Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 689 Diver Massacre

The Manila assault that night was very easy. The defense here was too lax. Manila was not even the base of a group of pirates.

Instead, there were many small pirates of different origins, just living together. Some of them were merchants.

It was hard to tell the difference between sea merchants and pirates. No one could support themselves by robbing alone, so many pirates would do some small business by the way.

In order to protect themselves, sea merchants must also have a certain amount of force. So in places like the sea that are not under the control of the court, if the opportunity is right, they will occasionally play the role of pirates.

Manila is a place that deviates from the existing routes. Only some small-scale local pirates and sea merchants like to settle here.

Forces of a certain size will go directly to Giardin. They don't even know Manila.

For the time being, none of these small forces can be stronger and occupy this place.

No one is convinced by anyone, which leads to a very chaotic situation here. In time, perhaps a powerful force will be born among them.

Originally, Xiao Ming thought that Manila would be a small village with some available resources.

But when he got closer, he found that it was not even a village, but just a ruin. This map was just an abandoned land that was not even at level 0.

There might have been a village here, but it was slaughtered by these inhumane pirates.

Even this kind of village slaughter may have happened several times. There was no living villager in this ruin.

Xiao Ming ordered the fleet to surround this place from the outside and eliminate all the pirates who escaped. He quietly sneaked in from underwater, and only David Diaosi accompanied him.

The diver was invisible, quietly landed, and walked into the village. Although David could not be invisible, it was a mess here, and no one cared about him.

The houses in Manila were either collapsed or occupied by pirates. Some pirates were too lazy to build huts, and they spread weeds on the ground as beds. It was really messy.

These pirates were all kinds of people, humans, orcs, dwarves, half-orcs, half-elves, etc.

Xiao Ming also observed carefully. Most of them were soulless NPCs. The few intelligent ones were also guys who deserved to die.

It seems that there is no need to worry about accidentally hurting good people.

Not long after, several pirates' dogs suddenly barked. Then, the barking stopped one after another.

Some pirates who were originally standing and walking also fell to the ground one by one. Soon after, the whole village was as silent as death.

"Sir, what did you do?" David felt the strong death aura around him and asked the diver who showed up.

"This is the Martian virus I released. Oh, by the way, I have to release the antidote now."

That's right, this is not a regular battle, so players are allowed to use non-combat methods to solve it.

The diver ran to the village and released the Martian virus. The Martian virus is powerful and there is no solution below level 4. Sure enough, all the pirates were poisoned to death. Most of them passed away in their sleep.

After the enemy is wiped out, the antidote for the virus must be released immediately, otherwise all the corpses will become zombies.

Xiao Ming sneaked in because he didn't want to hurt innocent people by mistake. If there were good people, Xiao Ming could give them the antidote first, and then release the virus.

Unfortunately, there was not a single good person here. Xiao Ming's intentions were wasted.

Xiao Ming himself was very strong and didn't need David's protection at all. The reason why he was brought in this time was actually to see if the Mars virus plus the antidote could play any role on this person.

As a result, the Mars virus had no effect on David. The God's curse virus couldn't be dealt with.

Anyway, Xiao Ming was just trying it out, what if it succeeded? If it didn't succeed, there would be no loss.

After all the viruses were neutralized by the antidote, Xiao Ming used the Death Harvest to destroy all the corpses and replenish some undead troops.

At the same time, the fleet also came over and stationed in Manila. Due to their undead characteristics, the undead sea tribe can also run to the land to play.

This abandoned land is actually worth developing. Xiao Ming only needs to make some repairs and it is estimated that this map can be upgraded to level 0, and then villages and cities can be built.

But with the strength of the divers, the whole army must stay here to defend it.

If they stay here, won’t it lose the meaning of exploring the outside world? Xiao Ming plans to drive all the way to Europe.

So the divers will not develop this place. They will just stay here temporarily.

Xiao Ming decided to tell the Li pirates the location of this place through the researchers. Wouldn’t it be better for Li Huamei to send people to develop Manila?

However, this matter still needs to wait until the battle between the Li family and the Laidao family is over before it can be carried out.

The pirates were eliminated silently, and their ships and property became the spoils of the divers.

Even their bodies became materials for the death harvest, providing a lot of fresh troops for the old shoelace fleet.

The next day, the four half-elves who had paid the ransom drove the medium-sized ships provided by the divers and left Manila quickly with supplies and gold coins.

In order to prevent any accidents, Xiao Ming cast an illusion on them, making them forget everything about Manila, so that they would not come and take advantage of it first.

The medium-sized ship and gold coins were given by Xiao Ming to the blacksmith who could make muskets. I don’t know what kind of drug Anthony gave him. They are working together now.

The ship did not sail southwest, but went north to East Asia.

Xiao Ming couldn’t help wondering, there was no cargo on the ship, what could they do in East Asia?

That little bit of gold coins was enough for a few people to live for a while, but it was not enough for maritime trade. They couldn’t even recruit enough sailors.

If it weren’t for the special plot, the four of them actually couldn’t drive a medium-sized ship away.

This shows how heavy the gambling nature of merchants is. If Anthony went back in disgrace, not to mention the dangers along the way, he would probably be punished by his family for this loss.

In the past, he was a captive and had no choice but to ask his family to pay the ransom. Now that he has redeemed himself, of course he has to consider how to turn the tables.

There is always a way out. Xiao Ming estimated that Anthony probably wanted to use the blacksmith’s gun-making technology and this medium-sized ship as capital to seek development in East Asia.

According to legend, the Ming Dynasty is a country with gold everywhere. Anthony doesn't believe that there will be no place for him here.

Xiao Ming still admires his spirit. He also wants to see if they can make a name for themselves.

If it still doesn't work, Xiao Ming probably doesn't mind asking the researcher to lend a hand for the sake of their acquaintance.

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