 years old, a veteran, has a combat power of about E level. He is not a reincarnation, and it is very easy to invade his spirit.

As far as Hong Cheng knows, the name of their organization is [Anbu]. Of course, he didn't know that it had the same name as the Anbu in Naruto. He just thought it was a very low-key name.

The purpose of this organization is to provide benefits to veterans from various countries in China. To this end, they sometimes even do things that violate the law.

But it is always several times better than those who maliciously persecute veterans. This time he came to deal with a factory that used veterans to make dirty money.

The black-hearted factory he identified in his mind was the mechanical processing factory opened by Zhu Xinxiu. They didn't seem to know about the game studio yet.

'Oh my god.' Xiao Ming was angry. This kid really thought so. Their organization's ability to reverse black and white and call a deer a horse is too powerful.

A closer look will show it. The top leaders of the organization did not provide any evidence to Hong Cheng, but Hong Cheng just believed that Zhu Xinxiu's factory was harming his comrades. Where can he go to reason?

In fact, Xiao Ming has always felt that the profession of a soldier is very respectable, but there are also some problems.

Soldiers are bound by orders. Almost all soldiers from all countries on Pangu Star are like this.

Then the question is. What if the superior falsely transmits the order? What if the order is forged? In theory, ordinary soldiers still have to obey the order.

In society, this is also a problem of public power. The person who holds public power is also an ordinary person. He may use the power in his hands to do evil.

Although there is a post-punishment mechanism for doing bad things. But when he uses power to do evil, the people still have to obey. Only after the fact can they appeal.

Sometimes, the superior does not need to leave any handles, as long as he gives a little hint, the subordinate must obey against his will.

Because the future and destiny are all in the hands of this superior. In particular, the superior can always use a high-sounding excuse to knock the subordinate down to the dust.

For example, professors and students in higher education institutions. The students' papers and grades are all determined by the professors.

Unless this student is a genius among geniuses, the professor can use any reason to prevent this student from passing. What can a student do?

Sue him? Are you kidding! The professor thinks your graduation thesis is not good, are you still not convinced? How dare you sue? They will all be doomed.

Those who have a little power dare to use chicken feathers as a token of authority and will not stop until they have taken advantage of everything. This is also one side of human nature, and there are always such people.

Of course, human nature also has a kind, just, and bright side. There are countless great people and unsung heroes in this regard.

The problem is that 10 good people doing 100 good things is not as good as 1 bad person doing 1 bad thing. Destruction is always easier.

In addition, those who are oppressed, even if they can get justice in the future. But do they deserve bad luck in the first place? What's more, what about those who died in vain? They even lost their lives.

The New Han Kingdom where Xiao Ming lives is already quite good. The society is generally fair. But dark corners still exist.

So when Xiao Ming was a little older, he hoped that there really was a hell. Otherwise, this world is really a bit bad.

This is not just about the evil people being proud and the good people suffering.

It also includes those babies who died shortly after birth. And children born with severe disabilities.

What have these children done to offend anyone? What have they done wrong? Why do they have to suffer so much in this life? !

If life is really just once, it is really unacceptable.

Therefore, although Xiao Ming did not know whether the underworld existed at the time, he was still full of hope, or willing to believe that the underworld would exist.

He believed that all humans have souls, and souls will not completely dissipate after experiencing a life.

It is conceivable that Xiao Ming was very relieved after learning that the underworld really existed.

As he thought about it, Xiao Ming found that his thoughts had drifted too far and he was off topic again. He quickly pulled it back.

The Hong Cheng in front of him was obviously deceived by the organization. And maybe it was a conditioned reflex because he was once a soldier? He did not suspect that the organization was deceiving him at all.

So he was doing evil things with the mentality of a guardian of justice.

Because of this, Hong Cheng's aura was very strange. His original intention was good, but in fact he became an accomplice of the bad guys. So his life energy was obscure.

Xiao Ming further explored and found that the Black Tiger Squad of the "Anbu" organization came to the local area to deal with the Zhuxinxiu incident.

Hong Cheng was sent here to arrange surveillance. Obviously, he was far away from the core.

His boss probably knew that he was simple-minded and didn't dare to let him see some things. So he put him on the sidelines.

How to deal with it? Xiao Ming was a little confused.

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