Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 686: Undead Sea Tribe Talents

The Undead Sea Tribe sounds like the Undead Arms that the Sea Tribes transform into after death, but the actual meaning is quite different. They are transformed by the fusion of Undead Arms of the same level and marine creatures.

The Undead Octopus is easy to say, and it is relatively easy to transform. Because octopus is a common creature in the sea, with the primary Undead Sea Tribe talent, Xiao Ming only needs a Level 2 octopus at most, which is everywhere.

But the Undead Naga is not easy to deal with. Even if David Diaosi is in his prime, it is difficult for him to make an Undead Naga.

Because in the sea, the Naga forces are still relatively grouped, and there are many strong ones among them. There are several who are no less powerful than David.

If you really catch a Naga to fuse with the Undead Arms. David is also afraid of angering the Naga clan. This is also where Xiao Ming needs to be vigilant.

After getting David's talent and experience. Xiao Ming ended this private tutoring and also withdrew from the Moon Reading World.

David Diaosi, with a favorability of 70, is finally available. Xiao Ming appointed him as the adjutant of the first sea guard fleet. He was responsible for all the daily affairs of the fleet.

The next focus was to make the undead sea soldiers. There were plenty of undead soldiers, and one death harvest could get a lot.

The number of octopuses in the sea was actually quite abundant, and they were also easy to catch.

When the octopus escaped into the deep sea, the fleets of other races could not chase it. The diver's sea fleet could stick to it. The octopus they targeted could not escape at all.

The only trouble was that the health of the 1-2 level octopus was too low, and it was often killed accidentally.

Xiao Ming didn't have time to use the Zerg to conquer it. Some lone octopuses found that they could not resist the divers' force, but chose to surrender. They didn't stick to the end.

After a few days, before the weekend, Xiao Ming had filled the divers' private army with 1-2 level undead octopuses.

At the same time, Xiao Ming did not give up the normal business of picking up resources and fighting wild monsters, and he was still doing it normally.

Even because of Xiao Ming, the guy who used the cheat, the Divers fought several tough battles. Experience rewards were really obtained.

For example, on Thursday, July 28, the Divers fought three large-scale battles in succession.

The first battle was the battle of the underwater octopus nest. This is the only octopus nest within a radius of 100 miles. There are so many octopuses that Xiao Ming had to fight.

Because it was underwater, the water fleet of Old Shoelace could not help and could only keep watch from above. The Divers led the First Guard of the Temple to fight.

At this time, in addition to less than 500 0-level sea clan sailors in the fleet; there were also 10 2-level Naga four-armed swordsmen of the Divers; 10 1-level octopus slingers;

In addition, there were more than a dozen 1-2 level undead octopus slingers transformed by Xiao Ming. Of course, there were also the two leaders, the Divers and David.

And in the octopus nest, there were more than 500 1-3 level octopuses inside and outside.

Although Xiao Ming has equipped all the 0-level sailors with long-range weapons with source energy, the strength of this group of octopuses is still far superior to that of the divers.

Because they are also long-range. Almost all octopuses can throw stones, giving full play to the power of 8 tentacles.

Even those melee octopuses, some tentacles hold melee weapons. They can still use their idle tentacles to throw stones at you a few times. It is very difficult to deal with.

On the strategic map, unless there is overwhelming strength, players are generally unwilling to fight with such long-range wild monsters. The loss of fighting them is too great.

To be honest, if it were not for the transformation of the undead sea tribe, Xiao Ming would not have bothered with this group of octopuses.

How to fight against so many enemies? Of course, you have to take the lead and rush forward.

Xiao Ming activated the [Every Second Counts] stunt. This acceleration ability does not work on the soldiers under his command, but only on the divers themselves.

The divers rushed to the center of the battlefield at a very fast speed. When the distance was almost right, Xiao Ming immediately summoned more than 100 shadow clones in front of the enemy.

This is more than 100 4th or even 5th level soldiers. They are extremely powerful and each has good combat effectiveness.

At the same time, 13 aliens also appeared, transformed into alien forms, and rushed over with their teeth and claws bared.

Aliens are creatures that can normally exert their combat effectiveness underwater. They swim very fast.

Water escape five-eating shark technique *100+, the shadow clones collectively used chakra to create more than 500 shark-shaped water bullets, rushing through the octopus group.

Octopuses are naturally afraid of sharks, and they are approached by so many sharks. The combat power of long-range attacks cannot be exerted, and the eight tentacles of each octopus are all in chaos.

More than 500 octopuses, that is more than 4,000 tentacles. This chaos is terrible.

They panicked and clashed randomly, and often the legs of different octopuses were entangled together, and they couldn't be untied in a hurry.

This is the biggest disadvantage of wild monsters without heroes leading them, the lack of unified command. Xiao Ming took the opportunity to attack with all his troops.

Soon, under the attack of ninjutsu, the bite of aliens, and the long-range attack of the divers, only more than 100 octopuses were left out of more than 500.

Suddenly, the system prompted: Because the player has the title [Ancient Octopus's Toy]. The remaining enemy forces surrendered and are willing to join your army. Do you accept it?

It turns out that this title has this use. All octopus monsters automatically have a favorable impression of the divers.

Even if the war starts, when the remaining forces of the octopus troops are less than 30%, there is a high probability that they will surrender to the divers.

So the diver immediately obtained more than 100 octopuses of levels 1-2. Several level 3 octopuses were taken care of by the shadow clones and died in the battle.

Otherwise, the remaining octopuses would not have surrendered so easily.

After the battle, the octopus nest was occupied by the diver. It was automatically transformed into a production nest for level 1 octopus slingers. The weekly output is 9.

Suddenly getting so many octopuses, Xiao Ming naturally started to convert them without hesitation. He even converted the 10 octopus slingers he brought with him.

Of course, before the conversion, Xiao Ming and his subordinates had to work hard to help those octopuses untie their tangled tentacles.

There were really a lot of knots. Fortunately, Xiao Ming had enough shadow clones.

Undead octopus slingers: Unlike David Diaosi, only the head looks like an octopus.

Their whole body looks like an octopus, fused into a skeleton. You can imagine that image as an octopus that was originally lying on its back standing up.

After half a day of transformation, the private army of the diver had 88 first-level undead octopus slingers and 53 second-level undead octopus slingers.

How strong are they? In terms of long-range attack power, there is no difference between undead octopus slingers and ordinary octopus slingers.

In close combat, skeletons can fight with weapons in hand, and both offense and defense have increased a lot. Vitality has also been slightly improved. It can serve as a main combat unit.

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