Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 770: Alternative Insect Man

If a soul originally in a human body is immediately sent to a Zerg body by [Soul Transfer], the success rate is very low.

The difference between the new and old bodies is too big. The huge cognitive barrier will hurt the transferred soul. It is also difficult to adapt to the new body.

Therefore, the skill of soul transfer is somewhat difficult, and the matching degree between the soul and the new body must be high.

Theoretically speaking, the human soul cannot match the Zerg body. But it can be cultivated.

[Hundred Ghost Box] is a treasure given by the tree demon grandma to Xiao Ming in the world of "A Chinese Ghost Story 1". It is used to cultivate ghost soldiers.

Xiao Ming never thought that the cultivated ghost soldiers are still human souls, but the matching degree with other bodies is quite high.

The reasons are nothing more than two points. First, the ghost soul is nourished by the Yin Qi, and its strength is much stronger than that of ordinary human souls. In other words, it can withstand tossing.

Second, when the ghost has been a ghost for a long time, the ghost's nostalgia or obsession with the previous human body has decreased. He is not so resistant to giving a Zerg body.

In addition, the Zerg's body is thick and tough, and it is really strong. So Xiao Ming's sudden brain hole actually has a very good success rate.

Most ghost soldiers with souls have obtained a strong Zerg body. The feeling of having a physical body again is quite good.

Some ghost soldiers are even willing to toss for this several times. If one body doesn't work, they will change to another one. They will never give up until they get a suitable body.

Of course, there are ghosts who don't care about the Zerg's body, and there are also particularly picky ones. There are a few ghost soldiers who don't want non-human bodies.

They even have a strong obsession with the gender of the new body. It goes without saying what they are thinking.

The Zerg's body, which has no gender at all, really can't satisfy them.

Among them is Xiaohong. Her words are very nice, "I am willing to help the young master manage the Hundred Ghosts Box for the rest of my life."

When Xiao Ming said that he could find her a beautiful body, the desire in her eyes immediately betrayed her heart. She couldn't say no at all.

She and Xiaolu can be said to be Xiaoming's earliest followers, and they are also recognized in the reincarnation space. Xiao Ming will naturally satisfy her little wish.

There is no rush to find a suitable body, you can slowly find one, the strength of the Zerg with the ghost soldier is the key.

To be honest, it's just so-so. When the ghost soldier adapts to the body of the Zerg, he loses his original combat effectiveness as a ghost soldier.

It is impossible to jump out of the body at any time to work alone. This is equivalent to combining two arms into one. Is it an alternative Zerg?

The good thing is that after adapting to the new body, the Zerg controlled by the ghost soldier fights very smartly. Much smarter than the general Zerg with soul.

This does not show any advantage in large-scale combat. However, in small-scale conflicts or encounters, there is a clear gap.

Now the Zerg has just started, there are basically no large-scale battles, but small-scale conflicts occur several times a day. This group of alternative Zergs appeared very timely.

And when these Zergs are not fighting, they are even smarter. After all, the body of the Zerg is filled with a human soul.

Since then, the Zerg has produced countless "artists".

Low-level cannon fodder is the most soulless soldier in the Zerg. They lower the proportion of souls in the entire Zerg population. So the ghost soldiers are all low-level Zerg.

For example, the springtail, which humans jokingly call puppies. It is small in size, runs on four legs, and is extremely fast. It also has two sharp forelimbs like giant sickles.

It can split a person in half with one blow, and it is not inferior even when facing steel. It is a daunting melee soldier.

Can you imagine a Zerg waving these two forelimbs and carving a Venus with a broken arm?

There are also hydralisks, low-level ranged soldiers of the Zerg. They look a little like Naga, but they don't have so many arms, and their fighting style is completely different.

Hydralisks can spray spikes from a long distance and can attack both ground and air. The power is not weak. It's just that the movement speed is slightly slow.

With ghost soldiers as souls, the hydralisks will spray these spikes on the stone wall to paint, and maybe spray out a Qingming Shanghe Tu.

Among the more advanced Zerg troops, the proportion of those with souls is very high. At present, ghost soldiers can only live in hydralisks or springtails.

The Zerg body and ghost soldiers as souls do have a certain effect. The role played by this combination on the battlefield is not as amazing as Xiao Ming imagined.

Instead, it has blossomed and borne fruit in the strange field of art. Even other Zergs have begun to imitate it.

It led to an alternative Renaissance movement among the Zerg under Xiao Ming. This is a later story.

The expansion of the Zerg in the demon world inevitably leads to wars with some monsters, monsters, and animals.

After the war, the death harvest can not only get some skeleton troops to help in the battle, but also harvest some ghosts to replenish the consumption in the Hundred Ghosts Box.

These ghosts need to be upgraded to the ghost soldier level in the Hundred Ghosts Box before Xiao Ming will carry out the next wave of soul transfer.

For this purpose, Xiao Ming even gave up those ghost soldiers without souls, and wanted only those with souls.

When harvesting death in the demon world, the ghosts obtained are also of various kinds. They are similar to what they looked like when they were alive.

Many of them are in the form of beasts, which are more suitable for transfer into the bodies of Zerg than human souls. Among them, there are two or three ghosts of Zerglings.

Even if Xiao Ming is strong, it is impossible to fight unscathed every time. It is normal to sacrifice a few Zerg cannon fodder soldiers occasionally.

There is no need for the ghosts of Zerglings to enter the Hundred Ghosts Box. Just "while it is hot" and stuff it into the body of a soulless Zergling.

Xiao Ming found it funny to see the confused look of the Zergling.

With the IQ of Zerglings, they probably can't understand such high-end things as borrowing corpses to revive. Xiao Ming still has to explain it to him in spiritual communication.

As the news spread, the reputation of the Zerg King became even louder among the Zerg. Of course, everyone welcomes the boss who can "resurrect from the dead".

Xiao Ming suddenly thought of the clone technology of the New Han Kingdom. If it can be combined with his soul transfer technology, maybe he can really bring the dead back to life.

Even immortality and eternal youth are not daydreams.

The only difficulty is whether a person's soul is strong enough to withstand such a soul transfer.

And this problem is solved by the Hundred Ghosts Box. If the soul is not strong enough, just cultivate it.

($_$) Hmm, it looks like a business that can make a lot of money. Thinking of this, Xiao Ming pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled bitterly.

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