Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 864 The Two Zhao Royal Families

The two royal families surnamed Zhao, King Song and King Zhao, joined forces this time to attack, using powerful props and authority to ensure that other reincarnations would not come in to cause trouble.

Even S-level reincarnators will be blocked from the world. Unless he uses more powerful props.

At the same time, both sides sent strong men to take charge. One of the masters dispatched by the King of Song family is Zhao Ang. The veteran S-class reincarnator is no less powerful than Jiang Shizu.

The most important thing is that he has a special authority and can provide some help in this mission.

Zhao Ang will not reveal the rest of the details. Judging from the scale of this mission, the Song and Zhao families are bound to get the reward.

This also understands why Zhao Yongnian is so hostile to Xiao Ming.

After hearing these words, Xiao Ming's mind began to work rapidly. It turns out that these two big families are playing a trick to dominate the scene.

After all, Xiao Ming had become a transcendent not long ago and had no systematic knowledge of the major forces in the reincarnation space.

If he had known that these two families had made great contributions to the Chinese nation, Xiao Ming would of course be willing to stay away.

No matter what Xiao Ming thought about the strengthening opportunities they were pursuing, he felt that he shouldn't need them. There is no need to conflict with the two families.

But even if I just stay in this world, I'm afraid it will make them uneasy.

As for learning magic, haha, let’s forget about it. What Zhao Ang said about "kowtow to become a disciple" is a trap.

Even Xiao Ming has the ability to make contracts, will the Zhao Song family not have it? If you knock your head down, you will probably be completely restrained.

Seeing Zhao Ang's confident look, Xiao Ming was worried that even if he kowtowed with a clone, he would still be involved.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, I already have a master. It's impossible for me to kowtow to others and become my master." Xiao Ming first refused the invitation to become my master.

"But Mr. Zhao, you don't have to worry. The Song and Zhao families have made great contributions to China. As a Chinese, I can just avoid you."

Hearing that Li Xiaoyao refused to become a disciple, Zhao Ang and Lin Yueru felt a little regretful.

Lin Yueru only wanted a long-term life-size figure. Forget it if you don’t have it.

When Zhao Ang heard that this man had a master, he knew that he would not be able to win over him. Since they are willing to give in, the Zhao family should express it no matter what.

From another perspective, it is empty talk. If this person only talks about it but actually sabotages it secretly, it will be troublesome.

Apart from anything else, a Susanoo who appears at the most inappropriate time may ruin all the previous efforts of the Zhao and Song families.

Zhao Ang is well-informed and capable. We have a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of problem.

"Alas," he sighed first, "You are a good young man, it's a pity that you can't pass on my mantle."

The dressing bowl is a treatment that only close disciples and direct disciples can get. He said this purely as an afterthought and politely. Except for Lin Yueru, no one took it seriously.

"I learned my magic from a master in this world. Learning from her depends on fate, and there is no need to kowtow to become a master."

Zhao Ang asked with a smile: "If you are interested, little brother, I can help you introduce him. Just treat it as our Zhao family and give your brother your compensation, okay?"

"I wish I could have asked for it! You are too polite, senior, to talk about compensation or something. It's just that you will not receive any reward for no merit..."

Xiao Ming quickly used Li Xiaoyao to make concessions. Meeting Zhao Ang's master is indeed a dream come true. Xiao Ming was a little uneasy about accepting such a great gift.

Zhao Ang smiled even more happily: "Little brother, I'm not being polite. This is the rule among reincarnations. You can accept it with confidence.

Besides, I'm just giving you an introduction. Whether Master Gu Yi is willing to teach you depends on your ability. "

Ancient Master! Oh - I finally got in touch.

When Xiao Ming was playing the Magic Planet game, he once saw the Ancient Master in the secret realm. He is indeed an expert.

But at that time, Xiao Ming was an Asgardian, so it was impossible for him to learn magic from Master Gu Yi. This time it seems to be changing.

To meet Master Ancient One, it would be inappropriate to use a clone. In the blink of an eye, a new figure appeared next to Li Xiaoyao - Huang Xiaoming.

It's not appropriate to use a clone, and of course Xiao Ming can't use someone else's face. His own face had to be exposed.

Seeing Huang Xiaoming's appearance, Zhao Ang couldn't help but shake his hands. There was also a very strange expression on his face.

Why? It wasn't Huang Xiaoming's sudden appearance that scared him. It was because he recognized Xiao Ming.

Isn't this the boy named Zhang Xiaoming that the Li family and the Xiang family have been fighting over recently? He seems to be very close to Jiang Shizu. There seems to be support from the cultivation sect behind him.

If it were him, it would make sense. This kid has indeed just stepped into the realm of transcendence.

With Xiao Ming's cognitive speed, it's normal that he still doesn't know himself.

But this kid's strength, tsk tsk, is really improving by leaps and bounds. It can be seen that his talent is amazing.

In other words, it was the amazing strength of the master behind him. Pushing this guy out is nothing more than advertising.

A while ago I heard that someone was not convinced and secretly framed Zhang Xiaoming once. I didn't expect that even a certain death situation could be broken.

Now all the forces are waiting to see what kind of counterattack the masters behind Zhang Xiaoming will make.

What kind of response will Zhang Xiaoming make? He didn't do anything. In fact, he had already forgotten about this matter.

Because of that reincarnation world, Xiao Ming had an easy life and got a great deal, and obtained a high-end item like [World Chain].

Relying on the World Chain, Xiao Ming locked the world of "Yu Yu Hakusho" as his own private world. Now his military advisor Kurama comes from there.

Having received such a great benefit, Xiao Ming never thought of revenge in his mind. Maybe he would thank them when he met them.

Zhao Ang was relieved when he recognized Zhang Xiaoming, and the next thing would be easy to handle.

Although Zhang Xiaoming had caused a lot of trouble, it was nothing in the eyes of the Twelve Kings Family.

Of course, Zhao Ang didn't need to offend such a mysterious force. He couldn't help but praise his previous wise decision.

Recommending him to Master Gu Yi was really a beautiful move.

As long as he had seen Master Gu Yi's magic, Zhao Ang believed that Zhang Xiaoming would not have any other thoughts of messing around.

With my reputation, I should be able to get Master Gu Yi to accept this kid as his disciple.

By then, the time this kid spends on tasks will probably be spent on learning magic.

The magic of Gu Yi is very powerful, and naturally very difficult.

If you want to learn it, the time consumed is calculated in years.

Little brother, please don't blame me if you get cheated... If it were someone else, I wouldn't give him this opportunity!

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