Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 778 Heading South to Chongyang Palace

In the original novel, after Yin Zhiping tested Guo Jing's kung fu, he returned to Quanzhen Sect and reported to his master Qiu Chuji. Ma Yu, the eldest brother of the Quanzhen Seven, also learned about it.

He was kind and generous, and he admired the Jiangnan Seven Freaks very much. He really didn't want them to lose too badly. In addition, he wanted to help compensate Guo Jing, the hero.

Therefore, Ma Yu came to the desert alone and taught Guo Jing the Quanzhen Sect's inner strength. This is how Guo Jing achieved later.

He didn't have to suffer in this life. Guo Jing practiced the Changsheng Jue since he was a child, and his internal strength had caught up with the lower martial arts of the Quanzhen Seven.

Yin Zhiping was first shocked by Nan Xiren played by Xiao Ming. When he saw the Jiangnan Seven Freaks and Guo Jing and others, he found that everyone seemed to have a very deep internal strength, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

Although he didn't fight with Guo Jing in person, he knew that he was not his opponent, and he was afraid that his senior brother Yang Kang would not be able to do it either.

He thought to himself: It's a close call: Fortunately, this senior Nan Xiren saw it first. Otherwise, if I really tried to test Guo Jing, I would be seriously injured. It was all thanks to the blessing of the Three Pure Ones.

Thanks to my visit, otherwise the master would have lost the bet. There are still two years now, it should, it may, and it is 80% in time...

Let alone the little Taoist's random thoughts, after the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan read the letter and talked with Yin Zhiping, Zhu Cong planned to write a reply with paper and pen.

Xiao Ming took the opportunity to throw out the words he had thought of before: "Second brother, there is no need to reply. Why don't I go to Chongyang Palace with this nephew."

Hearing this, the other six monsters reacted differently, and some did not quite understand what the fourth brother meant.

Xiao Ming blinked at Zhu Cong and said, "I just came back from the army, and I can have a lot of free time. I have been in the desert for too long these years, and I want to go out for a walk."

Yin Zhiping felt sympathetic after hearing this. Of course, I came to the desert on the orders of my master.

However, I am used to the lush mountain scenery near Chongyang Palace. It is really a different feeling to go out and see the vast desert grassland.

Zhu Cong heard that his fourth brother slightly emphasized the word "in the army" and knew that there was something hidden.

Then he suddenly realized that his fourth brother had obtained the Mongolian military training method. He wanted to use this as an excuse to leave the desert and return to the Central Plains.

Quanzhen Sect is also a fellow, maybe the fourth brother is planning to use their power to promote the military training method. Smart.

After thinking this through, Zhu Cong agreed first:

"Fourth brother is right, Quanzhen Sect is a martial arts master, and we admire it very much. It is most appropriate for the fourth brother to go there in person, so that people can't say that we, the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan, are impolite."

After speaking, he winked at the brothers at an angle that Yin Zhiping couldn't see.

Quan Jinfa's thoughts were only a step slower. When he saw Zhu Cong blink, he also figured it out. He immediately agreed with them.

What the three of them agreed on, no matter whether the others figured it out or not, could not object.

"Fourth brother, will it be dangerous for you to travel alone? Why don't we go with you?"

After ten years, Nan Xiren's martial arts skills were the lowest among the Seven Monsters. Han Xiaoying couldn't help but feel a little worried, and suggested that the couple come along.

Zhang Asheng was not good at speaking, and judging from his face, his thoughts should be exactly the same as his wife's.

But it was inconvenient to act with so many people, so Xiao Ming had to decline their kindness.

Even Yin Zhiping, who had such kung fu, could come and go freely, so of course Nan Xiren had no problem. The couple was too concerned and thought too much.

The plan was set, and Xiao Ming didn't stay any longer. On the same day, he changed into Han clothes, packed his luggage, and reported to Zhebie, and then he and Yin Zhiping set off on the road back to Chongyang Palace.

Although Guo Jing and Zhang Ning'er were reluctant to leave, the fourth master often left, and they were used to it.

Before leaving, Xiao Ming and Zhu Cong had a private conversation for a cup of tea. They discussed several details.

Xiao Ming said that after visiting Chongyang Palace in the south this time, he would not return to the desert. Instead, he would go to the Central Plains martial arts world.

Two years later, Guo Jing would be eighteen years old. At that time, he and the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan would go south to Jiaxing to meet at Zuixianlou. It would not be too late to meet again then.

In addition, Xiao Ming also secretly told Zhu Cong that although the people in the desert were simple and honest, it was not a place to live for a long time. Before leaving, he must secretly take Li Ping with him and settle down in Jiangnan.

Zhu Cong thought about what his fourth brother was going to do. If it was exposed, it might implicate Li Ping. It would be good to go back to the Central Plains. He immediately agreed.

On the way south, Xiao Ming asked Yin Zhiping about the latest news in the Central Plains martial arts world.

Quanzhen Sect has many eyes and ears, and is well-informed. There are not many things in the martial arts world that can be hidden from Quanzhen Sect.

The deeds of the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan are admired by everyone in Quanzhen Sect. As for whether there are people who secretly think they are stupid, it is unknown.

It is estimated that there must be some. This is also human nature, even Taoists are no exception.

The Seven Quanzhen disciples occasionally talked about this matter, and they all praised the Seven Freaks as role models for our generation. Among them, Qiu Chuji, who had fought with the Seven Freaks, praised them most sincerely.

Yin Zhiping was still a young man with blood and vigor. He felt a little unconvinced after hearing too much, so he had some impulsive behaviors.

Now that the desire to compete has gone, he subconsciously finds that the Seven Freaks of Jiangnan are indeed respectable. He has a very good attitude towards Nan Xiren and answers all questions.

Xiao Ming never asked about the martial arts and other secrets of Chongyang Palace, and talked about other people's affairs. This made Yin Zhiping more fond of him.

After a few days of contact, Yin Zhiping has regarded Nan Xiren as a friend regardless of age.

During the journey, the two of them would often exchange ideas, and Yin Zhiping also discovered the previous misunderstanding.

Nan Xiren's internal strength was indeed a few times stronger than his own, but it was much worse than the Quanzhen Seven Sons. But his use of true energy was indeed exquisite and extraordinary.

At the same time, the system arranged for Nan Xiren to start writing books every night according to the plot.

He recorded the training methods of Mongolian cavalry, the breeding methods of war horses, strategies and tactics, and some other details.

In this way, while rushing on the road; while playing; while typing; occasionally taking care of other people's business, Xiao Ming and his partner arrived at the foot of the mountain of Chongyang Palace in a few days.

After the notification, welcoming, visiting, greeting, staying overnight, banqueting, etc., the time in the secret realm was already night.

Nan Xiren invited the Quanzhen Seven Sons to talk by candlelight at night, and they actually talked for a whole night. What exactly was said, both sides were very secretive.

It is only known that not long after, Nan Xiren lived in Chongyang Palace. Then the Quanzhen Sect purchased a large number of four treasures of the study nearby.

After a period of calm, many disciples disguised themselves as different people and went down the mountain, quietly heading to the garrisons in various parts of the Song Dynasty, and no one knew what they were doing.

In this way, Xiao Ming successfully became a hands-off boss. He outsourced this important matter to the Quanzhen Sect. He began to plot for the Nine Yin Manual.

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