Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 892 Feiying Brothers and Sisters

When Hiei woke up, he was very pleased that his sister Yukina was saved, but he was also a little depressed.

With Hiei's arrogant and smoldering character, he had no intention of recognizing Yukina. I just want to protect my sister silently in the dark.

But Xiao Ming and Kurama didn't know, or Kurama might have guessed it, but he held it back and didn't remind Xiao Ming.

Therefore, Xiao Ming naturally told everyone that Feiying was Xuecai's brother and that everyone had accepted Feiying's invitation and went everywhere to look for Xuecai. Xuecai was moved so much.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Ming didn't know that Fei Ying installed the evil eye in order to find Bing Lei Shi and Xuecai.

The installation process was very painful, and his original A-level demon power was reduced to E-level as a result, and he needed to practice it again.

If he knew this gossip, Xiao Ming would probably reveal it to Xuecai. He would also be complacent and think that he had helped Feiying a lot.

He said something for Feiying that he might be embarrassed to say. It turns out that it was done with good intentions...let's just call it a "bad thing".

Yukina is a gentle, lovely and simple snow girl. As soon as I heard that this was my brother and savior, I immediately established the persona of a good sister. He took very good care of Feiying who was in a coma.

Hiei's injury was a bit serious, but Toguro Ludi's attack power was still very strong. However, Xiao Ming's treatment method was stronger, and he nursed Fei Ying hard.

The next night, Feiying woke up and was dumbfounded. He found that he suddenly had a pendant called his sister.

This girl can be said to never leave her brother. It just so happens that as a monster, there are no things that humans need to avoid.

bath? unnecessary. You can easily cleanse your body with demon power.

Going to the toilet? It's not necessary, slightly advanced monsters don't need to excrete waste from the body in such a laborious way.

Although Yukina's level is only E-level, Yukina's race is quite special. They are the kind that can survive by drinking the northwest wind. Not that much trouble.

Feiying was completely unable to get rid of this clingy sister. No matter how impatient he is, it's useless, even drawing a sword and threatening him won't work.

Now that she knew her brother had done so much for her, Xuena didn't believe that Hiei would hate her, let alone hurt her.

Seeing the brother and sister "like each other", Xiao Ming thought about his sister, shook his head and sighed.

In fact, both Xiao Ming and Kurama saw through Hiei's tsundere nature. He didn't find it annoying at all being clingy to his sister, but he just felt a little shy in front of his friends.

For the sake of face, I didn’t give Xiao Ming and the others a good look. Anyway, these two guys who just watch the fun and don't take it too seriously are not good people.

At the same time, Fei Ying also became Xiao Ming's follower very simply. Xiao Ming consumed 16 follower contract cards. And buy one get one free.

After knowing the various favorable conditions of the reincarnation, he just asked for a place as a follower for his sister.

As a follower of reincarnation, it seems that you have lost your freedom and are controlled by others. If you get a bad master, you may even suffer various tragic fates.

However, Feiying knew Xiao Ming's character and strength very well. It's pretty safe to follow this guy.

After becoming a follower of the reincarnation, not only will your strength improve quickly, but you will also have the safe haven of the reincarnation space. Why not.

Xiao Ming had thought that it would be better to contract such a beautiful monster to his sister Xiao Jinger. Also save some contract cards.

Unfortunately, Feiying disagrees. He has never met Liu Xiaojing yet, how could he hand over his sister to an unknown person?

Xiao Ming had no choice but to use the follower contract card in Chapter 32 to contract Xuecai as a follower. He signed the weakest monster at the most expensive price.

Now the only remaining contract cards are no longer enough to recruit new followers. A bit wasteful.

But having said that, there are probably not many people in the entire Pangu Star who can contract six plot characters as followers like Xiao Ming.

A follower contract card is worth 20 ratings, which increases one by one. Contracting 6 followers requires a total of 63 cards, which is equal to 1260 ratings.

Most reincarnations will probably not get so many ratings in this life. If you can get it, you probably won't want to spend it all on recruiting followers.

The first few don't matter, the later ones are too expensive. Wouldn't it be better if I had the money to buy more resurrection stones? What's more, there are many awesome props that I don't have money to buy.

Unless someone gets similar treatment as Xiao Ming. Ratings are also locked. It is possible to accumulate so many follower contract cards.

However, does such a reincarnation exist? Maybe. Xiao Ming’s VIP number is 007. As expected, there should be 6 more people ahead.

It's just that these 6 people are unlikely to be reincarnators in the same time period as Xiao Ming.

It may be long dead now. Unless they are all immortal. Of course, as a VIP of the reincarnation space, it is really possible to do it.

The golden power structure was chopped into twenty or thirty pieces by Feiying Luanjian. Nephibit put a lot of effort into repairing the body.

Taking control of the dead money system, Catwoman dismissed all humans in the villa. The remaining vacancies are filled by demon bug humans and bugs.

In a short period of time, almost all of Chuijin's businesses and most of his properties were sold. Only this large villa and the surrounding large tracts of virgin mountain forest have been preserved.

The money earned is actually not much used except for purchasing a certain amount of supplies and keeping some pocket money. The remaining funds were used for "charity".

Xiao Ming still remembers that in the "Strange People from Far Island" series, Japan caused great harm to China.

So a large part of the money was sent to China in this world. In addition, not all people in Japan are war fanatics.

There are even some people who are determined to fight against the right-wing forces in Japan. They are still worth supporting. These things will be handled by Kurama and Zhang Zhong.

To be honest, Xiao Ming can't handle such complicated and delicate things. He is born without this string in his mind.

Don't look at his three bodies, three souls, and superior mental power. In doing this kind of thing, a Kurama can beat him three streets.

Feiying is also not interested in such affairs. So he devoted himself to the intense training to restore his strength. His sister Xuecai cheered him on.

Knowing that Feiying is arrogant. Xiao Ming didn't go to see his joke. He was discussing an important matter with Kurama.

Feiying and Kurama can certainly restore their A-level strength by their own efforts. But following a boss like Xiaoming, it would be a waste not to use it.

Telekinesis, microcosm, force, magic... There must be one that suits these two monsters, right?

At the end of the discussion, Kurama's opinion was that demon power was another version of spiritual power. Perhaps Zanpakuto was more suitable for them. Besides, Kurama already had chakra.

So, not only Kurama and Hiei each got a shallow dagger. Even Setsuna got one.

Setsuna's status was so transcendent that she could not be pulled down if there was a benefit. Even if it was something like this that seemed to be of no use to her. She was absolutely not allowed to be used if there was danger.

Why couldn't he get such a good thing? Xiao Ming was depressed...

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