Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 704 Reasons for not doing the mission

Interestingly, the professional mentor of the necromancer also issued the same task to the informant of the dead - [Mentor's Doubt].

That is to say, if Xiao Ming chooses to complete the task, he can get rewards from the three professional mentors of the necromancer, the corrupter, and the qi-watcher. This temptation is too great.

But our Xiao Ming actually resisted. Xiao Ming decided not to complete this task for the time being.

Why? It's because the skill of Death Harvest is too buggy.

Xiao Ming can develop to this level today, and Death Harvest can be said to have made an indelible contribution. The help to Xiao Ming is probably second only to the golden finger of source energy.

And now the magic planet is no longer as simple as a black technology game for Xiao Ming.

Maybe the reality of the magic planet is not as real as the real world, and of course not as good as the reincarnation world. But it is definitely more than a virtual world. It can be regarded as a half-real world.

In the past, Xiao Ming had no means to judge. Until later in the world of "My Date with a Vampire 2", he received the gift of the goddess Nuwa. He learned the ability to create people, [Enlighten the Soul].

At that time, I didn't think much of it. As I used this ability more and more, Xiao Ming's understanding of it became deeper and deeper.

Now I can almost tell the difference between having a soul and not having a soul.

In the real world, almost the vast majority of humans have souls. For comparison, Xiao Ming also went to the hospital to see vegetative patients and went to the mental hospital to observe mental patients.

Some of the vegetative patients do not have souls, and some have souls. It's just that they can't mobilize their bodies due to some pathological reasons.

Mental patients. Except for a few stupid ones, most of them have souls. It's just that there are some mistakes in their brains.

Xiao Ming has no intention of being a saint. Although he saw many patients in the hospital, Xiao Ming did not treat them.

The real world is too complicated. There are already several masters in the hospital, and one of them even came from the underworld. Xiao Ming dare not act casually.

Besides, most of the people in the hospital are ordinary people with a mixture of good and evil, which is not worth Xiao Ming's risk.

Only a few people have good life energy, which is worth Xiao Ming's risk.

However, good people have a peaceful life, and their diseases are not serious. It's not worth intervening.

Similarly, Xiao Ming also saw a lot of bad guys in the hospital. At least it's worth inserting a sword of judgment.

Since Xiao Ming didn't dare to take action casually, he had to give up.

Interestingly, in the real world, Xiao Ming actually saw a person without a soul. This is too novel. Xiao Ming deliberately followed and investigated for a period of time.

It was found that he was very similar to the state of the artificial intelligence Xiao Er'er before he had a soul. He looked normal and could do all human activities.

Ordinary people may not feel the difference between him and normal people. At most, they think he is a little muddleheaded.

However, there are too many people in society who live muddleheadedly. No one can see how much difference there is.

The situation is different on the magic planet. The vast majority of soldiers and creatures are soulless, and even their intelligence is set very low.

The reason why it is said to be the vast majority is that Xiao Ming has not seen any high-level soldiers and creatures so far. I dare not guarantee it.

Among the free NPCs, most are like the normal person without a soul that Xiao Ming has seen. They have intelligence, and they don't see anything special at ordinary times.

Only Xiao Ming can tell that about 30% of the free NPCs in the Magic Planet game have souls.

Here we are talking about NPCs, not players. Xiao Ming does not know where these souls come from.

But this situation is enough for Xiao Ming to regard the Magic Planet as half of the real world.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Ming does not dare to complete the task of the mentor's doubt.

If this task is completed too early, the Undead will have a deeper understanding of [Death Harvest], and it will be easier to promote it. The strength of the Undead may have a blowout development.

This is not a good thing for the human beings, the nemesis of the Undead. So now is definitely not a good time to announce the Death Harvest. Xiao Ming may even keep this secret forever.

Of course, even if Xiao Ming does not announce it, the Undead will sooner or later research it. Moreover, in time, there will definitely be players who meet the conditions and learn the Death Harvest.

By then, the Death Harvest will automatically spread, and the task reward for reporting the dead will be gone.

But even so, Xiao Ming thinks that the time they research it should be very late. I'm afraid it will be delayed until the middle of the game.

By then, other races should have corresponding means. I shouldn't help the Undead race to click on the "Technology Tree" in advance.

So the informer on the adventure map was immersed in simple and ordinary daily tasks again.

[Vampire Conspiracy] The task was completed, and the players sent by the Evil Guild and the Monster Guild also received some experience rewards. Naturally, they knew that the task was completed.

However, these players died before the task was completed. Not only did they not receive subsequent tasks, they didn't even know how the task was completed.

This made the two major guilds very strange. According to the guild's analysis of this task, this is likely to be a task that will trigger a task chain.

Although the task was successfully completed with the help of the ability of the informer, the follow-up was not ideal.

The players sent there did not receive any follow-up tasks; the players stationed at the major task locations in Gray Bone City did not find any new tasks released.

The conclusion is obvious. The person who reported the dead must have directly accepted the next round of tasks. He is strong, so it is reasonable for him to accept the task and do it himself.

Or there is a very small possibility that this task is just a single task and there is no next round at all. However, this possibility is very small and was ignored by the two major guilds.

Although there is little hope, the two guilds still sent people to contact the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, hoping to participate and share a piece of the pie.

They are willing to pay a certain price. The reward of the task is secondary, and the main thing is to keep up with the development of the plot. Don't miss the information you can get.

It's a pity that their people were sent away by the shadow clone before they saw the person who reported the dead. They didn't even give them the opportunity to negotiate terms.

Xiao Ming has completed all the follow-up tasks, and the fourth round of tasks has not been opened. Even if he wants to share the task, he can't do it. What's more, Xiao Ming doesn't intend to share it with others.

When the news came back, the two leaders, Bi'an and Wu'e, scolded the accuser in unison, saying that he only knew how to eat alone and would rather choke him to death!

Of course, the two major guilds could not afford to offend the accuser for the time being, so they could only take out a small notebook and write down the account first, and then settle it slowly later.

There is a long way to go, the accuser, let's wait and see.

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