Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 867: Unable to find the person

Zhao Linger had no interest in the American traitors. She and Li Xiaoyao's clone went to play in the beautiful mountains and rivers of China.

Yin Xiaoming took a plane to New York to meet the Avengers in another world. The easiest one to find was naturally Iron Man Tony Stark.

Outside the Stark Building, Xiaoming did not rush to meet Tony Stark. Tony in this world did not know Zhang Xiaoming.

Xiaoming directly used the mental skills learned from Professor X to search the inside of the building, trying to connect with Iron Man's spirit.

As a result, the playboy was not there. This is also a very normal phenomenon. Tony would not stay in the company honestly. He may not have gone out to play.

However, even if Tony was not there, the inside and outside of the Stark Building were still full of spies and secret agents sent by various countries and organizations. Among them, there were also SHIELD.

Since you are a spy, there are basically few good people. Among spies and secret agents, the proportion of evil people is much greater than that of ordinary people.

If they are really spies who risk their lives for their country, even if they do some bad things, their aura will not appear particularly dark.

But the spies sent by SHIELD are so dark that they are almost dripping with oil. Obviously there is a problem.

It shouldn't be like this. SHIELD is an organization established to protect the earth.

SHIELD's agents should be better than the spies of ordinary countries. How can they be so dark?

Xiao Ming's mind moved, and he pulled these SHIELD spies into the dream of Tsukuyomi.

They naturally couldn't resist Xiao Ming's mental power. After a while, Xiao Ming understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Hydra, the evil ** organization during World War II, actually concealed its identity and infiltrated SHIELD. A large number of SHIELD agents are members of Hydra.

They are using SHIELD as a cover, but in fact they are constantly strengthening their own power.

Recently, they are preparing to launch a certain evil plan, and it seems that they are about to make a comeback.

That's why they sent many of their own trusted members to keep an eye on Iron Man. To ensure that he will not come out to cause trouble at a critical moment.

Unfortunately, these agents are not very advanced. They only know a little about Hydra's plan and can only report the names of dozens of Hydra members, that's all.

In addition, they also know some other gossip information, which is quite interesting.

For example, how did Iron Man appear? What's the story of the Hulk? How did Thor come to Earth?

Before the Avengers' New York battle, the Hulk and a monster named Abomination also fought a battle in New York.

Last year, another cosmic force, the [Dark Elves], came to attack London, but was dealt with by Thor...

Of course, these are all information that has been passed on for a few times. It is not very detailed and not very reliable.

Xiao Ming is not sure how much of it is real and how much is artificially interpreted. I just think it's very interesting. I can go to the secret realm to see it in the future.

Now Hydra's plan is about to start. Let's deal with this problem first.

In the secret realm before, after the New York battle. Xiao Ming met many SHIELD agents.

At that time, I also felt that the life energy of some of them was not quite right. However, Xiao Ming didn't care much at that time.

In Xiao Ming's understanding, spies will definitely do a lot of bad things. It's normal to be a little bit evil.

Anyway, they are spies of the United States, not China. Xiao Ming didn't pay attention.

Now it seems that most of the SHIELD agents who are particularly evil are probably Hydra's people.

Since we have run into them, let's take care of them. Xiao Ming immediately set off for the headquarters of SHIELD in Washington, the Triskelion. This time he used teleportation.

If it was just him or a few people, Xiao Ming didn't need to open the [wormhole] or find an object to perform the [substitute technique].

As long as it was within the range of the mental power scan, he could teleport there instantly.

Not long after arriving in Washington, Yin Xiao Ming saw the boss of SHIELD, Nick Fury, being hunted down.

I saw this one-eyed black bald man driving a bulletproof car that was covered with scars, rushing left and right on the street. Several police cars were chasing closely behind.

Nick Fury is indeed a level 10 agent, with strong combat power. He actually managed to deal with several pursuers.

However, the matter is not over yet. In front of him, a man wearing a mask, holding a submachine gun, and a mechanical arm on his left hand appeared.

This guy has strength far beyond that of human special forces. His physical fitness has reached level 3.

It is not much different from Black Widow, Captain America and others in the secret realm. Maybe he is slightly stronger. I am afraid that Nick is not his opponent.

Level 3 physical fitness is actually only equivalent to D-level existence. However, if it is the protagonist of the plot, the power can be stronger in actual combat.

If high-end weapons can be used, the combat power can be further improved. For example, the Captain America who uses a shield, and this guy who uses a mechanical arm.

Seeing him raise his gun and about to attack Nick Fury, Nick's car also rushed over...

At this critical moment, several green vines stretched out from the void in the air, and after a few twists, the two people and the car disappeared out of thin air.

The people around and the Hydra people were all staring in amazement. Oh my god! A sudden transformation. Is it because I am dazzled? There were clearly people and cars here just now...

The two people who were caught in the Bright Summit were even more dumbfounded. They didn't even realize that they were already in a dream.

Xiao Ming looked at the face of this weirdo carefully, and it seemed a little familiar. But I couldn't remember it.

Forget it, let's go into this person's mind and take a look.

In the Tsukuyomi dream, Xiao Ming found that this person's brain was a mess. Many fragmented pictures appeared, and Xiao Ming even saw the figure of Captain America in it.

Recalling the face of this weirdo, oh, Xiao Ming finally remembered it.

This is a person I met in Captain America's secret realm. Captain America's good friend - Bucky Barnes.

In terms of Earth time, that was more than 70 years ago. He should have died a long time ago, right? Could he have been strengthened like Captain America?

Xiao Ming had too little information, so he could only decide to repair Buggy first.

After a few Bingxin Jue, the effect of Buggy's brainwashing by Hydra was eliminated.

However, Buggy's original mental power was greatly damaged during the brainwashing process of Hydra.

Xiao Ming used the life essence to repair his mental strength.

After a rescue operation, Buggy finally recovered and became the brave and kind warrior he used to be.

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