Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 661 Helping Eva

The time Eva spent "reading" was much shorter than Xiao Ming imagined. Maybe she just read it through in a hurry.

A few days later, she took the initiative to connect with Xiao Ming with her mind to discuss important matters.

The earthlings on Pandora are not a concern now, as they are all under Xiao Ming's management.

Even if they are all enemies, Eva can call on all kinds of creatures on the entire planet to drown these earthlings.

What needs to be worried about is the future. What will happen if the old ones come after the young ones are beaten?

If the Earth sends a regular army to use weapons of mass destruction. Even if they can still win, it will inevitably cause great suffering to all living things.

Eva is also a little scared. Unfortunately, as a planet, she can't even escape.

The Na'vi people also have no ability to install an engine on Pandora to allow the planet to escape. Eva can only come to Xiao Ming to cry. This god is really not arrogant.

Xiao Ming doesn't know that Eva's nature is actually more like Alaya consciousness, which is the collection of all life consciousness on Pandora. It can be regarded as a god of faith.

One of the characteristics of the creatures on Pandora is that they have external nerves. In theory, all animals and plants can communicate with each other.

Of course, cross-species communication is difficult. Everyone's way of thinking is inconsistent, and it's completely a matter of talking at cross purposes. Especially between lower creatures, they can't understand each other.

Until higher creatures, like the Na'vi, they can understand the simple thinking of some animals.

However, only the thinking of some higher animals can be understood, such as heavy armored horses, banshee winged beasts, etc.

The Na'vi can't understand lower animals either, let alone plants.

Even so, this feature is already very powerful. Nerves can be connected to each other, and high mental power is a common feature of all Pandora creatures.

Therefore, the probability of the collective consciousness of life on Pandora is relatively high, and Eva was born. Pangu Star was unable to give birth to this collective consciousness.

Eva can understand all creatures, so she maintains the natural balance of the entire planet.

But this also limits the Na'vi and prevents them from developing technological civilization. How can a race that respects the natural environment establish a modern light and heavy industrial system? !

The Na'vi people can only use ready-made materials to make some simple tools and weapons. They rely on hunting and gathering for a living, and have not even developed agriculture and animal husbandry, let alone mining.

Originally, this doesn't matter. If we don't develop scientific and technological civilization, we can develop other types of civilization. For example, magic civilization and cultivation civilization.

However, young Eva doesn't know these things yet. She has a huge mental power, but she has never developed it.

Under normal circumstances, she will naturally invent a lot of mental skills after millions or tens of millions of years.

Her believers, that is, all the life on Pandora, will also learn a little bit.

In that case, a planet similar to magic civilization will appear. Then the earth is no match at all.

Unfortunately, the earthlings came too early. They didn't give Eva so much time. Eva has no experience and doesn't know how to deal with it.

If the earthlings use nuclear weapons, or even more powerful weapons, to eliminate more than 70% of Pandora's creatures.

Then Eva, as a collective consciousness, would probably lose consciousness and fall into a deep sleep. If she kills more, she might die directly.

So Eva took the initiative to ask Xiao Ming for help. As a god of a planet, it is very embarrassing to ask a person for help.

But Eva is a young god, and she doesn't understand what face is.

Xiao Ming is the one who reminded her, and it is normal for Eva to ask Xiao Ming for help. Of course, there must be rewards for giving, which is also the rule of nature.

If she can get rid of this crisis, Eva is willing to pay enough.

Xiao Ming did this, on the one hand, out of his own moral concepts; on the other hand, the reincarnation space will give rewards.

If Eva is willing to give, then Xiao Ming doesn't mind. But this matter still needs brainstorming.

Xiao Ming also pulled some kind people among the earthlings and several high-level people in the Na'vi tribe into this spiritual meeting.

The Na'vi people are Etukon, Muya, Sutai, and Neetri;

On the Earth side, Xiao Ming chose two scientists, Dr. Grace Augustine and biologist Norm Spellman;

Two soldiers, the male protagonist Jack Sally and the female pilot Judy Chaken. They were chosen to understand the combat effectiveness of the Earth's regular army.

After several days of discussion. Everyone worked out a fairly feasible plan.

The first step is to deal with RDA.

RDA is indeed not very good. But they are after Unobtnium and money. If it is not necessary, they don't need to do a massacre.

To mine with the technology of the Earth people, the sacred tree must be pushed down. This is the focus of the conflict between the two sides.

But if Xiao Ming uses alchemy, he can directly move the ore from the roots of the tree. He can even make Unobtnium directly.

Of course, the mental energy required for direct production is too great.

Eva is willing to exchange a little ore for peace. So Xiao Ming handed the alchemy to Eva. I can't always do this job by myself.

She learned it in an instant, worthy of being a god. Eva has so much spiritual power, making ore shouldn't be too easy.

In the future, Eva can often tinker with some ore and let RDA send it back to Earth. If there is money to be made, there will be no need for war on Earth.

Similarly, Xiao Ming also taught Eva the magic. Once he left, Eva could perform the magic to continue to confuse the leaders and protect Pandora.

In this process, many humans who do not support RDA will try their best to help Eva. Try to delay the exposure time.

The second step is to improve their own strength.

Humans are a greedy species. For this priceless ore, they are likely to continue to ask for more and more.

In the long run, it is impossible to satisfy RDA's desire by paying for ore alone. Things will eventually be exposed. So Eva must strengthen her own strength.

Alchemy and illusion are both powerful skills that can be used in combat. After Eva learns it, the whole planet will be a huge weapon.

And Eva will also teach alchemy and illusion to Pandora in her own way. I believe that the Na'vi should be the best among them.

When all the beings on the planet have extraordinary power, there is no need to be afraid of the earthlings.

Xiao Ming also thought about whether to teach Eva more skills. For example, telekinesis, chakra, force, microcosm, spiritual power... and even martial arts.

But after thinking it over again and again, he gave up the idea. Alchemy and illusion alone are strong enough to protect herself.

Teaching her more things may not be a good thing. So be it.

Alaya consciousness was originally a Buddhist concept.

It is often cited in the modern animation industry. Sometimes it follows the original meaning, and sometimes it is set as the collective consciousness of mankind.

In this book with multiple infinite streams, naturally both settings will appear.

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