Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 760 Changes in Wheat

Guess what the first thing the Insect King will do after evolving?

"Meruem, Xiaomai, you two stop playing chess for a while... Hey... hello... OK, let's finish this game."

Xiaomai's military strength is still so strong. No matter how Meruem improves, he has never won in front of Xiaomai.

After the game, the ant king was still not satisfied and wanted to play another game. Xiaomai followed her husband and wife and listened to her commander.

Xiaoming was speechless about the couple and had to directly state his purpose:

"I can make Xiaomai see again. Can you play chess again later?"

These two heartless guys are open-minded. They don't care whether Xiaomai can see the light again. They actually started thinking.

...After playing two more military games, they flew over to Xiaoming hand in hand.

It's not just about seeing the light again, it's time to strengthen Xiaomai girl's daily routine.

Green Xiaoming first generated several pairs of eyes on himself for Meruem to choose from.

Xiaoming had a good impression of Xiaomai, and she was also a key figure in the battle of Dongguotuo.

Without her, the ant king would not change his attitude towards humans; without her, President Netero would not have the opportunity to fight the ant king alone.

For the humans in the Hunter x Hunter world, Xiaomai has made great contributions. Although she herself was unaware.

For this reason, Xiaoming also specially generated a pair of Sharingan and a pair of Byakugan.

Meruem immediately saw the extraordinaryness of these two pairs of eyes. He first communicated with Xiaoming, and then whispered to Xiaomai for a while, and Xiaomai decided to choose Byakugan.

Byakugan does not look good at first glance, a bit like a human eye disease, cataracts. It does look worse, but its ability is still quite good.

Although the Sharingan is not bad in actual combat, and the Mangekyō Sharingan is even more awesome, Xiaomai is not interested in fighting.

Comparing the two, it may be true that Byakugan is more suitable for Xiaomai's personality.

So the Insect King used the secret technique of the Earthly Blame Yu to install a pair of white eyes on Xiaomai.

Xiaoming's products must be top-notch. This pair of white eyes is no longer driven by chakra, but can also be driven by spiritual power.

The Demon Realm happens to be a place with abundant spiritual power. Xiaomai will not have to worry about not being able to use it.

The little girl has never seen the light since she was born, and everything in the world is new to her.

In addition, her body has been well taken care of by Xiaoming now. There will be no problem if she plays outside the Demon Realm for a day or two.

So Meruem took Xiaomai out to play. Even the military ceremony was not stopped...

Xiaoming actually wanted to treat Xiaomai's blindness a long time ago. However, the only one who can perform the transplant surgery is the Insect King of the Earthly Blame Yu. He must wait until he evolves successfully before he can start.

Of course, Xiaoming's idea of ​​transplanting white eyes to Xiaomai was a temporary idea. The original plan was for Youpi to make the eyes, and then for Green Xiaoming to transplant them.

Now that the Insect King has some of Youpi's abilities, he is no longer needed. By the way, the eyes he made must be fierce. And he couldn't make a Sharingan or a Byakugan.

As a result, Xiaomai chose a Byakugan. Really, it's not as good as Yupi's eyes. If Xiaoming chooses for her, she will probably choose blue or green eyes.

At present, the aesthetic trend of the New Han Kingdom is more favorable to blonde hair and blue eyes.

Oh, forget it, Xiaomai herself does not have the so-called aesthetic concept of human society, and the ant king happens to have no one either.

It's fine as long as they like it, and it's not up to others to say anything.

The one who was most dissatisfied with Xiaomai getting eyes was Owl Yapfu. He complained that Xiaoming was meddling in his affairs. How can I say this?

In the past, when Xiaomai couldn't see anything, she could only hide in Guangmingding and play chess honestly, and the outside world had no attraction to her.

Now that she can see, she naturally can't see enough. She doesn't want to go back to Guangmingding until it's time to go to bed.

Meruem certainly wants to satisfy his lover's wish. Anyway, he can also run rampant in this demon world with his own strength, so he takes Xiaomai to travel everywhere.

It is said that Youpi will accompany the king to protect him, so the daily business of the Chimera Ants will all fall on Pufu's shoulders. He is so tired that he has to do everything.

That's not all. He must send an avatar to the Ant King. Including the avatar in the human world, he has to do the work of three people.

And each one cannot be ignored. The most important thing is to protect the king; the second is the development of the Chimera Ant colony; although the intelligence work in the human world is ranked last, it cannot be ignored.

In Pufu's view, with Xiao Ming as an ally, the human world is also an important resource area for Chimera Ants.

Since Xiao Ming was the scapegoat, Pufu asked Xiao Ming for two groups of helpers without hesitation.

The 500 Chimera Ant eggs hanging on the tree began to hatch one after another. The ones that hatched in the early stage were ordinary Chimera Ant soldiers.

They are not strong and not many in number. They are mainly responsible for hunting food and building nests.

For the safety of these soldiers, Pufu asked Xiao Ming for a large number of puppets to protect a large area near the nest.

The magic power of these puppets can only last for about ten days, and then they will collapse.

But by then, a large number of chimera ants will have been born, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the nest.

In addition, he asked for dozens of shadow clones, including 7 or 8 Seven Stars Shadow Clones. They will protect the safety of the ant king.

Meruem's strength really doesn't need protection, and these shadow clones are actually more like odd jobs.

But Pufu insisted, Xiao Ming couldn't do anything. Who said that this matter was really caused by him.

Seeing Pufu so tired, Xiao Ming felt a little sorry. Being involved in these trivial matters, his strength recovery speed has slowed down.

Now Xiaomai still needs some life essence every day to strengthen his body.

So the insect king Lu Xiao Ming also went with him. It's the first time for us to come to the demon world, and it can be refreshing to visit.

Anyway, there are more light bulbs around Meruem, such as Yupi and Pufu's clones.

After the battle with Dongguoto, Meruem's personality has also changed a lot. He no longer simply controls Yupi and Pufu.

The ant king has begun to regard these two guards as his friends, so he doesn't care about them around.

You know, when he was in the Dongguoto Palace, he not only did not allow the three guards to be around him, but he even felt uncomfortable when being sensed by Catwoman's circle.

For a long time, the three guards could not get close, which allowed the expedition team to take advantage of the loophole. Now it's completely different.

Moreover, he and Xiaomai are not worldly-wise and don't know what a light bulb means. They never care how many viewers they have when they show off their love.

Yupi and Pufu don't care, as long as they can be by the king's side, they will still eat the love. As for Xiaoming...sigh...I won't say more.

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