Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 667: The ultimate trap

What will happen to the reincarnators who enter the horror cruise world?

They are treated the same as the friends of the heroine Jesse.

Jesse must kill all her friends and reincarnators to start the next cycle.

After the reincarnators are killed, they will also lose the relevant memories and enter the next cycle. I thought I was just starting.

Moreover, in this world, Jesse has an immortal body. Except for the plot killing, only she can kill herself.

Neither the reincarnators nor other plot characters can kill the heroine.

If you can't kill her, you can only try your best to avoid her. But you can't complete the task by avoiding her all the time.

Although the task prompt is very simple, stay alive. However, this task has no time limit, but staying alive will be endless.

Besides, even if you are killed by Jesse, you will cycle again. In fact, you are not dead. The so-called "alive" task is simply an illusion.

If you really want to pass the level, you need to meet some hidden conditions. Obviously, this world is extremely difficult.

Even if the reincarnationist already knew the plot of this world, it would be useless, because after entering this world, the relevant memories would be erased.

And this world also has a time trap. Although the reincarnationist will not be really killed by the heroine, the time consumed in each cycle is real.

In other words, if the reincarnationist cannot break out of the situation, he will gradually consume his life in an infinite cycle.

After the life is exhausted, the reincarnation space will default to mission failure and send the reincarnationist back to the original world.

The moment he returns to the original world, the reincarnationist will die directly. It can be seen how terrible this world is.

No matter how high-level the reincarnationist is, he can only pass the level as an ordinary person when he comes here. He may also be trapped here.

This type of world is simply a killer trap in the reincarnation space. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

I didn't expect that someone would use this to frame Zhang Xiaoming. How big a grudge is this? !

The information obtained from Aunt Wang only wrote a general situation. It would not be written in such detail. Some things Xiaoming learned later.

However, the message required Aunt Wang to do one thing: to remind a reincarnation called Ten Sides of Ambush to use a special rescue tool to call for help from another reincarnation called the leader.

As long as this is done, the person who gave her the message will arrange her family well. The implication is that Aunt Wang will also die in this world.

Aunt Wang is just an ordinary person. It is not difficult for a large force to force her into this situation.

It is nothing more than choosing a person who values ​​feelings, and then using the feelings she values ​​most to "kidnap" her mind. It is very easy to control her.

The special rescue tool on Ten Sides of Ambush must have been sent to Pang Si in advance by the person behind the scenes. These means are really too vicious.

Xiao Ming believes that as temporary reincarnations, Pang Si and Aunt Wang have no chance of being randomly in such a world where death is almost inevitable.

Based on Xiao Ming's understanding of the reincarnation space and Qianxing Tower, they are not used to doing things like this.

The existence of such a nearly unsolvable world is definitely not designed to cheat people.

Xiao Ming guessed that there might be two reasons. One is to deal with some reincarnations that the space doesn't like.

Another possibility is that when some reincarnations reach a certain level, it is difficult to improve. This kind of world may stimulate the potential of reincarnations.

For example, Xiao Ming has encountered a similar world before - "Edge of Tomorrow". That is also an infinite loop world.

Xiao Ming's time skill [Every second counts] was realized in this world.

But there is an essential difference between the two worlds, that is, the protagonists of the plot of that world finally won. In other words, Edge of Tomorrow is not a deadly trap.

Even if the reincarnations do bad things, or are unlucky, the protagonists die. Then the world will no longer cycle, and the reincarnations will also exit because of mission failure. It will not consume all the lifespan.

So Xiao Xiangmo will use the world of Edge of Tomorrow to bet with Xiao Ming.

The situation Xiao Ming encountered this time was completely different. This time it was a complete death trap.

The first step was that the enemy spent a lot of effort to give Pang Si a high-level rescue prop.

Pang Si has only been a reincarnation for a short time, and such advanced props will not appear in the mall of temporary reincarnations.

If you want to give him this prop, you need to track Pang Si into the same mission world first. It will cost a lot to transfer it to him.

In the second step, the enemy selected Aunt Wang as a cannon fodder. The arrangement is clear and clear to ensure that she can complete the task.

If Pang Si does not ask for help, wouldn’t this trap be in vain? !

However, this is an infinite loop world, Aunt Wang will always see the note and always remind Pang Si.

As for how many cycles she will ask the leader for help, it doesn’t matter. No matter when, as long as Xiao Ming is willing to come, it’s fine.

Originally, it would be more reliable to use the dead soldiers of one’s own side.

However, since the strength will be suppressed and the relevant memories will be cleared after entering the world, using one’s own people is almost the same as using an ordinary person.

Besides, they know that Xiao Ming’s telekinesis is not bad. Facing all kinds of strange telekinesis users, it is safer to use ordinary people.

What do you mean? If a person with telekinetic ability dies with a strong will, he or she will leave behind very powerful telekinetic power.

If they use their own people, this person will have to enter an infinite loop with Xiao Ming. If they are not careful, Xiao Ming may find out some secrets.

What if Xiao Ming knows that he will die, and uses death as the price to launch a curse on his own side with powerful telekinesis. That is not fun.

So they did everything they could to find Aunt Wang, the right cannon fodder.

In the third step, they will have to spend a lot of money to send Aunt Wang and Pang Si into the world of the horror cruise ship. Several innocent reincarnations were also implicated.

The cost of putting so many people into a reincarnation world that they should not enter is unimaginable. It is no less than sacrificing several A-level reincarnations.

As for the cost of sending Xiao Ming himself, or Xiao Jing'er Zhang Wen into this world, it will be multiplied countless times. It is simply unaffordable.

In fact, at first they wanted to spend some money to send one of the three people into the horror cruise world. This is safe.

But Xiao Ming and others have already formed a team. If they want to send, they must send the entire team in.

When they saw the price, the group was dumbfounded. The entire organization couldn't afford this extra price.

Xiao Ming, Zhao Jiuzhou, and Kraken, these three guys, all have certain privileges in the reincarnation space.

If they want to send them to the plot world where they must die, I'm afraid the forces of the entire Pangu Star combined can't afford the price.

Attacking Pang Si was also a last resort.

Of course, the price of framing Mingjing's team was also one of the reasons why the other party was determined to get rid of Xiao Ming.

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