Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 877 Snow Leopard's Request

knowhere, also known as the land of no knowledge. It is said to be the head of a separated ancient god.

Hundreds of years ago, the Tiwan Group sent workers to mine the organic matter in this head. Bones, brain tissue, and cerebrospinal fluid are all scarce resources.

It has extremely high value in the black market wherever it is. This kind of work is dangerous and illegal, and is only suitable for desperate people. Ordinary people rarely come here.

But Peter Quill and others must come here, because the new buyer of his spirit ball is here. At this time, there are a few more "people" on his spaceship.

A strong man with red tattoos, Drax the Destroyer, a beautiful woman with green skin, Gamora, a tree man, Groot, and a Rocket Raccoon.

Later, the four of them, plus Star-Lord Peter, were collectively called the [Guardians of the Galaxy]. The girl named Brett in the spaceship is no longer there. It seems that she is not an important person.

These are the characters in the plot. There are also several more people on the reincarnation side, including this brother Snow Leopard. Otherwise, Xiao Ming would not be able to sense these pictures.

Peter Quill drove a spaceship to the Land of No Knowledge and found a new buyer, the collector Tiwan.

As you can see from the name, he is the head of the Tiwan Group and the manager of the Land of No Knowledge.

It was also this collector who popularized the knowledge about the Infinity Stones to Peter and others. Brother Snow Leopard was fortunate to stand aside and hear this information. Xiao Ming heard it telepathically.

This feels a bit of a loss. If I had known that I could get this information from Snow Leopard, why would I exchange a sky carrier with Zhao Ang.

On second thought, it was not like that. If it weren't for that exchange, the friendship between me and the Song King family would have been improved, and they might not have come to me this time.

No one can predict the future, and it is actually meaningless to regret such things. But do good things, don't ask about the future. This is the way of being.

Originally, things were going well, and the collector was about to pay for the goods. As a result, there was still an accident. His maid Carina suddenly reached out and grabbed the Infinity Stone.

As a result, not only did Carina, the purple-skinned girl, turn to ashes, but also caused a huge explosion. The Collector was unconscious in the explosion. The deal was not reached.

Then a dispute arose among the Guardians of the Galaxy. Gamora wanted to give the Infinity Stones to the Nova Corps; Peter wanted to sell them; Raccoon and the others wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.

While several people were arguing, Drax the Destroyer sent a message and summoned the villain Ronan the Accuser.

Drax was not a traitor, but was planning to kill Ronan. Ideals are full, but reality is skinny. He was no match for them and was beaten half to death.

After a big battle, Peter and others were also defeated and the Infinity Stones were taken away by Ronan.

The plan of the Reincarnator also went wrong at this stage. The task of the Reincarnator at this stage is to save the lives of these five plot characters.

Originally, the King of Song and the King of Zhao had prepared a lot of C-level and B-level Reincarnators, which should have been possible.

But the King of Song's family has drawn a large number of people to drive the sky carrier. There are also some corresponding tasks to be done. Instead, an A-level expert was sent to take charge.

Their idea was good. Ronan was only A-level, so it should be no problem to have an A-level reincarnationist.

However, this action seemed to touch the bottom line of the reincarnation space. As a result, Ronan's side also had an A-level expert who injured the A-level reincarnationist. So there were not enough people to do the task.

Although 5 plot characters were saved in the end, several reincarnationists were captured by Ronan. They were locked up on his flagship Dark Star.

If it were an ordinary reincarnationist, it would be captured. At most, they would die and leave this world.

However, this time it was unlucky. Two of the reincarnationists happened to be important figures who were prepared by the two families to receive the power gems for enhancement.

How can they be enhanced if they are captured? It is too late to change people now. We must find a way to rescue these two people.

According to the plot, Ronan will drive the Dark Star to Xandar and prepare to destroy Xandar.

Then after they landed, Peter and the other five people will join forces to counter the energy of the power gem and destroy Ronan. This is the chance for the reincarnation to get super enhancement.

The Song and Zhao families plan to rescue the two imprisoned people at this time and strive to join the final dividend-sharing team in time.

But this task that increases the difficulty is too dangerous, and they are unsure.

So they hope to rescue the two reincarnations in advance. That would be much safer.

However, the problem is that at this time, they dare not waste their combat power. Otherwise, the final mission may not be completed. So they thought of Zhang Xiaoming.

If you want to rescue people in advance, you must have someone with teleportation ability. And this person's combat power must also be reliable.

When they just contacted Xiaoming, Xiaoming showed a certain teleportation ability and suddenly appeared in Peter's spaceship.

After seeing Xiaoming, Zhao Ang felt that Xiaoming's original strength should be between B-A.

Later, he learned that Xiaoming had learned portal magic. It is simply the most suitable candidate.

Moreover, the two families found that Zhang Xiaoming's situation seemed very strange. The appearance of such a strong man did not directly increase the difficulty of the task.

So I came to ask Xiao Ming for help with a try-it-out mentality.

The worst case scenario is that the reincarnation space can get another A-level strongman to offset Xiao Ming's role. It won't be more difficult than it is now.

At this point, some people may wonder why several S-level reincarnationists don't take action?

In fact, it is very simple. S-level reincarnationists all come in by special methods. At this stage of this mission world, S-level masters are not accepted at all, and there are also restrictions on A-level.

So Zhao Ang and others at S-level really can't fight. They can only do some auxiliary work.

Every time an A-level reincarnation takes action, it will cause variables. Of course, they have to be careful.

Of course, Snow Leopard only briefly introduced the situation, focusing on the strength of Ronan and his subordinates. As for the details of the plot, try to be vague.

If Xiao Ming is willing to help. Zhao Ang will use the teleportation ability to send Xiao Ming directly to the Dark Star and wait for an opportunity to act. The more stable the better. After that, it depends on the specific situation.

If possible, just pull the two out, and when the Dark Star approaches Xandar, use the teleportation ability to send the two reincarnations to the ground of Xandar.

However, this means that Xiao Ming has to fight against countless enemies alone, and Ronan may even take action. It is too difficult, and the two families will not force it.

You can also take action at the next opportunity, when Peter and others enter the Dark Star.

At this time, many reincarnations will also rush into the Dark Star, and Xiao Ming will cooperate inside and outside, which will be much easier.

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