Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 696 This Bi’an is not that Bi’an

After all, the city lord Bai Yulin is an NPC, so he doesn't quite understand the twists and turns in this.

He vaguely guessed that he was the defendant who was taking advantage of the power of the defendant, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Because the defendant gave all 40% of the profits to the city lord's mansion and the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, which was considered to be given to Bai Yulin, and the defendant himself did not withhold any.

How could he mind such "selfless" behavior?

In fact, the real reason why Xiao Ming did this was that he didn't care about this little money at the moment.

Although it seems that there are 88 franchised shops, each business is actually not large.

Compared with Xiao Ming's cross-race trade, this is just a drop in the bucket. Maybe their business will be big in the future. But by then, my business should be bigger too.

Giving these sporadic benefits to Bai Yulin is still more beneficial than harmful to me.

Xiao Ming didn't intend to hide this situation, and deliberately did it in front of many players to show that he was "open and aboveboard."

Meaning: I did cheat you guys, but this is just revenge for you guys teaming up to cheat me, not for your little money.

People's thinking is so strange, when they think that all the profits have fallen into the hands of the person who reported the death. Although the money is not much, all the guild players feel very unhappy. It's just that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

When the person who reported the death "turned over" all the profits, everyone's emotions calmed down a lot. Since the person who reported the death did not take advantage, they were not so angry.

These people are small leaders in the guild, the people who talk about the area, equivalent to department managers.

Naturally, it is clear that the person who reported the death did not gain nothing. This operation at least gained goodwill with the NPC.

But judging from the current level of players, to be able to achieve this point, the person who reported the death must have paid a huge price to invite the NPC of the city lord level. Maybe it's a big loss.

Human nature is so weird. It was originally something that was powerless to resist, and everyone was ready to close their eyes and endure it, willing to accept defeat.

Suddenly, I found that the informant did not get any advantage, and everyone was "tricked" by the NPC. With this plot in mind, everyone felt comfortable. I thought I had some understanding of the informant's temper.

When the city lord Bai Yulin left with the army, most of the leaders of various guilds came forward, exchanged names with the informant, and added him as a friend.

Looking at the life energy of these people, Xiao Ming felt speechless.

After two or three days of calm, on Friday, the 29th, the leaders of the two guilds actually came to visit the informant together.

In fact, they also came here two days ago, but they did not meet Xiao Ming online. The intelligent programs are still avoiding players for the time being.

One of the players is a level 3 skeleton black warrior, and his game ID is "Bi'an". The name is very similar to the same kind of Jun Jun, Lu Shu, and Jiuwei Fox.

Of course, this Bi'an is not that Bi'an. He is the leader of the Monster Guild in the Gray Bone City. In the past, Xiao Ming's other character, Explorer, had dealt with the Monster Guild.

It is estimated that there must be players named Nine-tailed Fox in the guild. It is not certain about the names of the Nine-tailed Fox and Lu Shu, as these two names are a bit unpopular.

When Bi'an saw the accuser, he laughed and claimed that they did not know each other until they fought. Let the trivial things in the past go with the wind.

What else can Xiao Ming say? He can only agree and invite the two to sit down and drink tea.

After all, everyone is a skeleton, so the so-called tea drinking is just a token of respect. Xiao Ming will not take out the enhanced good tea to treat them.

The other one is a level 3 skeleton spearman named "Wu E Bu Zuo". He is the boss of the Wan E Guild in the Gray Bone City. Xiao Ming has never heard of this guild before.

Tong E Xiang Zhu, who came to pass the message to the accuser before, is also a member of this guild.

Wu E Bu Zuo told the purpose of their visit. They came to win over the accuser to do the task together.

[Vampire Conspiracy], a purple master-level task.

Mission brief: A group of vampires suddenly appeared in the desert near the Gray Bone City. They were sneaking around and no one knew what they were doing. Please find out their purpose and report back.

This is a purple mission that the All Evil Guild snatched in the Gray Bone City Mission Hall. This mission has a limit on the number of players, 1-100 people.

The two major guilds understand the meaning of such a limit.

On the one hand, this tells players that the fewer people participate in the mission, the better the reward.

On the other hand, it also indicates the difficulty of this mission. A maximum of 100 players are allowed to participate. Including mercenaries, there are one or two thousand people. This shows that the mission is very difficult.

Players have three opportunities to try this mission. The All Evil Guild did it once. They sent a team of 10 players to go there, but the whole army was wiped out.

Then the All Evil Guild and the Monster Guild did it again, sending out 25 players, but they still returned empty-handed.

Many players were injured and owed a lot of experience. Those players who have reached level 3 are fine, but some players at level 2 are in a bad situation, and are even further away from level 3.

They have understood it. It is indeed a purple master-level task. It is really not something that the current level of players can handle.

After 2 attempts, they have not even touched the shadow of completing the task.

This time, they came to find the dead informer to drag another force into the water.

The dead informer seems to have a lot of people under his command. Last time, the spies of various guilds saw that many undead walked out of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

They can all act independently, indicating that they are either players or free NPCs. Mercenaries have no such freedom.

In fact, they were all Xiao Ming's shadow clones, but these players were unable to identify them.

At this stage, normal players can only have a few followers at most. Therefore, they all believe that the informer controls many players, or at least has many friends.

This time, it was not so much that he wanted to do a mission with the accuser, but rather that he wanted to use this mission to consume the accuser's strength.

At the same time, they will also send a few players who are already at level 3 to follow and have a look. Anyway, these players are not in a hurry to upgrade, so it doesn't matter if they die again and lose some experience.

If the informant is really good and successfully completes the task, they can also make a lot of money.

If his men are smart, they might be able to get a big chunk of the mission rewards. This calculation was quite shrewd.

Xiao Ming tried a few words and wanted to buy this task directly and do it himself. With his own strength, he still has a good chance of winning.

But it was discovered through the changes in the life energy of these two people. They will never sell this mission.

If they cannot complete it themselves, other players will not be allowed to complete this task. Even if it's rotten in your hands, you won't let others have the opportunity to reap such great benefits.

This kind of thing is very common in the main game at this stage.

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