Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 657 Avatar

Although the weapons and ordnance in the base were not satisfactory, the things in the research room made Xiao Ming's eyes light up.

Yin Xiaoming's identity is an employee of the research department. Here Xiao Ming saw high-tech things like Avatar. This reincarnation world is named after this.

What is Avatar? We know that the environment of Pandora does not support human survival.

There is a kind of advanced intelligent creature on Pandora - the Na'vi.

They are about 3 meters tall, with blue glow and patterns all over their bodies, a long tail behind them, and pointed ears. Apart from this, their body shape and appearance are almost the same as humans.

The civilization of the Na'vi is still in the primitive human stage. They advocate harmonious coexistence with nature and reject all high-tech products. Their living habits are very similar to the legendary elves.

Earth scientists mixed human genes with the DNA of the Na'vi and cultivated a body that looks like the Na'vi with a height of nearly 3 meters.

And it can be controlled by human will and thinking, so that it can survive and move more conveniently on Pandora. This body is called Avatar.

It sounds very similar to the technology of copying and modifying people in the New Han Kingdom. Xiao Ming also has this kind of hybrid clone.

Most of them were put into the surface battle of the Yan Emperor Galaxy-Nuwa Planet. That is Xiao Ming③.

Those clones are naturally not Na'vi, but some military creatures on Nuwa Star.

For example, Xiao Ming once possessed a replica that looked like a minotaur. That feeling was really interesting.

However, Xiao Ming was worried about exposing his strength, so the number of times he possessed Xiao Ming③ can be said to be very few.

The situation on Nuwa Star is too complicated. From the few battles, most areas of Nuwa Star are in a state of rampage by undead.

But there are also several good forces that have occupied some territory. With the strength of the New Han Kingdom's cosmic army, it is only a force that occupies some territory on Nuwa Star.

In addition, Nuwa Star also has a huge underground system. The creatures inside don't seem to be easy to mess with.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ming suddenly had an idea. Can he pull the Zerg over and occupy a place in the underground system under Nuwa?

Xiao Ming estimated that the potential for the development of Zerg forces in the sheltered area would not be too great. After all, there are already so many overlords.

But if he goes to Nuwa Star, the situation will be completely different. And the underground is the terrain suitable for him to use alchemy. There is a home advantage.

Of course, Xiao Ming will not rush over rashly. This matter needs to be considered in the long run. If there is time, go and explore the way first.

Avatar technology is at best a supplement and reference for the New Han Kingdom. It is estimated to be worthless.

However, the Shen family, who is implementing the Shennong plan, should need this technology very much.

The clone technology of the New Han Kingdom is strictly controlled by the court, and the Shen family must not have obtained it.

If you have Avatar technology, after discovering a planet with life, you don’t have to send precious human resources to the surface of the planet to take risks.

You can combine the DNA of the creatures on that planet with human genes to make a new type of Avatar.

Then the Pangu people can remotely control the Avatar to explore new planets in space. The advantage should not be too big.

From a scientific point of view, the possibility that the natural environment of a new life planet just meets the conditions for human survival is almost zero.

So you can imagine how shocked the scientists of the New Han Kingdom were when they found that the Kuafu Star and the Nuwa Star in the Yanhuang Three Star System actually meet the conditions for human survival!

This is certainly not a coincidence, but the result of some kind of force forcibly interfering.

We actually know that this force is the power of Fuxi Qin (yellow source energy).

Normally, it is the most reasonable phenomenon that humans cannot survive when a new planet is discovered.

In fact, let alone alien planets, even the natural environment of Pangu Star itself is constantly changing.

In the 4.5 billion years of Pangu Star's history, there was a long period of time when it was not suitable for modern human survival.

It can be seen how useful the Avatar technology will be for the future of the Shennong Project.

The premise is that the Shen family will solve their current troubles first. Including the problem of Shennong getting lost; the problem of Xin Ku being seriously injured; the problem of hostile forces deliberately making trouble...

After all these are solved, and after a planet with life is discovered, the Avatar technology will be needed.

It seems a bit too early now. But Xiao Ming doesn't care. Just get it first and study it for fun.

Moreover, it is relatively easy for Xiao Ming to learn this kind of pure technology. At least he can do it by copying.

Xiao Ming predicts that mastering this technology will be more or less helpful for some of his supernatural energy skills.

For example, the ability to create three people, the ability to breed insect humans, the ability of shadow clones...

It would be difficult to steal technology in the past, but it is very easy now.

Not long ago, Xiao Ming just got the Sharingan and illusion in the Naruto world.

These researchers are ordinary people, not extraordinary people, how can they resist the Sharingan. A little illusion can make them surrender.

It took Yin Xiaoming about a week to learn all the knowledge about Avatar and get the corresponding equipment.

Guangmingding was big enough, so Xiaoming built a laboratory.

Uh... it's a bit shameless to say "establish". In fact, Xiao Ming directly moved part of the laboratory in the human base into Guangmingding.

At the same time, he also brought in a large number of scientific researchers. Xiaolu was responsible for taking care of them.

Among them were Dr. Grace Augustine, the head of the scientific research department, Norm Spellman and others.

Under the influence of Xiao Ming's illusion, they thought they were still working for RDA.

In addition to Avatar technology, they are also studying an even more amazing technology. It is Pandora's unique neural connection system.

In the minds of scientists, this is Pandora's most precious treasure.

However, RDA, the Resource Development Administration, obviously doesn't think so.

The company is eyeing the unique ore on Pandora - Unobtnium.

It is an extremely rare room-temperature superconductor, and one kilogram is worth 20 million US dollars.

This ore has a peculiar magnetic field. Under the influence of Pandora's magnetic field, it produces a spectacular scene of giant stone islands floating in the air.

These huge rock islands suspended in the air are called "Hallelujah Mountains" by the people on Earth. They are a major scenic spot on Pandora. They are very similar to the fairy mountains in Chinese mythology and legends.

The top of the huge rock island is relatively flat, while the surroundings are extremely steep. The river pours down from the cliffs to form a waterfall suspended in the air.

The Na'vi people call these floating islands "Thunder Holy Stones" and regard them as inviolable holy lands.

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