Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 874 You are welcome

"Master Gu Yi, do you know about infinite gems?" Yin Xiaoming asked Master Gu Yi.

How could Gu Yi not know? For a person at her level, there are very few things in the universe that she doesn't know.

"Yes, I know." Gu Yi said calmly, "But I'm not sure whether I should tell Mr. Zhang."

"Is that so? Why?" Xiao Ming was a little confused. Do you have a bad character? Or is your mouth not strict enough?

Gu Yi waved his hand, and a screen appeared in front of the two of them, which showed the figures of several reincarnators who were practicing magic at Kama Taj. (They definitely didn’t get the privilege of being on a spaceship.)

Gu Yi pointed at these people and said: "They are just a group of passers-by and will not stay in this world for long, so they don't care at all how much harm they cause to this world."

Then he pointed at Xiao Ming and said: "Mr. Zhang is different from them, but he doesn't seem to belong to this world either. Please forgive me for not trusting you."

"The mage really has good eyesight." Xiao Ming smiled slightly, raised his right hand, and raised four fingers upward. He said very solemnly:

"However, I will never do anything to intentionally harm the world. I can swear to God! I wonder if you can believe my oath?"

Gu Yi did not answer and stared deeply at Xiao Ming for nearly 3 minutes. Then he laughed too. This S-level magician probably saw through Xiao Ming's otaku nature.

"Okay, let me chat with you. The Infinity Stones are the super treasures in this universe.

There are 6 in total, namely the power, space, time, reality, mind, and soul gems.

These six gems have almost infinite energy. Owning a gem is equivalent to having infinite energy.

Their energy properties correspond to their names. Therefore, different gems have their own special abilities.

Not many people in the universe know that they are actually Infinity Stones. Most people only think that they are very powerful treasures.

The Infinity Stones have caused countless struggles, battles and killings in the universe. I don’t know how many strong men have fallen because of this.

Throughout the ages, any strong man can only use one gem. There has never been anyone who can control two gems at the same time.

In fact, no one can fully unleash the power of even one gem. With your qualifications, you probably can't even control one. "

"Uh... this..." Xiao Ming was a little embarrassed to express his words. Although Gu Yi is powerful, he can never see through Xiao Ming's source energy.

That’s why I think Xiao Ming can’t control the infinite stones. Xiao Ming's idea is exactly the opposite.

It was because of the super plug-in Active Energy that Xiao Ming became interested in infinite gems. After a while he asked:

"If I could take one or a few gems away from this universe...would this universe be a little calmer?"

Gu Yi looked at Xiao Ming with a strange look for a few seconds and said with a smile:

"You want to know if I object, right? Don't worry about this. If you can get the infinite gems, that's your ability. I won't steal it, and I won't stop you. It's up to you."

After a pause, she continued: "However, I firmly believe that the problems in each universe should be solved by the indigenous people themselves. Throwing the problems to other universes is not necessarily a good way.

Maybe, problems from other universes will also be brought here. An important responsibility of us mages is to resist problems from other worlds. "

When he said this, Gu Yi's eyes became very deep. Xiao Ming didn't know that at this moment Gu Yi was thinking of Dormammu, the dark king who had conquered countless worlds.

As the Supreme Mage who has seen countless dimensions, countless spaces, and countless worlds, Ancient One is very open-minded. Not that petty.

Of course, Xiao Ming himself feels that he is still far from getting the infinite gems. That is because I happen to be close to Gu Yi, so I stopped by to ask.

According to the information he received, two things that Zhao Ang guessed were infinite gems had been taken to Asgard by Thor.

From a probability perspective, it seems like there shouldn’t be any more Infinity Stones on Earth, right? After all, there are only six in the entire universe.

We are lucky to have had two in a short period of time on Earth. If you are too greedy, you will be struck by lightning.

Unfortunately, he forgot. The original work of this mission world was created on the earth in the parallel space.

Considering the level of narcissism of human beings, it is very possible to put a few more Infinity Stones on the earth in the plot.

In fact, there are still 2 Infinity Stones on Earth.

Loki's scepter, which contains the Mind Stone, is currently being studied in a Hydra base.

The other time stone is called the "Eye of Agamotto" on Earth. Just under the supervision of Master Gu Yi.

Naturally, it was impossible for Master Gu Yi to tell Xiao Ming about this kind of thing.

Just when Xiao Ming was about to continue asking Master Gu Yi for some magic questions, he suddenly received a contact from the Bright Dome.

After bidding farewell to Gu Yi, Xiao Ming found a secluded place on the spaceship and calmed down to listen to the sounds in the Guangming Dome. He didn't have to go in himself.

Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD, Winter Soldier, Crossbones, and many Hydra members captured by Xiao Ming were previously captured by Xiao Ming. Long gone.

Xiao Ming used his shadow clone to break into the Tri-Wing Building, overthrown all the Hydra agents, drove away three Helicarriers, and also took away a lot of SHIELD stuff.

Nick was already heartbroken at that time, and was determined not to bother with Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming had no choice but to send all these people back to the Triskelion Building and let them clean up the mess.

The Winter Soldier undoubtedly joined SHIELD and became Captain America's comrade-in-arms. Nick had stronger strength at hand.

The high-level Hydra agents at the headquarters had been dealt with, and the rest of the small fish, Nick could naturally deal with them easily.

The trouble was a big fish that slipped through the net, the former director of SHIELD, Alexander Pierce. Nick already knew that this person was Hydra.

Perhaps out of pride, or tsundere, he did not ask Xiao Ming to help deal with Pierce. Instead, he planned to do it himself.

Pierce is now one of the five members of the Security Council that manages SHIELD, and it is actually not easy to deal with.

But if such a high-level figure is dealt with by Xiao Ming in a confused manner, it will be even more troublesome. It may even cause a storm in the American political arena.

So Nick would rather spend more effort on his own and deal with Pierce with methods within the system.

After they left, the only people imprisoned in Bright Summit were Magneto, who was brought from the X-Men world, and some bad mutants.

And the one who took the initiative to contact Xiao Ming and request a dialogue was none other than Magneto, an A-level plot character.

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