Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 90 Aristarchus Telescope

Ancient Transfiguration brought a surprise. Zhang Xiaoming just had to show off for a while.

As for what and who he would transform into, there was no need to rush to decide.

At present, the focus is still on collecting Level 2 corpses. It doesn't matter if there are more, there are dead people to report.

Xiaoming switched back to the explorer to continue sorting things out and looking for more surprises.

He always felt that among the objects he picked up, there were a few that seemed to match well and had similar styles. This became more obvious after the repair.

Finally, Xiaoming put the seven objects together and finally understood what it was.

If it was an NPC, it would probably be difficult to understand. Because these accessories should be parts of a more advanced telescope. Modern people can see it more easily.

According to some information obtained from archaeology, this telescope was made by an ancient named Aristarchus.

This person actually existed in the history of Pangu Star (Earth). But Xiaoming has never heard of this person who lived two thousand or several hundred years ago.

In the world of magic planets, those ancient things generally have two endings.

Part of it will be damaged, decayed, and destroyed over time; but the other part will become more and more powerful due to the nourishment of magic.

The "Aristarchus Telescope" has both. First, it has been in the hands of various heroes for nearly a thousand years. It has become stronger and stronger.

Then, it sank to the bottom of the sea for some reason and has not seen the sun for nearly a thousand years. So it was damaged or even disintegrated, and finally scattered on the shipwreck site on the bottom of the sea, almost like garbage.

Of course, it is fortunate that it is in the shipwreck site, which is a special scene, and the fragments can still be preserved. If it were an ordinary seabed, no one would know where it went.

Until today, the fragments were picked up by Xiao Ming's wisdom eyes blessed by telekinesis. At this time, it is still garbage.

It is thanks to Xiao Ming's superpower repair that there is hope of restoring its original appearance.

The problem now is that the parts are not complete. There are still 2 or 3 missing. It's a headache.

If it is picked up by the other two sea creatures, Emily and Bobby, then there is still a chance to get it from them.

If it is still in the shipwreck site. Then Xiao Ming can only wait until the next time he goes treasure hunting to look for it.

But even if he entered the shipwreck again, Xiao Ming couldn't remember where he picked up these things.

Looking for a few small parts in such a large seabed is really like "looking for a needle in a haystack".

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming didn't delay. He immediately switched to the diver. He wanted to find Emily and Bobby. Unexpectedly, the three of them were together at the moment.

After Xiao Ming switched away, the diver went to do the procurement business according to the procedure. He bought things from various merchants in Limestone Town and stored them in the warehouse.

Delivered today's share of iron ingots to the fishman blacksmith. Because it was late, the blacksmith kept nagging for a long time. He bought a few things from him to shut him up.

After that, the diver came to Emily's jewelry store and added today's share of consignment goods to the shelves.

At this moment, the mermaid girl hadn't opened the store yet. She was still sorting out the harvest in the back hall of the jewelry store. (The diver was very familiar with her and could come in directly.)

When he came to the back hall, not only Emily was there, but also the octopus brother Bobby Bart. Seeing the diver coming in, two smiling faces bloomed at the same time.

Neither of them knew how to identify. The so-called checking of harvest was nothing more than finding some shiny and beautiful things to keep for themselves.

They didn't know the other things, and they still had to sell them. To whom should these worthless and attributeless things be sold?

Needless to say, it can only be the diver. So at this time, the topic of the two sea creatures has already talked about how to trick Brother Naga into buying things.

Do divers need them to trick them into buying things? ! Buy them all immediately, and at a premium of double. Stuff them all into the butler space.

And promise them. If there are good things identified in those things, Brother Naga will increase the reward.

The two children cheered in unison, and then began to chat about the fun of this adventure treasure hunt.

Xiao Ming did not switch to leave immediately, but stayed to chat with the two of them for a while.

In fact, after this adventure, both of them were very tired physically and mentally. Because of the rich harvest, the spirit is still excited.

Now that the excitement has passed, fatigue gradually takes over. After a while, the two little ones curled up and fell asleep.

Xiao Ming looked at them as if he was looking at two cute pets. The diver will stay here to watch the store today.

The explorer continued to sort out the diver's new purchases, identifying, archaeological, screening, repairing, classifying, and putting them away.

Sure enough, two more fragments of the telescope were found, repaired, and assembled.

The assembly process also requires continuous experiments again and again, after all, Xiao Ming does not have the original drawings. The explorer experimented for a long time but did not achieve any results.

So Xiao Ming switched to the researcher on the canoe, and then he reluctantly experimented with a combination method.

(Xiao Ming strongly suspects that this is the role of the researcher's profession.)

Then assemble, and spend a little superpower to glue. Xiao Ming got the treasure-[Aristarchus Telescope] Type 1.

Type 1 probably means that this is only the most preliminary assembly method, and there are better ones.

This treasure is a level 3 strategic treasure. Both heroes and generals can equip it. Increase the field of view by 30%.

Compared to suing the dead, Xiao Ming thinks that researchers at sea may need this equipment more.

Sure enough, the researcher who led the canoe troops had a wide basic vision. With the 3rd-order telescope, it was even more powerful.

Hey! There is a survivor of the shipwreck over there, floating on the sea with a piece of wood.

If it weren't for the 30% increase in vision, he really couldn't be seen. The researcher quickly notified the leader Li Huamei, and the fleet turned around to rescue him.

(At this time, Xiao Ming didn't know that this was a plot event. If it weren't for the treasure telescope, even if the fleet passed by him, he wouldn't be able to find him.

To be more precise, because the 3rd-order telescope was equipped, the system would swipe out this survivor.)

When they got close and salvaged the survivor, they found that this was not a human. It was a skeleton NPC of the undead race.

Although Li Huamei didn't want to kill the skeleton, she didn't want to save him either. She was ready to throw him off the boat and let him fend for himself.

It was still the researcher who persuaded him and said that he was willing to take in the skeleton. (Of course I have to take him in! This is clearly an opportunity given by the system to the researcher, how can I miss it.)

Li Huamei reluctantly agreed. She also "threatened" the researcher: If anything happens to this skeleton in the future, the researcher will be fully responsible.

Xiao Ming agreed and drove the canoe to take the survivor skeleton - it's not quite appropriate to say that, he won't die again if he floats like this.

The skeleton got on the canoe, and Xiao Ming talked to him and found out. He didn't even know that he had become a skeleton.

After looking in the mirror to confirm it, he was hysterical for a while. It took a long time for him to calm down.

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