Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 841 The Fat Man Who Planted Grass

And the zombie's basically indestructible constitution is also the premise for Xiao Ming to perform such a major operation on Zhang Wen.

After cutting open his fat belly, Xiao Ming planted dozens of sunshine mushrooms in his stomach and intestines.

These mushrooms, which originally live in the dark, can generate a large amount of spiritual power when nourished by food. It is very helpful for Brother Wen.

Before eating, only half of the operation can be done simply. After eating and drinking, there is still the other half of the operation to be done.

"Brother Wen, come with me." Green Xiao Ming called to Zhang Wen. It is more convenient to perform the operation with this insect king who possesses [Earth Resentment].

"No, I can't move, hiccup... Otherwise, Xiao Mingming, you can drag me away..." Zhang Wen lay on the ground and acted like a spoiled child.

Zombies are indeed not easy to die, but it is also very painful when their stomachs and intestines are cut open.

If it weren't for the zombies not being able to die, he would have died of pain long ago. This sentence seems to be nonsense.

Just now, for the sake of food, Zhang Wen just endured it. Now he is not willing to continue the operation.

"Brother Wen, you can't do this. The mushrooms in your stomach will continuously supply you with spiritual energy. With your current level of Qi training, you can't digest it at all.

There must be a channel for storage and dissipation. Otherwise, if you accumulate too much spiritual energy, you will be a piece of fat meat in the eyes of some people or monsters. What if they swallow you in one bite?"

"Ah! There is such a thing. Then I will eat less in the future... Forget it, you should help me with the operation."

With the preferential treatment of eating, Zhang Wen didn't want to give up. He was not afraid of pain, struggled to get up, and followed Lu Xiaoming into Guangmingding.

The plant props used by Brother Wen must be refined and relatively good.

During the construction of X Academy, Xiao Ming bought a large number of plant props. The Plants vs. Zombies system unlocks more props. There are more choices.

When Xiao Ming planted mushrooms or plants on ordinary zombies, he never considered the issue of aesthetics.

Practicality is the most important thing. They are all zombies, so what is there to be proud of.

But if it is planted on Zhang Wen or other zombie reincarnations, the aesthetics must be considered. This zombie is not that zombie.

That reincarnation does not want to go out with a pea cannon on his head all day long, right? At least Zhang Wen does not want to do that.

So Zang Ma, the monster who can control plants, worked with Xiao Lu and Xiao Ming to develop an improved plan.

In fact, the props originally produced by the system were just models, very small. You can put several in your pocket.

Just activate it when you use it. When the plant has used up its own spiritual power and cannot be replenished, it will shrink and eventually become dregs.

Zang Ma's method is to first implant the model into the appropriate position in Zhang Wen's body, such as implanting the pea cannon into the shoulder.

When needed, Zhang Wen can activate this prop, and a pea cannon will grow on his shoulder.

Because there is always spiritual power replenished in Zhang Wen's body, his pea cannon can continue to fight without shrinking.

When you don't want it, just cut it off with the roots and transplant it somewhere else. If it's not convenient to transplant, you can just cut it off and throw it away.

We have plenty of props. We can plant a lot of them for Zhang Wen. We can handle multiple battles. When we run out, we can just come back to replenish them.

As for Zang Ma, he doesn't have to go through so much trouble. He can use these props almost at will. The same is true for Xiao Lu.

Let's go back to the matter of installing plants for Zhang Wen.

First of all, we need to strengthen the defense. Xiao Ming implanted several [Pumpkin Set] props around Brother Wen's belly, of course, only one can be activated at a time.

The pumpkin sets produced by the system are all the same size, and they can't be like Russian nesting dolls, one inside another, and more than ten in a row.

The defense of a pumpkin set is already good. At worst, if you break one, you can activate the next one.

Of course, this also adds some burden to Zhang Wen, but for a third-generation zombie, this weight is really nothing.

Several props are implanted on the top of the head. You can switch and use them at will. They are:

[Leaf umbrella] (lettuce, umbrella leaf): The leaves are usually retracted. When it is attacked from above within a certain range, it will open its leaves and bounce off the attack like an umbrella.

[Star fruit] (star fruit): It is shaped like a five-pointed star and fires "bullets" in five directions at the same time when attacking.

This plant can only be placed on the top of your head, otherwise it is easy to hit yourself. Even if it is on your head, you can't use it casually.

Otherwise, it is easy to accidentally hurt when you are with your teammates. It is only suitable for use when you are surrounded.

[Lantern grass]: It can illuminate the surroundings. It is suitable for use in caves or dark environments. When using it, you need to be careful of enemies attracted by the light.

In addition, you need to strengthen the attack. Zhang Wen's shoulders are the main combat position, of course, he will not implant ordinary pea cannons.

At this time, Xiao Ming couldn't help but think of the shoulder cannon of the Iron Blood Warrior. That is much more powerful than the pea cannon.

After careful selection by Xiao Ming, there are two types of combat plant props implanted:

[Ice Shooter]: can shoot ice peas. If the target cannot offset the ice, it will be slowed down.

[Dual Shooter] (Double-Barreled Pea): can shoot 2 peas at a time, with double the attack power of the pea cannon.

Friends who have played Plants vs. Zombies know that there is also a more powerful [Gatling Pea Cannon], but unfortunately this prop has not yet appeared.

Zhang Wen has almost reached the limit of controlling so many plants. If he controls more, his own battle will be delayed.

So in other parts of his body, Xiao Ming implanted a plant that can automatically search for enemies and attack in all directions - cattail (cattail grass).

It can shoot two spikes at a time. The attack power is still quite good. But the price is relatively expensive.

The source energy used to exchange for a cattail can be exchanged for 3 pea cannons.

However, the source energy is something that Xiao Ming "produces" himself. For the sake of his best friend, it doesn't matter if he spends a little more.

Not to mention anything else, Zhang Wen's cattails that can automatically search for enemies all over his body make him never worry about being attacked.

When this item was unlocked, Xiao Ming, Cangma and others were very happy. Other plant weapons still need to be controlled or set.

Only cattail is an exception. It will automatically search and attack enemies. This kind of enemy is very hostile and will attack the host almost immediately.

Although doing so may sometimes seem rash. But the safety is greatly increased. Overall, it is still cost-effective.

If there is a situation where you need to play coy with the enemy, just don't activate this item for the time being.

After all, the items provided by the Plants vs. Zombies system are only suitable for E-level to D-level battles, and have little effect above C-level.

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