Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 803 Battle with Tianhong

Xiao Ming's sight was occupied by the sudden cold light, and he couldn't see anything clearly for a while.

But he reacted quickly, and with his right hand raised, the peanuts he had just held in his hand were hit out by Xiao Ming with the technique of raining flowers.

At the same time, he kicked the attacking object with his left foot, and his body turned sideways. Rolled to the side.

Looking closely, it was not someone else who attacked him, but Luo Tianhong, a big brother of Zhong Xinyi who held a long sword all day.

He had always wanted to fight with Xiao Ming's three clones, so he paid close attention to Xiao Ming and others.

When Huang Xiaoming left, he and Lian Haolong noticed it.

However, Lian Haolong thought that Huang Xiaoming was fulfilling his previous words and wanted to find out the details of the police. Naturally, he didn't care.

Luo Tianhong didn't doubt it. He just wanted to come out to communicate with Xiao Ming and arrange a time to fight.

Unexpectedly, he saw Xiao Ming and a few trainee policemen flirting with each other. It's a bit interesting.

So he did not continue to follow Xiao Ming, but opened a room next to Tianxiaweigong's room.

Zhongxinyi is very powerful, and this club has Zhongxinyi's shares. Luo Tianhong didn't even need to ask for help, he got the key and opened the door by himself. He also removed the soundproofing board and eavesdropped on the conversations of several people through the wall.

Many people who can come to this club to consume are rich and powerful. The club doesn't have the courage to install monitoring equipment in the room.

Once discovered, it would be like stirring up a hornet's nest. It will inevitably be besieged by everyone.

So they just did some tricks on the building materials. The room was not as soundproof as planned.

Usually, it depends on some large furniture with soundproofing boards to enhance the soundproofing effect. It is impossible for people to detect.

If there is a need to eavesdrop, just temporarily remove the soundproofing board and reinstall it after the task is completed, without anyone noticing.

Luo Tianhong took advantage of this convenient condition and hid next door, waiting for the rabbit.

Xiao Ming's anti-tracking tactics, pretending to go downstairs, buy cigarettes, and go upstairs by changing stairs, were all useless.

Luo Tianhong heard everything he said to Tianxiaweigong.

As a character in the plot, Luo Tianhong didn't care about some of the words involving the reincarnation space under the influence of the space.

However, it was a foregone conclusion that this newcomer had colluded with the police.

Luo Tianhong felt sorry, but also secretly happy. It's more exciting to fight with a master or fight to the death. Now he finally has a reason to fight for his life.

In other words, he is skilled and bold. If it were another big brother, he would definitely notify him first, pull a group of younger brothers, and take down this group of people.

But Luo Tianhong was confident that he was invincible, and at the same time he wanted to put some pressure on himself. Without telling anyone, he turned to the door and attacked.

If it was Xiao Ming in normal state, how could he be attacked at such a close distance? !

Or because of the sudden loss of various supernatural powers, Xiao Ming was very uncomfortable with the current state. He was almost killed by Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong's long sword was kicked up by Xiao Ming's left foot, and he shook it, and the long sword cut the throat of a person who was closer to the side. Deep Water Abyss died.

Luo Tianhong took back the long sword and blocked the peanuts shot by Xiao Ming. Because there were too many, he couldn't block them all.

However, the peanuts were round and bulging, and they didn't have much killing power. Xiao Ming made a hasty move again, hitting Tianhong, basically not breaking his defense, but just hurting him a little.

In a flash, Deep Water Abyss was dead, Tianxia Weigong and Gaoshan Zhiding reacted and took out their pistols together.

At the same time, Huang Xiaoming, who was hiding on the side, also took out a few darts from his arms.

Usually, the three Xiao Mings always carry a lot of darts and stones. Of course, darts are more useful at this time.

In the eyes of the enemy, the two pistols were a greater threat. Luo Tianhong flew up and slashed with a sword.

Tianxia Weigong and Gaoshan Zhiding didn't have time to dodge, their wrists were cut, and the pistols fell to the ground.

Tianhong was about to continue chasing and finish off the two men first. Xiaoming's flying knife had already been used.

This time he was prepared, the power and accuracy were very different, and if he was hit, he would be seriously injured.

Luo Tianhong's position at this time was deliberately chosen by him, just between Xiaoming and Tianxia Weigong.

If Xiaoming shot a hidden weapon, he would have to take the risk of hitting friendly forces. I hope this will make Xiaoming afraid to use his weapon.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoming didn't care about hurting his accomplices at all, and the flying knife still shot out with a strong wind. He didn't hold back at all.

Tianhong was also shocked. He didn't expect that the leader's right guard was so cruel that he didn't even hesitate to hurt his own people.

He tried his best to dodge, but was still hit hard on the right arm by two darts, which hurt him deeply and almost made his sword slip out of his hand.

Tianxia Weigong fell to the ground with a limp. It turned out that three of the darts that Luo Tianhong dodged hit Tianxia Weigong's chest and abdomen.

Tianxia Weigong was more seriously injured than Luo Tianhong. Only Gaoshan Zhiding was lucky and was not injured.

This surprised Luo Tianhong. Several reincarnationists were accustomed to it.

This kind of play is very natural in the reincarnation space. Everyone has a resurrection stone and can be resurrected.

If you can drag a master down with you when you die once, it is actually a very cost-effective deal. Several reincarnationists did not make a fuss.

Xiao Ming waved his hands repeatedly to kill Luo Tianhong. Dozens of flying knives shot at Luo Tianhong continuously.

Tianhong remained calm in the face of danger. His right hand was weak, so he handed the sword to his left hand and danced with the sword with his left hand. He managed to block more than a dozen darts.

With a muffled "bang", blood gushed out of Luo Tianhong's heart. It turned out that he was shot.

It was too embarrassing for a martial artist to be shot to death by a pistol. He looked at Gaoshanzhiding unwillingly.

It was this man who took out the second pistol at the fastest speed and used the cushion of the seat to silence it. He shot Luo Tianhong to death with one shot.

It was not difficult to hit the heart at close range. It was just rare that Gaoshanzhiding was so decisive.

He didn't even mean to leave a living person, and chose to kill directly.

Gaoshanzhiding actually had no choice. Luo Tianhong's martial arts were too high, and his weapon was sharp. When holding a long sword, he was simply a killing god.

Although several people were not inferior to Luo Tianhong in physical fitness, their actual combat skills were too far behind. One person died and two were injured in one encounter.

If the fight goes on normally, I'm afraid no one will survive. Even if he has the upper hand, no one can stop Luo Tianhong from running away.

Luo Tianhong heard the conversation between several people, and it is very dangerous to capture him alive. Even if he is locked up in the police station, the lawyer must be allowed to meet him.

By then, the secret between the leader and Fenghuaxueyue will be exposed, so Luo Tianhong must die.

Gaoshanzhiding's mind is really fast. Killing directly is the safest way.

It's hard for him to think of using a mat to silence the sound in such a hurry. Now this situation, how to deal with it?

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