Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 837: Taken Away

Just as some people were left in the X-Men world by mistake, there were also people who were taken out of this world by mistake.

Of the batch of mutant insect humans that were originally planned to be taken away, only one dead female was taken away by Xiao Ming.

Death Girl has excellent martial arts skills. In the original movie, Wolverine and Cyclops were actually no match for her in single combat.

This piqued Catwoman's interest. In this world, there really is no one who can rival Catwoman, she said boredly.

She had no choice but to lower her strength. Even so, only Death Girl was qualified to be her opponent.

Wolverine and Beast's skills and tactics are really average. Just relying on physical fitness to fight blindly.

That's right, the skills that Wolverine and others have honed over decades of actual combat are just a fool's errand in Nephibit's eyes. Only Death Girl's moves are okay.

On the other hand, Catwoman likes the environment in Kunlun very much, and Death Woman is a member of the insect human race, so she is not worried that she will reveal any secrets.

So Neferbit often pulled Death Girl into Kunlun to fight with her to relieve her boredom. I still have to trouble Xiao Ming every time.

But why did Catwoman become Xiao Ming's personal guard? Xiao Ming really couldn't refuse such a small thing.

Of course Death Girl didn't serve as a sparring partner for nothing. After fighting, Catwoman will carefully guide Death Girl to practice telekinesis.

Death Woman's talent is also quite good. She didn't even need Xiao Ming to plant super seeds for her before she could master the power of telepathy on her own. Of course, all insect humans are talented in this area.

After learning the basic application of telekinesis, Death Girl's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and Catwoman has become more addicted to fighting with her.

During these days, Death Girl almost lived in Kunlun. Because of this, she was lucky enough to follow Xiao Ming out of the X-Men world as planned.

Contrary to her, several others also left, but this was not part of the plan.

In the Guangmingding, Xiao Ming used a barrier to imprison several prisoners. Except for Magneto, Sabretooth Tiger, and Toad, the three veteran-level prisoners.

Also in the process of recruiting mutants, I occasionally encountered a dozen mutants who had done a lot of bad things. He was also locked up by Xiao Ming. As time goes by, the number of people gradually dwindles.

Three of the mutants were forced by society to become bad people, and Xiao Ming also had some sympathy for them.

They were injected with inhibitory drugs, their memories were cleaned, and their appearances were even slightly changed, and then they were quietly released back into human society. Hope they can start a new life.

Two mutants sincerely repented, signed a contract, and joined X Academy.

Several other die-hards have been locked up in the Bright Dome. Now he is back with Xiao Ming.

Alas, Xiao Ming sighed as he looked at Magneto locked in the Bright Dome. I thought it would be difficult to handle this.

Xiao Ming never intended to take them away from their original world. When Xiao Ming is about to leave, he will naturally hand them over to the care of X Academy.

Especially recently, Lao Wan's tone has become a bit looser, and it shouldn't take long for him to join X Academy. What to do now.

Forget it, Lao Wan’s problem is not urgent. When you have time in the future, explain to him slowly. I don’t have time to talk to him now.

In addition to these people who were passively taken away by Xiao Ming, an uninvited guest also appeared in Guangmingding - the phantom cat: Katie.

Katie Pryde, an American girl under twenty years old. She was already a student of Professor X before Xiao Ming came to this world.

She can move her body or anything she touches through any object. To put it simply, it is the art of walking through walls. (Wall penetration and invisibility are both favorites of otakus.)

Of course, the phantom cat's ability is not only to pass through walls, but also to pass through other objects, including the human body.

Before Xiao Ming died, she happened to watch the battle between Wolverine and the Beast.

At that time, she felt something abnormal in the surrounding space. I couldn't hold back my curiosity for a moment, so I followed the feeling and walked through it.

As a result, Katie used her own ability to shuttle into Xiao Ming's Bright Dome. Being able to have this ability can be regarded as a gift.

It's just that she was not very lucky and happened to travel to the area where Xiao Ming stored spare zombies and skeleton soldiers.

They were immediately regarded as intruders and were almost overwhelmed by these undead soldiers.

Relying on the wall-penetrating technique, she managed to stay in the pile of undead, dodging left and right. In less than half a minute, she was about to lose her hold.

At this time, the housekeeper Xiaolu who was in the Bright Dome finally noticed her.

Xiao Green planted various plants on a large scale in various bases of mutants. So I am familiar with most people in X Academy.

He recognized Katie at a glance and quickly stopped the undead. Saved her little life.

The phantom cat passed through the Guangmingding and saw some of Xiao Ming's secrets. Xiao Lu definitely couldn't let her run away casually.

In order to prevent her from escaping through the wall again, Xiaolu directly released some kind of plant poison gas to knock her out. Prepare to hand it over to Xiao Ming in the future.

As a result, this little girl followed Xiao Ming and left her own world by accident.

The phantom cat is quite innocent and kind-hearted, so he should be the stowaway he least needs to worry about. It would probably be nice to explain it.

Her ability is really surprising. She can actually travel through space with a simple wall-penetration technique. Mutants are so unexpected.

Xiao Ming himself has wormhole skills, but he really doesn't like her wall-penetrating skills.

It's just a child. Let's see which world she likes and put her there.

The only problem is that in the world of reincarnation, there is a benefit that has always existed but is often ignored, that is, language ability.

The reincarnationists and the characters in the plot can basically understand each other. But after leaving the world of reincarnation, this benefit is cancelled.

Katie speaks American English, not Chinese. She and Xiao Ming and others even have a big problem communicating.

In college, Xiao Ming learned the language of Britain, a small European country on Pangu Star. But he has no talent in this area and learned it very poorly.

And the difference between British English and American English is not small. Therefore, it is impossible to communicate with language.

This problem also occurs in Magneto, Sabertooth Tiger, Toad and others. Only Kurama does not have this trouble.

Not only because he is a "legal" follower certified by the reincarnation space, another reason is that the private world is also certified by the space.

Imagine that the reincarnationists and their own private worlds do not speak the same language? What a joke!

So for the reincarnations who are eligible for the private world, the space will automatically let both parties understand each other.

But Katie and the others were illegal immigrants, so they naturally didn't get this preferential treatment. Later, Xiao Ming came up with a solution.

In the spiritual world, people don't communicate with each other using language.

So Xiao Ming can use his spiritual power to communicate with these people. At least they don't have to talk to each other.

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