Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 830 Where does the army come from?

The question is, from which corner did this group of special forces come out?

Why are there not bullets but large pieces of syringes flying all over the sky? WTF? What is the traitorous American government doing?

Xiao Ming actually has to be careful when dealing with these ordinary people with bodies between level 1 and level 2.

Although there are few good people in the army, there are not many who are extremely evil. If you use a little more force, you may kill them all.

So Xiao Ming tested a new ability on them, No, it should be said that it is an extended application of the old ability.

Remember the skill [Mars Virus]? It is super effective in cleaning low-level soldiers. But the lethal effect limits the application of this skill.

For so long, Xiao Ming has collected the genes of many mutants, including some mutants who make viruses or toxins.

Their abilities are very close to Xiao Ming's, so it is easy to use them for your own use. Especially for the body of the Insect King, making viruses is simply too simple.

So the skill of Mars Virus has been extended on a large scale. Many viruses of different levels entered Xiao Ming's virus library. This situation is suitable for using less powerful viruses.

Inside [Susanoo], there was a figure next to Trinity, it was the insect king green Xiao Ming.

Then a strong but not fatal cold virus spread silently and extremely quickly.

I saw the special forces soldiers falling to the ground in rows like cutting wheat, with headaches, fever, and weakness...

Looking at more than a hundred 2-meter-tall tough guys wearing special forces combat uniforms, rolling over and over on the grass in the forest, making groaning sounds.

Xiao Ming almost laughed. This contrast is so cute. All tough guys are the same when they are sick.

In the distance, the group of mutants could not see these human soldiers, but only saw Susanoo floating above a forest, and then it was motionless. It seemed that they heard gunshots.

The group of people kneeling on the ground looked at each other, wondering:

What do you mean? Why did you leave us here? What happened over there?

My knee hurts a little. Can we stand up? Can we? Can we not? Can we? No...

I'm just asking casually, why are you so serious? Can we?

Mystique was also at a loss. Just as she was about to go over and take a look, she heard a voice from afar: "You guys get up, I'll go back."

After that, the huge Susanoo disappeared from the air, and Trinity's clone stepped on the Zanpakutō, holding two officers in his hands, and flew back directly.

"Bang!" The two officers were thrown to the ground. This pain was nothing compared to the discomfort of a cold, and the two of them only groaned slightly.

The Night Walker, who had already stood up, had a little desire to show off, and asked first: "Sir, where were these two soldiers captured? Is there a US military camp nearby?"

"Hehe, you guys, you didn't even know you were being followed. They came with hundreds of special forces, and now they are all lying in the woods over there." Trinity replied indifferently.

"Impossible!" Arclight retorted loudly: "We have taken off all the signal devices on them. There is absolutely no omission. They will not be tracked. They must be coming for these people." After saying that, he pointed at the mutants around Mystique.

Arclight did not dare to put the blame on Mystique, so he had to put it on the mutants living locally.

Seeing her so excited, she actually dared to contradict him directly. She must be very confident in this aspect and did a "careful and thorough" anti-tracking work.

But the life energy of an officer lying on the ground changed significantly, and he seemed to be quite dissatisfied with Arclight's words.

In response, Trinity raised her hand and used the healing spell on one of the officers, temporarily relieving his symptoms.

Asked: "You look like you are not convinced. Come on, tell me."

The officer also knew that he was at the mercy of others, and he was dizzy and couldn't think, so he stopped pretending to be righteous. He answered while panting:

"The signal devices you dismantled were all baits we deliberately set up. Huh, huh... The real signal is the smell."

"The smell?"*5. The nightwalker trio, the hedgehog man, and the clone were all surprised.

"Yes! The smell. When Red Tank was locked up, there was always an ingredient in his daily food that allowed him to emit a very slight smell all year round."

After hearing this, everyone, including Red Tank, sniffed hard a few times, trying to smell what the strange smell was.

"It's useless. Humans can't smell it, and dogs can't smell it. Huh..." The officer panted again, "Only our special instruments can detect it."

As if he wanted to defend humans, the officer said again: "Don't think that your superpowers are so awesome, human technology is not that simple."

"Oh my god~~" Arc Light and others all looked confused. It's really hard to guard against. Although humans don't have superpowers, this black technology is really pervasive.

At the same time, the insect king in the woods hid his body and collected the guns, ammunition and equipment of these soldiers.

Especially those guns made of plastic and bullets made of some kind of medicine. These must be famous.

"What's your name?" Trinity asked.

"Lieutenant Reese." The officer answered and added his title.

"Okay, John Doe. Let me ask you something. What kind of gun is that you brought? What kind of bullets? Is it specially used to deal with mutants?"

... After a short moment of silence, Reese shook his head and said helplessly:

"It's all in vain. You are so powerful, and now, there is no need to hide it..."

Then he spoke intermittently, and in the middle, Trinity had to give him two healing spells before he could continue, but the content was absolutely shocking.

It turns out that humans have already developed the so-called antidote. A drug that suppresses mutant genes.

After being injected, the mutant will lose his superpowers. It will be lost to everyone. And the antidote can be mass-produced.

With this magic weapon, the fight between humans and mutants will completely gain the upper hand.

For Xiao Ming's mutant base, this is actually a good thing.

Many mutants rely on their superpowers to run rampant in the world. I have no interest in joining X Academy.

It's also a good thing that humans have some restraint on them. Having the ability is not the capital to do whatever you want.

It is a pity that the United States is a country that advocates "freedom", "release of individuality" and "personal success".

Their culture actually supports those who have the ability to do whatever they want. This is considered timely.

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