Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 762 Establishing a Base

Soon, Huang Xiaoming left the chimera ant's nest. Because his eggs of insect humans transformed from chimera ant eggs are already showing signs of hatching.

Although the relationship between Xiao Ming and Meluaim's families is good, it is not as close as one family.

Xiao Ming can't build the insect-human nest together with the chimera ants, right? Then there will be trouble in the future.

In fact, Xiao Ming doesn't even plan to place the chimera ant's nest in this demonic plane. Let Meruem and the others have fun here.

While the Insect King and Ant King traveled together, they also discovered several passages connecting other planes.

The Insect King sent shadow clones one by one to check. There are two planes with extremely harsh environments that are not suitable for human survival at all.

Even the weaker monsters might not be able to survive. Wheat's current physical condition is definitely unbearable.

The other three planes seem to be pretty good. The ant king remembered the location and planned to go to the next plane after having enough fun in this plane.

The moment did not pass immediately, causing the accompanying clones of Yupi and Pufu to let out a sigh of relief. They definitely don't want the ant king to go that far.

The idea of ​​the two guards is that they can just wander around in their own plane and go to other planes. What if the passage is closed midway?

If you really want to play, it's not too late to go there after we chimera ants unify this plane or take the dominant position.

By then, it will no longer be just a few people traveling there, but at least a large army will have to be brought there. This can make people feel at ease.

Facing the complex demon world, Xiao Ming had to admire Xiao Yapfu's ability. His clone can ensure the smooth flow of the internal command system of the chimera ants.

No matter how many planes the chimera ants conquer, no matter which plane the ant king goes to, Pufu can basically guarantee that there will be at least one clone to lead each plane.

This ability can be compared to Xiao Ming, who has multiple shadow clones.

It's just that the shadow clones that Xiao Ming can send out are very limited. There are not many powerful Seven-Yam Shadow clones, so they are not as convenient as the ability of [Lord of Flies].

Among the three available demonic planes, Xiao Ming carefully selected one. This is also a huge solid planet. The concentration of spiritual energy is higher.

The information obtained by scanning the map shows that the maximum strength of this sleepless monster does not exceed A level, and there are only 3 or 5 of them.

There are about fifty or sixty B-level masters; C-level masters are more concentrated. The overall strength is higher than the first demon plane.

At the same time, if it is beyond Xiao Ming's control, it can be regarded as an ideal base.

Xiao Ming chose a huge mountain range as his base. This will be the homeland of both humans and bugs.

We all know that because of alchemy, Xiao Ming has the most home field advantage in underground caves with complex structures.

So he first occupied a large mountain deep in the mountains.

There used to be two B-level guys fighting here for a long time. Their strength was evenly matched, and neither one could defeat the other. But there was always a fight every once in a while.

One of them is a canine-like monster; the other is a humanoid monster with long ears and a tail.

When Xiao Ming arrived, the two brothers had actually been fighting for three days and two nights, and there was still no winner.

Looking at this situation, I'm afraid it will take another two days of fighting before they are exhausted and everyone goes back to their homes.

Both of them are living beings with independent souls. Looking at life energy, it is impossible to tell what is good or evil. Anyway, they have no connection with the word "bad guy".

Individuals living alone in the wild are often of this type.

Thinking that it was not easy for them to practice till now, Xiao Ming did not take action directly, and he was polite first and then attacked.

A-level Zhang Zhong appeared and shot an arrow at each of the two. It was very powerful, but it was deliberately not aimed.

Regardless of whether they were monsters or monsters, they were all frightened by Zhang Zhong's aura. The big dog ran away without saying a word.

Instead, the monster bowed his hand to Zhang Zhong, thanked him for not killing him, and then turned around and left...

Seeing no one to turn to, Xiao Ming couldn't help but wonder, is his character so bad?

When the A-level personal guards took action, none of them bowed down and called them big brother. Where did our domineering spirit go?

Oh, by the way, Xiao Ming can only see the domineering colors of Wen color and Armed color, but not Bawang color at all! Where does the domineering spirit come from!

It's good if you can scare people away. At least the territory was taken down.

Xiao Ming used alchemy to shape the caves inside the mountain, which were not particularly developed, into huge and complex underground structures.

Deep in the core of the cave, two Melon tree seeds were planted. There are still two seeds of Pandora's sacred tree left that have not been planted.

Even though both of these two giant trees can be planted in Kunlun, that's because Kunlun's unique conditions allow these two kinds of trees to grow even without soil.

However, the situation in the demon world is different. The environment of Pandora's planet is quite special. This demonic plane does not meet the conditions for the growth of holy trees. It is enough to grow melon trees.

500 insect-human eggs were hung on the sacred tree. It is said to be on a tree, but in fact it is still underground, and the eggs are hung at the roots of the sacred tree.

Although the holy tree has not fully grown yet, the root alone is already tens of meters tall (long), and over time, it will become even larger.

The holy tree absorbs nutrients from the demon world through its roots. As it grows, it can also provide nutrients for insect eggs. This group of insect humans should be more powerful than those chimeric ants of the same origin.

After that, Huang Xiaoming stayed here to manage the base, and the insect humans were hatched one after another.

2-3 level insect soldiers, 4 level insect lieutenants, 5 level insect officers... until No. 1000 appeared again.

The Demon Realm is Xiaoming's private world. The number of insect humans here is counted including the insect humans in the Chiyou galaxy.

In order to better manage the increasing number of insects, the insect king Lu Xiaoming gave birth to hundreds of insect humans in the Chiyou galaxy. Only then did the No. 1000 appear this time.

According to the rules of the insect humans, the No. 1000 will also be an A-level master and a 7th-level guard.

If the eggs of the chimera ants are used at this time, it may affect the strength of the new guards because of the poor foundation.

So Lu Xiaoming made a special trip here and gave birth to an egg of the insect human. The hatching speed of the eggs of the insect human is much faster than that of the chimera ant eggs.

A few hours later, Xiaoming had another 7th-level master under his command, and the two guards could finally take turns.

It was a coincidence, or as it should be, that the new guard turned out to be the catwoman, Neferpitou.

As expected of one of the three guards of the Chimera Ant, her genes are awesome!

Her remains were eaten by Zhang Zhong and Xiao Hei, and the Insect King was still evolving, and did not have a tail.

But the genetic information still forcefully entered the gene pool of the Insect King. And she was reincarnated in the Insect Human race.

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