Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 786 Another wave

Speaking of which, Freddy's ability is 5-6 points similar to that of the third-generation zombie Domoto Shizuka in "Zombie Date 2". It is very suitable for Xiao Ming, who has a more vulgar fighting style.

You see, Domoto Shizuka has used her ability to the extreme. Through dreams, she not only got the girl she loved the most, but also took the time to have a child. She is a complete winner in life.

There is no harm without comparison. Compared with Domoto Shizuka, Freddy is a scum who has no pursuit, no ideal, and no one wants him.

As soon as Freddy died, Xiao Ming woke up from his dream immediately. He saw that No. 3 in front of him had just made sweet and sour fish.

He was scooping up a mouthful of soup with a big spoon and took a sip to taste it. He also fed Xiao Ming a mouthful by the way.

He didn't notice that Xiao Ming was attacked at all. He scanned the surroundings with a circle, and the other three were also doing their own things.

It's just that No. 5's inspection of the cabin was very thorough, and he was about to discover the monitoring facilities installed in the cabin.

The personnel of the underground base also responded quickly, and an unknown gas floated out from the cracks in the wall near No. 5.

After inhaling the gas, No. 5 changed his attitude at that time and became indifferent to the various abnormalities of this hut.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ming nodded. The base still has some means. Otherwise, a house with countless mechanisms installed is actually very easy to be exposed.

The sacrifices to the ancient gods are all young people, who are also big naughty children.

Any random destruction may expose the secret device. Of course, the base has prepared a backup for this. This gas that can change people's minds is really black technology.

The other four people can't withstand Freddy's dream attack. They are all fine now, which means that Freddy's first target is himself.

(`へ) Hum, do I look so easy to bully? Hit the wall, right? It's what you deserve! Xiao Ming muttered indignantly.

In fact, Freddy likes to spread fear, and his behavior pattern also has a certain trajectory.

No. 1, No. 2, and No. 5 were acting separately, so the horror scene of killing them would not be seen immediately. The transmission efficiency was too low.

Only No. 3 and Xiao Ming were together. Freddy's plan was to brutally kill the other person in front of one of them.

The one who survived would of course run out to ask for help from the others. In this way, the fear would spread.

Next, Freddy would hunt them one by one. Continue to increase the fear and despair of the survivors.

So at the beginning, he did not choose 5 from 1, but 2 from 1. Xiao Ming was not really unlucky to be chosen.

The monster was killed by the sacrifice as soon as it appeared, and the staff of the mysterious organization was also panicked. They had never seen such a scene.

Freddy, the monster, was quite special, and it was difficult for the organization to track him. They could not see the scene in the dream world.

It was just known that Freddy, who was unpredictable and never failed, was actually dealt with by a sacrifice. Isn't this nonsense!

In comparison, the other sacrifices who were scouting inside and outside the cabin were just a minor trouble.

There was a lot of discussion about the cause of Freddy's death, but there was no conclusion.

A more widely accepted guess is that Xiao Ming may have carried a holy object such as a cross.

He may have carried more than one. And Freddy happened to be restrained by the holy object, so he died so easily.

If this is not the case, it would be even more terrifying. That means the sacrifice itself has a stronger power, and the sacrifice is not so easy to complete.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Hadley, one of the supervisors, received a mysterious call.

Looking at his guilty expression and cold sweat on his forehead. It seems that he was scolded by the other end of the phone.

But finally there is a plan for the next step. After hanging up the phone, Hadley gave a solution Plan B.

The conditions for the sacrifice of the ancient gods are really loose. Seeing that there is still a lot of time, the second group of monsters can be sent out next.

According to a higher-level supervisor, as long as the four sacrifices can be killed, it doesn't matter if humans do it themselves.

Of course, the effect of doing so will definitely be worse. The next time you sacrifice, pay attention to doing the ritual a little better and make up for it.

Now it is an impossible task to get the five sacrifices to go back into the basement to choose the mysterious items.

Fortunately, everyone still remembers what the best have chosen. Just choose one from them.

Xiao Ming's Seven Star Shadow clone Neo saw the staff press the switch and raise the cage of the next group of monsters to the ground.

A screen always follows these substitute monsters. Neo's clone saw that it was a family of zombies and immediately lost interest.

Probably because the last Freddy was a mental attack monster, this time they chose a group of physical attack monsters.

Although the zombies are slow in action, they have high defense and thick blood, and they have weapons in their hands. They have overwhelming power over humans.

Xiao Ming didn't know that these zombies were actually the genuine monsters that appeared in the original "The Cabin in the Woods", the starring team.

Without further ado, at 3pm, the five players sat around the table and had a sumptuous... afternoon tea.

There was no other way, the meal at this time could only be considered afternoon tea.

No. 3's sweet and sour fish was really good, and the braised spareribs, braised pork slices, beef stewed with radish... were all quite tasty.

Even though this was in the game, everyone enjoyed the meal very much. The attitudes of several people towards No. 3 also changed.

Everyone took a symbolic bite of the tomato scrambled eggs made by Xiao Ming, and no one ate any more.

It’s not that it tastes bad, but it’s just that it’s inedible when compared to what others make.

Probably because they enjoyed the meal, the five people went to the lake outside the cabin to swim and boat after dinner, and they were very happy.

Gu Yiyu, as the deputy attacker of the school volleyball team, has excellent athletic nerves and a pretty good figure. She shuttled and played in the water like a mermaid.

Several boys stared straight at it, almost popping their eyes out. No. 5 seemed to have a tendency to bleed from the nose. Only Xiao Ming was distracted.

Because at the same time, Neo’s clone ran to the monster pile and exchanged feelings with them.

There are no serious secrets on the human side, and Xiao Ming has no interest in private privacy. He can only go to the monsters to communicate.

Of course, Xiao Ming does not need to open the cage or get in himself.

Just stand outside the glass cage and use mental connection with the monster on the opposite side.

As a result, these monsters are all very boring, all of them are mentally ill, and none of them think logically. Many monsters have only the desire to kill.

Some of the special monsters took the opportunity to launch a mental attack on Xiao Ming. As a result, Xiao Ming killed them all.

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