Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 767: Standing up?

Several clones of the Seven Stars waited there for three days. Urameshi Yusuke never showed up, and no one from the spirit world showed up either. They all stood him up.

What is this operation? I don't understand it. Not only Yin Xiaoming was puzzled, but even Feiying felt strange.

Didn't the spirit world say that these three treasures are very important? Why is there no movement?

It's ridiculous to have sent a weak spirit world detective before.

If you have to explain it, you can also say that the spirit world is short of manpower and forced to do something.

But now there is no need to fight. Xiaoming also clearly expressed his willingness to return the treasures, as long as a decent person takes over.

As a result, the spirit world was silent, and no one came. Could it be that they couldn't even send a person with a decent identity?

I can't understand the reaction of the spirit world, but Xiaoming will definitely not continue to wait foolishly. He is not so idle.

Originally, Xiaoming planned to return the treasures directly in exchange for the freedom of Kurama and Feiying. After agreeing to Feiying's request, Xiaoming planned to outsource this job to the spirit world.

They should be better at finding people and things than himself. After all, they are local snakes.

After hearing this idea, Feiying also agreed with Xiaoming's idea and waited with him.

As a result, the spirit world seemed to want to slap Xiaoming in the face, and no one came. They didn't want the treasures either.

Feiying looked at the Seven Stars Shadow Clones with a strange look.

Helplessly, Yin Xiaoming created nearly a hundred shadow clones and sent them to various places in the human world. Relying on the human sea tactics to search.

If they encounter a passage to the demon world, these shadow clones will also go to the demon world to search.

Seeing so many guys who are stronger than the current one, all going to help him do things.

The arrogant Feiying was finally satisfied, and took the initiative to act as Yin Xiaoming's tour guide and guard with the returned Kurama.

At this time, Yin Xiaoming felt that there were some things he could tell them.

It was learned that the hundreds of "people" were all clones. Even the person in front of him was not all of Xiao Ming.

The two big monsters who had seen a lot were a little confused. This ability and strength are really amazing. Feiying has more confidence in finding his sister and the lost treasure.

Of course, this is a long-term job. In the few days left, Xiao Ming has not made any progress.

Until the mission time is about to end and Xiao Ming is about to leave the Youyou world, he suddenly feels a "whim".

Huang Xiaoming in the insect nest of the demon world, his eyes swept over the various objects in Guangmingding and Kunlun, and finally focused on the three treasures in the spirit world.

Intuition tells Xiao Ming that he was wrong at the beginning. These three things are definitely not ordinary products, and they are not just the simple functions that seem on the surface.

Although absorbing souls, turning people into monsters, and fulfilling wishes are already very good abilities. But it is not enough for Xiao Ming.

After being taken by Xiao Ming, these treasures have been covered in dust in Guangmingding, and Xiao Ming has never used them.

Maybe the ability to make wishes can be useful, but the price is too high, so Xiao Ming doesn't dare to use it.

Never expected that these three treasures could make Xiao Ming "feel inspired". This is a bit interesting.

The three Xiao Mings took turns playing with the three treasures for a long time, but there was no reaction.

Rubbing, kicking, biting, licking... nothing worked. Then they tried all kinds of supernatural energy, but they didn't recognize it.

Xiao Ming finally understood that they were longing for source energy.

But he didn't know whether to use one source energy to test it? Or should he use all three sources of energy at the same time.

Finally, Xiao Ming gathered three bodies together, each holding a treasure, each activating a source of energy, and the three Xiao Mings came together.

Sure enough, after the three treasures came into contact with the source energy, they immediately began to absorb it. And they absorbed it "in big mouthfuls", just like a whale sucking water. That "appetite" surprised Xiao Ming a little.

From Xiao Ming's current perspective, there are not many things that can directly absorb source energy.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming had three energy trees, which provided energy to the three treasures.

The Dark Mirror, the Demon Sword, and the Hungry Ghost Ball left his hands, flew into the air, and gathered together.

The lights of various colors flickered for a long time before gradually dissipating. Looking at the sky again, the three treasures of the spiritual world had disappeared.

Instead, there was a blurry ball of light. Before Xiao Ming could see the color and appearance of the light ball, it fell on Xiao Ming like a meteor.

What kind of operation is this!

The three Xiao Mings quickly checked themselves. Soon, they found the trace of the light ball in the depths of their souls.

When Xiao Ming felt that the light ball came to the depths of his soul, he was quite excited. Those who can come here are not simple characters.

In addition to the energy source, there are also magical existences such as Lu Shu and Jun Jun.

Could this be another kind of nine-tailed fox? Even more powerful, is it a new energy seed?

With an uneasy mood, Xiao Ming also immersed himself in the depths of his soul.

What appeared here was a sword suspended in the air. This sword made Xiao Ming feel very, very familiar. When had he seen it before?

OMG! This is [Xiao Ming's Sword of Judgment]! A kind of mind ability that he had specially cultivated before. It is specially used to punish those bad people who have been doing evil for a long time.

They don't have to wait until they go to the underworld, but receive retribution and punishment in the world.

In order to make this sword work, Xiao Ming even set up very strict restrictions. He has to use this sword to pierce himself once a day.

While increasing the power, it also prevents oneself from learning bad things. If Xiao Ming does too many bad things, he will be punished.

I never thought that the three originally inconspicuous spiritual treasures could absorb Xiao Ming's source energy. After merging, they directly entered the depths of Xiao Ming's soul.

Combined with the Sword of Judgment, a telekinesis ability, it was combined into a special soul treasure-[Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil].

From now on, it will no longer occupy the position of Xiao Ming's telekinesis ability, allowing Xiao Ming to have a lot more potential and skill points in telekinesis.

As a soul treasure, the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, its ability was clear to Xiao Ming at the moment it was formed.

It is a one-to-one ability that needs to be driven by source energy.

First, Xiao Ming needs to select a target for rewarding good and punishing evil.

In the second step, the opponent's soul will be extracted by the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, and the opponent's good and evil will be seen through.

The third step is to execute rewarding good and punishing evil. The limitation is that after each person is rewarded or punished once, the degree of good and evil will automatically return to 0.

Whether to reward or punish next time depends on the new performance of this person.

The standard of good and evil is still based on Xiao Ming's intention. Doing good or bad things on impulse will not be rewarded or punished.

Only long-term good deeds or bad deeds will trigger the retribution effect.

Among them, the body of the good people will be healthier and their life span will be appropriately extended. (No money for bad reviews.)

The punishment method for the evil people is the same as the original sword of judgment. Let the other party feel the same pain every night.

The sword of rewarding good and punishing evil has taken root in the depths of Xiao Ming's soul. There will be no more harm to himself.

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