Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 731: Defeat the Chimera Ant King

Due to the various rules and political struggles within the Hunter Association, Chidor cannot personally help Netero. She herself is not good at force.

With the vice president interfering in many ways, Chidor cannot even use her own power in the association to assist the president.

Only forces that do not belong to the association can be used. However, this part of the power is basically used in NGL. For the time being, she has no fighting power to show.

However, Xiao Ming is an existence that is not restricted by the Hunter Association. Chidor played this card unceremoniously.

As for the "strict order" issued by the president before, she doesn't care. The world is big, but it is not as important as the president's life.

Of course, she is now a three-star hunter with strong strength. Even if the president is unhappy with her interference, it is difficult to do anything to her.

According to the news that Chidor learned, the ant king and his three guards occupied the capital of the East Goto Republic.

The East Goto Republic has a feature that prohibits citizens from using mobile phones and other communication tools, which is very suitable for the development of Chimera Ants here.

They turned the head of the country, the commander-in-chief, into a puppet. At the same time, 5 million citizens were screened. It is unknown who among the three guards is capable of this.

About 1% of them will be turned into Chimera Ant soldiers. These 50,000 soldiers are the foundation for the Ant King to rule the world.

For this purpose, they convened a national assembly in the name of the commander-in-chief and ordered all citizens to gather in the capital. The time is about 10 days later.

Korudo, the division commander of the Surrender Hunter Association, once evaluated the strength of President Netero from the perspective of momentum.

His evaluation is that before Netero approaches the Ant King, he will be killed by the three guards.

For this reason, the president himself is in seclusion to restore his strength in order to defeat the Ant King. He also asked old friends to help.

In addition, 6 hunters were arranged to lead the three guards away in pairs. Create a one-on-one opportunity for himself and the Ant King.

Among them are Xiaojie and Killua who vowed to avenge Kate; the president's assistants Moruo and Nobu; and Moruo's apprentices, Nakulu and Xiutuo.

But before the final battle, they still need to deal with many chimera ants working for the ant king. And think of a way to contain the three guards.

If there is no special situation, at least one of the three guards must follow the ant king closely.

Once the ant king is in danger, all the guards will rush to the ant king to protect him.

If the hunter who takes action is not strong enough, he will be killed by the guards in less than two minutes. Then no one can be contained at all.

In Chidor's opinion, this task is almost impossible to complete. The gap in strength is quite large.

And Netero, who is fighting against the ant king, is likely to die with the ant king.

So she introduced Xiao Ming as a variable, which was also a helpless move.

Xiao Ming is also quite afraid of the three guards of the ant king. Each of them has A-level strength, no less than Zhang Zhong at home.

If it weren't for Zhang Zhong's recovery due to special reasons, Xiao Ming would not dare to go to the chimera ants in a big way.

Now if we calculate, A-level Zhang Zhong can definitely hold one back, not to mention whether he can defeat a guard.

If he can exert his strength to the fullest, he can probably hold one or two guards back.

This confidence comes from the additional ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan - [Susanoo].

The essence of Susanoo is a materialized chakra. The huge chakra forms a human shape and surrounds the caster, and most attacks are ineffective against it.

But using it too much will lead to side effects. It is both the "guardian god" of the caster and the "god of death" that devours the caster's vitality.

Only when the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is opened can it not be affected. Therefore, Susanoo is a powerful double-edged sword.

But Xiao Ming has source energy as a backing, so he has a constant supply of chakra. No need to consume vitality.

Although Xiao Ming's Sharingan is not yet at the state of the Eternal Mangekyō, he will not backfire when he uses Susanoo.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming has only mastered the second form of this ability. The human form of Susanoo only has the skeleton, meridians, flesh and blood of the upper body, which is wrapped in a chakra coat.

The defense is quite good. And it also has a dedicated chakra weapon.

The Susanoo used by Xiao Ming's body is also very characteristic of his own weapon, which is a set of Claude six-style combination swords.

In this state, although Xiao Ming still can't beat an A-level guard, the opponent can't beat Xiao Ming.

Unless it is an offensive A-level master with very strong offensive ability. Otherwise, Xiao Ming can only consume him alive.

Of course, if the other person wants to run, Xiao Ming may not be able to stop him.

Another way to fight against A-level masters is [Moon Reading]. However, Xiao Ming must be cautious when using this ability.

Once the target's mental power is too high, the Moon Reading will have problems, and it may even hurt itself in turn. And it is difficult to recover from the damage to the spirit.

Even if there is no problem after using it ten, a hundred, or a thousand times, as long as there is a problem for the thousandth time, it is unbearable.

So Xiao Ming will only use Tsukuyomi when he is sure it is safe. Facing the three guards directly under the ant king, he really doesn't dare to use it.

Now calculate, I can at least contain two guards, which should be enough for this chimera ant crusade. The actual situation is not like this, I will talk about it in detail later.

There are many chimera ant soldiers in the Dongguoto Republic, from division commanders to ordinary soldiers, all over the republic.

These guys will cause a lot of trouble to hunters like Xiaojie, so that they can't concentrate on dealing with the three guards.

They are numerous and powerful, and they may even cause a hunter to capsize in the gutter. It would be a shame to die in their hands.

It just so happens that dealing with these guys who win by numbers is exactly Xiaoming's strength. As long as the three guards don't leave the ant king, there is no chimera ant that Zhang Zhong can't deal with in the periphery.

If one of the guards can be lured out, it would be even better. And they can be defeated one by one.

For a while, Xiaoming's men were all boiling. Among the entire army, the largest number is the combination of mushrooms + zombies + plants.

This time the enemy is strong enough and needs a lot of cannon fodder. And the props from the Plants vs. Zombies system are the cheapest cannon fodder.

Others such as mind beasts, shadow clones, king guards, Transformers, Little Red Hundred Ghosts, etc. all appeared.

On the way, they encountered a large number of human remains killed by Chimera Ants. Xiao Ming used Death Harvest to summon a large number of skeleton soldiers.

And in places where materials are relatively abundant, he used Z-series puppetry to create a large number of low-level puppet soldiers.

The troops were divided into several routes and moved forward like a tide. They headed straight for the capital of Dongguotuo.

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