Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 726 Meteor Street

Unfortunately, despite the reasonable and appropriate suggestions of the dog Chidor Yorkshire, President Netero still "cruelly" rejected them.

On the surface, the more plausible reason is that no one has seen Xiao Ming's body, and no one knows whether he has any relationship with the Chimera Ants.

If Xiao Ming and the Chimera Ants are in the same group, and you still pull them together, then the situation will be over.

In fact, the president's excuse is really a little bit related. 1/3 of Xiao Ming is really related to the Chimera Ants.

However, all signs show that Xiao Ming and the Chimera Ants are definitely not in the same group. From the behavior pattern and the world view, they are very different.

Otherwise, Chidor would not have made such a suggestion. Her brain circuit is much more cautious than the president. This situation has been evaluated long ago.

There is only one reason why Netero did not invite Xiao Ming. He wants to fight with the strong! Even if he dies in battle, he will not hesitate.

Since ancient times, heroes are like beauties, and they are not allowed to see white hair in the world. Netero is now gray-haired, and his physical strength and mental power have begun to decline.

He sincerely hopes that he can die in the battle with the strong. This is a kind of honor for hunters.

As for letting the two strong men fight each other, and waiting for an opportunity to take advantage when both are injured, this is not Netero's character.

Therefore, Netero strictly ordered that no hunter who knew about this matter should disclose the news to Xiao Ming.

So Xiao Ming got the news very late. And he only knew it by chance.

If he could know it earlier, before the birth of his direct guard Neferpitou, Xiao Ming would have been able to easily destroy the Chimera Ant Colony. What a pity.

He sent out three groups of 9 Seven Star Shadow clones, each transformed into various shapes and active in the Hunter World.

A group of Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity has been in the Hunter Association, participating in the handover of NGL.

Even if Rooster, Dog and other hunters go to NGL, they don't need to return. NGL has Xiao Ming's clones and mind beasts, and there are enough people.

They continue to stay in the Hunter Association as Xiao Ming's representative (mouthpiece). At the same time, they are also being studied secretly.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas, Xiao Ming is already used to this fate of being studied. Haha, no matter where I am, I can't suppress my brilliance, ugh~~~

Smith, Brown, and Jones stayed in the Zoldyck family for a while, and some things happened. After leaving, they entered the game of Greedy Island.

Now they are having a lot of fun. As a otaku, Xiao Ming still prefers games. Greedy Island is definitely a very good game.

What's more, the producer of this game is Jin Fulishi, one of the five major mind users in the world today, the pig of the twelve zodiacs, and the father of the male protagonist Xiaojie.

So many titles, just listen to them and you will be awesome. The game he led is of course very powerful.

The first to discover the resurgence of the Chimera Ants were the group of Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Zhao Linger.

This is actually not accurate. The first person to face the Chimera Ants was an ordinary shadow clone.

It is said that Xiao Ming sent out three groups of Seven Stars Shadow Clones, and also sent out some scattered ordinary shadow clones.

These ordinary shadow clones had no specific destination, and just wandered around. One of the shadow clones wandered to the famous Meteor Street in a daze.

This is equivalent to the garbage dump of the entire Hunter world, and anything in modern society can be discarded here.

Garbage, weapons, corpses, babies... Anything discarded by this world will be accepted by the residents of Meteor Street.

After accepting it, the outside world will not care. The survival pressure in Meteor Street is very high, and it has become a hotbed of crime.

The Phantom Troupe, a Class A criminal gang that has committed countless crimes. Its leader and founding members were born in Meteor Street.

The Troupe seems to be one of the combat units of Meteor Street. It's just more independent.

The biggest fun of the group is robbery, and part of the spoils flow to Meteor Street.

It has a bit of the flavor of robbing the rich to help the poor, and the Liangshan heroes.

But the Phantom Troupe regards human life as worthless, and in order to achieve its goal, it absolutely does not mind killing innocent people.

One of the more famous things is that in order to seize the Fiery Red Eye (Scarlet Eye), the group carried out a genocide against the Kuruta tribe.

Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. They cruelly slaughtered a race just to dig out their eyes and sell them for money.

Although the Phantom Troupe has a "tragic" life experience, they are still people that Xiao Ming hates.

Xiao Ming actually secretly inquired about what happened in Youkexin City. However, all the news was hearsay, and Xiao Ming was not sure whether the news was true.

I only know that the group made a big fuss in Youkexin City.

The Hunter Association may know the details, but Xiao Ming was embarrassed to ask them.

The shadow clone who was strolling to Meteor Street to play first encountered four C-level reincarnations.

Although Xiao Ming didn't know any of them, he had seen all of their combat professions.

A bronze saint, a chunin, a barrier master, and another one who used the force, who turned out to be a Jedi Knight.

Xiao Ming had only heard of the name Jedi Knight, and didn't know much about the details.

Seeing the four players, Xiao Ming's shadow clone became interested and followed them secretly.

These four reincarnations were randomly gathered together and were not familiar with each other. It was hard to say whether their luck was good or bad.

They were sent to the Hunter World by the reincarnation space at the beginning of the Chimera Ant plot.

As a result, within two days, the Chimera Ant Queen was eaten by Xiao Ming, and the mission was stuck on the spot. They almost failed directly.

Fortunately, the mastermind behind the Chimera Ant "restarted" the matter again. So the reincarnations can continue to participate in the mission. This is considered a good luck.

But their mission time was greatly extended. And Meteor Street is not a good place to mess around.

Although they are all C-level reincarnations, their combat effectiveness is still good. But after such a long time, half of the reincarnations were kicked out by the natives of Meteor Street.

Meteor Street, a place that can breed the Phantom Troupe, is really not to be underestimated, especially the elders here.

People become wise with age. Those who can become elders in a place like Meteor Street are extremely powerful characters.

The shadow clone quietly followed the four reincarnations, listening to their conversation from a distance.

Although these reincarnations did not know each other originally, they had been together for a long time in the Hunter World. They had helped each other and even saved each other's lives.

It was also a friendship that saved each other the resurrection stone. They could still talk to each other.

Theoretically, the humans eaten by the Chimera Ant Queen this time are no longer the people of NGL, and the Chimera Ants born should also be changed. However, for the convenience of writing and the familiarity of the characters, this book still uses the Chimera Ants in the original Hunter x Hunter. Besides, there is nothing new under the sun, and humans are the same everywhere. Just treat them as humans eaten by the new Chimera Ant Queen, and the situation in NGL is not much different in all aspects.

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