Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 669 Aiolos

The group discussed the next move on the belly-up yacht. In fact, there was nothing they could do.

There were no tools on hand. Although some people's mobile phones survived, they certainly couldn't be used in this place, and they couldn't ask for help at all.

This place is far away from the coastline, and there are no islands around to settle. It's almost a dead end.

Captain Greg is very experienced. What he fears most at this time is panic.

Once someone can't stand the pressure and becomes hysterical, it will spread to everyone. Everyone will soon collapse and even hurt each other.

So he has been comforting and comforting everyone. Theoretically, this place is not too far from the dock, and there is a high possibility that a ship will pass by.

When he said it again, he also reported it to the relevant departments. If he and others have been missing for a long time, the relevant departments will also take measures.

Fortunately, there are 4 reincarnations here. How can reincarnations panic? Influenced by these 4 people, others can be calmer.

"Master, you have more experience than us. What's going on in this world?" Pang Si took the initiative to ask Xiao Ming.

The other two reincarnations, one is the middle-aged leader, nicknamed "Dean of Education".

The other is a 16-year-old high school girl, wearing a slightly old-fashioned student uniform, nicknamed "Class Flower".

The uniform of Xiao Ming's mind beast only exists in the imagination of otakus and some anime works. Or in some works that are not suitable for children.

On Pangu Star led by the Chinese, there is basically no such style of student uniform. At least it is definitely not in many Chinese countries.

Xiao Ming felt a little sorry. This class flower was modest. It was not an exaggeration to call her a school flower with her appearance. This dress did not match her appearance.

She and the dean of education obviously knew each other. Maybe like Xiao Ming and his sister, they were pulled into the reincarnation space together. In this environment, the two of them are naturally in the same group.

Hearing what Ten Sides of Ambush said, their eyes also turned to Xiao Ming, the senior reincarnation, to see what he had to say.

Xiao Ming shook his head and said, "Alas, you are flattering me. I haven't been in the reincarnation space for long."

He said modestly first and then continued, "I heard that this kind of task world without time limit is a puzzle world. We must first figure out what the puzzle is, and then find a way to solve it."

The class flower heard this and her solemn expression immediately eased, and at the same time she was a little excited:

"Great, I like puzzles the most. To be honest, I am a top student in the class, leave it to me. If you don't believe me, you can ask our dean."

She pointed at the middle-aged man and it turned out that he was really a dean.

"Indeed, Zhou... uh, she is in the top ten of the school. And she doesn't study hard enough, always reading miscellaneous things."

The dean said the criticism, but his tone was full of appreciation, and there was a little complaint.

In his opinion, if the class flower reads less miscellaneous books and studies harder, she will definitely be the first in the school. Maybe she can even get the top score in the city, the champion of the province, etc.

However, after entering the reincarnation space, these complaints were reduced by 90%. On the contrary, I was somewhat relieved. Maybe those miscellaneous books will be of great use in a certain mission world. This time, this puzzle world really needs this top student to pass.

How long the yacht will float on the sea before you can see the terrifying cruise ship in the plot depends entirely on how fast the heroine Jesse kills people.

The quicker she moves, the sooner she kills everyone, and the faster the next cycle will start.

I don’t know how long it took, but the huge cruise ship appeared. Everyone on the yacht was so happy. They waved desperately at the cruise ship and shouted for help.

"Yo, help us."*1

"Save us. Please."*3

"Hey, we're here."*1

"Oh, God."*2

"Hey, hi."*5

"Hey, wait, here."*1

Xiao Ming estimated the height of the cruise ship. Even if there were people on it, they could only see the group of people in distress at most, and they definitely couldn't hear them.

This kind of shouting is completely unnecessary. It's just a way for everyone to express their excitement when they are rescued.

Donnie is sharp-eyed, and suddenly pointed to the bow and said, "There, right there, I see someone on the boat."

He was right, Xiao Ming's vision was far better than his, not only did he see someone, but he also saw clearly that the person was Jesse. This made Xiao Ming lock on the protagonist of this world at once.

As the cruise ship gradually approached, a row of huge English letters at the bow-AEOLUS, came into everyone's eyes.

AEOLUS, translated into Chinese as Aiolos. He is the wind god in Greek legend and the father of Sisyphus.

Sisyphus was punished by the gods to push a huge rock to the top of the mountain, but the rock would slide down forever, so he had to push it up again. Over and over again, infinite cycle, endless. Because he deceived the god of death, or he did not keep his promise to the god of death.

The cruise ship was named this, and it was also a reminder from the god of death to the heroine Jesse. In fact, it can also be seen as a reminder to the reincarnations.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming's English is very poor, and he has only a vague understanding of Greek mythology. He didn't receive this reminder at all.

"AEOLUS? Aiolos? What does it mean?" The class beauty is indeed a top student, and she recognized it immediately.

But without any other clues, she couldn't have guessed the deep meaning at once.

Moreover, everyone on the boat was shouting for help to the cruise ship, including Pang Si and the dean. Except for Xiao Ming, no one heard the class flower talking to herself.

Before Xiao Ming could ask. The ocean current brought Aiolos closer and closer to the yacht, and it slid very "conveniently" close to the yacht, allowing everyone to board the ship calmly through the ladder on the outside of the cruise ship. The service of the god of death is quite thoughtful. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental.

If the distance is a little further, everyone will have to jump into the water and swim over; if it is a little closer, Aiolos will knock over the yacht, and everyone will be in trouble again.

In the huge yacht, the distance between everyone is naturally widened. The reincarnations also took the opportunity to gather together and whisper.

The class flower first told everyone the legend of Aiolos and Sisyphus.

Xiao Ming had other information, so he naturally knew that this was a hint. The other three had no information, and no matter how smart the class beauty was, she couldn't immediately associate it with that aspect.

Xiao Ming gave a little reminder in his words, but didn't say more. It would be unreasonable to say more.

After a discussion, several people decided to choose a guy who looked like the protagonist and follow that person to observe.

The class beauty chose Captain Greg; the dean chose Donny and Sally; Pons was very sharp and chose the heroine Jesse. The big guy Victor was left to Xiao Ming.

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