Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 846 Johns and Redick

The planet where the spacecraft landed was very interesting. Soon after landing, everyone discovered that there were three suns rising in turn on this planet, so that there was no night on the entire planet.

Under the continuous scorching of several suns, the surface of the planet was barren and a desert. It seems that there is no Houyi here, otherwise it would be fine to shoot down two suns.

Female driver Frye took 5 or 6 passengers who knew about mechanical repairs to work inside and outside the spacecraft. After all, repairing the spacecraft was the top priority.

Huang Xiaoming was driving the auxiliary robot (Xiaojia) in the eyes of others and was doing hard labor for them.

Some larger and heavier things required several adults to move together, and Xiaojia went over and lifted them up with just one hand.

Such an excellent labor force, naturally everyone would not let it go. At the beginning, Huang Xiaoming took the initiative to command Xiaojia to take action once, and as a result, everyone was no longer polite from then on.

Fortunately, there were not many such jobs, and many jobs inside the spacecraft actually required delicate operations. Soon Xiaojia was free.

Although Xiaojia could actually do it more meticulously than human hands, he learned his lesson this time. Since no one asked, he didn't say anything, so as not to be forced to work as a long-term worker again.

Huang Xiaoming sat in Xiaojia's body and carefully scanned and observed the structure of the spacecraft.

Being able to use the method of freezing crew members for interstellar flight, the cruising speed of this spacecraft should not be low. At least it can fly at sub-light speed, which is worth learning from.

Outside the spacecraft, there is a bounty hunter/mercenary named William Johns.

His combat power is about level 3, which is one of the most powerful humans except for the reincarnation.

He led 7 or 8 passengers to conduct exploration work around the spacecraft.

The Tan family team also left the main force to explore in another direction under the same name. After strengthening, it is really necessary to go on a field investigation.

As a bounty hunter, Johns carried firearms on board. Now he generously took them out and distributed them to everyone. He only kept one or two weapons with the most powerful firepower.

This move won the favor of most people. At this time, everyone will feel very safe when a few of their own people hold firearms.

The remaining people were all led and deployed by the navigator Owens.

They also had work to do. The spacecraft carried a lot of goods, which needed to be carefully sorted by humans.

Of course, the personal belongings of the passengers could not be moved, but supplies such as food and drinks needed to be distributed collectively.

In this desert area, it is necessary to plan the diet reasonably to maintain the lives of nearly 40 people.

They also set up a shed to block the sun so that everyone can work in turns, and everything is arranged in an orderly manner.

Inside the spacecraft, there was a person chained. He was an interstellar wanderer and wanted criminal named Richard Reddick.

He was the prisoner that Owens was chasing and escorting. It seemed that his strength was slightly above Owens.

According to Owens, this person was very fierce and brutal, and he must not be let go, otherwise everyone would be in danger of their lives.

And Reddick's eyes had undergone surgery, so he could see objects clearly in the dark. But when the sun was shining, he needed to wear sunglasses. Otherwise, his eyes would be easily injured.

This made most people stay away from Reddick. Few people dared to run in front of him.

There was only one tomboy in the team who was very interested in Redick. She always looked for opportunities to talk to Redick, which gave several leaders a headache.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, Owens and Redick had similar life energy. They both had innocent lives on their hands, so it was hard to say who was better than the other.

But since Owens only intended to bring Redick to justice, Xiao Ming was too lazy to bother. His mind was focused on the place dozens of meters below his feet.

Just when everyone's footsteps had just stepped on the planet, Xiao Ming's circle and scanning map had already gone deep underground.

There were huge and complex underground passages tens of meters below the ground. This was still normal. A rocky planet would always have this kind of structure.

But the passage was full of a carnivore that looked like a pterosaur, which was terrible.

The strength of this monster was about 2-3 levels. It had two legs, two claws, and two wings, and it seemed that it could fly.

But what the hell was it that a flying creature drilled into the ground? Why were there so many of them?

Xiao Ming has seen hundreds of them in a small area. There must be hundreds of thousands of them on the entire planet.

Without food, how do these terrifying carnivores survive? In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ming's mind was filled with questions.

Logically speaking, since such advanced carnivores have evolved, there should be low-level animals on this planet that can be used as food.

Ecosystems are generally balanced, and the number of carnivores is always much smaller than that of low-level animals. Otherwise, they cannot survive.

Even if there is a mass extinction, these high-level animals usually die. Low-level animals survive.

However, now there are almost no creatures on the entire planet. Only these carnivorous monsters are left. This is too strange.

With their fighting power, it should not be difficult to eat people. There is new food today, why didn't the monsters rush out of the ground?

Oh, it turns out that they are afraid of the sun. This answer is easy to find. As long as you see the monster's action pattern of avoiding the sun, it will be clear.

But there are more problems. A planet with so much sunshine can evolve such advanced creatures that are afraid of sunlight. It's really weird.

Fortunately, everyone can live in peace with them. If they rush out in large numbers, it would be difficult for anyone to resist.

The combat power of a single monster is actually average. Johns and Redick are basically evenly matched with them one-on-one.

With guns, they can easily deal with 20 or 30 monsters. But facing thousands of monsters, they can't hold on for long.

Even after the reinforcement of Tan Guangwen's team, the strength of several newcomers is about the same as Johns and his team.

But it's only about the same in attributes. They have almost no combat experience.

In a real fight, whether it's a monster or these two, killing them is basically as easy as killing a chicken.

The space will suppress the highest level of reincarnations to C level, probably because of the large number of monsters.

Xiao Ming himself is fine. With high defense, it's easy to find a corner to defend and ensure his own safety.

It's not that easy to protect all the passengers. We have to build a fortress.

Fortunately, these monsters are afraid of light and never come out of the ground. Just pay a little attention, and this matter can be left to the Tan family team to deal with.

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