Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 641 Seven Freaks of Jiangnan***

Chapter 641 Seven Freaks of Jiangnan

"Fourth brother, you have been trapped by the wind and sand for several days. Are you really okay? I hope you don't have any internal injuries."

After listening to the nonsense made up by Nan Xiren played by Xiao Ming, Han Xiaoying first expressed her concern for the health of the fourth brother.

Zhang Asheng laughed and said, "Don't worry, Seventh sister, there will be good fortune after surviving a disaster. Fourth brother has been enlightened by the gods! There will be no internal injuries, right?"

Quan Jinfa is meticulous and doesn't dare to believe in such supernatural things. He asked suspiciously:

"Fourth brother, are you sure that those are true? Did you fall for the trick of the charlatan?"

Han Baoju didn't take it seriously, and said carelessly: "What are you afraid of! When the enemy comes, the general will stop it and the water will come, the earth will cover it!

Besides, this is the desert, where can there be charlatans? Sixth brother thinks too much. Fourth brother, come, show your skills to the brothers."

Ke Zhenwu and Zhu Cong were silent throughout the whole process, listening to everyone's words, while secretly wondering whether the fourth brother's words were true or false.

"Brothers, what I got from the mirage is internal strength. We are brothers of the same mind. Since it was given to me, it was given to everyone. You feel it first."

Xiao Ming said, and poured a small amount of Changsheng Jue internal strength into Han Baoju, Zhang Asheng, Quan Jinfa, and Han Xiaoying. The eldest and second brothers were not in a hurry, so they let them observe first.

Changsheng Jue is a low-profile version of the immortal cultivation technique. The internal force stimulated by the Changsheng Jue is of great benefit to the human body, far exceeding other exercises.

This strand of internal force can even make people younger for a few days. This feeling can be clearly felt by ordinary people, let alone those who practice martial arts.

Han Baoju was the first to shout loudly: "TNND, it's so comfortable. I must learn this kung fu. Sister, you have to learn it too."

In a hurry, Ma Wangshen directly burst out with swear words, upgrading the status of his third brother. He didn't forget to bring his cousin.

Zhang Asheng and Han Xiaoying also felt the benefits of the Changsheng Jue, and their eyes looked at each other at the first time.

Zhang Asheng is tall, but too fat. Although he admires Han Xiaoying in his heart, he has always been ashamed of himself and dared not say it. This is really not like a child of the rivers and lakes.

Among the brothers, a few knew his intentions, but did not take the initiative to help. Probably because they felt that Zhang Asheng was not worthy of Han Xiaoying.

If there is a decent man to marry Han Xiaoying in the future, I believe that the other brothers, including Zhang Asheng, will bless Han Xiaoying.

This time, under the impact of the inner force of Changsheng Jue, Zhang Asheng suddenly inexplicably gained a little confidence.

He dared to look at Han Xiaoying, and in the eyes of both parties. Both of them understood each other's intentions. A beautiful marriage began to take root.

Unfortunately, the other brothers were shocked by the inner force of Changsheng Jue and did not pay attention to the eye contact between them.

Xiaoming did catch a glimpse. But without seeing the life energy, Xiaoming, a otaku, was not sensitive to such things. He didn't care much.

Quan Jinfa smacked his lips, thought for a while, and said: "What a strong inner force, more than what I have accumulated in more than ten years. This deal is worth doing!"

Ke Zhenwu and Zhu Cong looked at each other, nodded to each other, and stretched out their hands to Xiaoming at the same time.

Xiaoming understood and immediately sent two strands of inner force over.

The two believed Xiao Ming's words mainly because the Jiangnan Seven Freaks trusted each other enough.

They did not doubt the character of the fourth brother just now, but they were worried that the fourth brother might be deceived.

But Nan Xiren was the most stable one among the few people, and his kung fu was second only to the two of them, so it was unlikely that he would be deceived.

The reactions of the other four brothers (sisters) after receiving the internal force also proved the awesomeness of this internal force. Ke and Zhu believed it completely.

In addition, Xiao Ming should also thank the background of this era. People in the Southern Song Dynasty were still willing to believe these supernatural words. The acceptance of Xiao Ming's nonsense was very high.

He strayed into the desert and was trapped by the wind and sand for several days and nights; when he was on the verge of death, he encountered a mirage; he escaped from death and saw several internal force pictures.

This kind of story cannot deceive modern people. Even if it is true, no one would believe it. It was easy to accept in ancient times.

What happened next was both simple and difficult, and Xiao Ming was both happy and upset.

After the eldest and second brothers experienced the secret of longevity. They knew that their internal strength was not good enough.

They resolutely abandoned their original skills and practiced the Changsheng Jue instead.

This was because their internal strength was not good enough, so they were willing to do so.

The two strongest ones were willing to practice the Changsheng Jue, let alone the others.

So the Jiangnan Seven Freaks collectively entered the era of internal strength training. Xiao Ming's first step to change his fate was easily completed.

However, the next second step was Xiao Ming's painful era. It was so difficult to teach them the Changsheng Jue!

The martial arts talents of the Jiangnan Seven Freaks were generally not high, so their martial arts were in such a state.

Xiao Ming never expected that the fastest learners and the best practitioners were Zhang Asheng and Han Xiaoying, the young lovers.

The Changsheng Jue actually doesn't depend on whether a person is smart or not, but mainly on a person's understanding and even mentality.

Zhang Asheng and Han Xiaoying fell in love with each other and soon got married with the witness and blessing of their brothers. The mentality is just the best time.

It only took them a month or so to learn a picture. Their Qi could also boost each other.

This is the characteristic of the inner strength of Changsheng Jue. Later, the inner strength of the Jiangnan Seven Monsters could help each other. This is a later story.

The second is Zhu Cong and Quan Jinfa. Relatively speaking, Zhu Cong's intelligence still played a role.

Quan Jinfa was young, only in his 20s at this time, and his brain was very active.

It took them a quarter of time to stumble and learn two sets of pictures.

The eldest brother Ke Zhenwu and the third brother Han Baoju were miserable. Both of them were strong-willed and irritable, and they were not in tune with the Taoist mind method of Changsheng Jue.

However, these two were still determined not to give up. The other five monsters all practiced Changsheng Jue.

How could the two of them hold their brothers back? They had to practice it even if they died.

This impatient mentality made their practice process more bumpy.

Xiao Ming had to use the dumbest method. He chose a picture, simplified it, and reduced some effects.

Then he used his inner strength every day to help the two of them practice. He persisted in the game for about half a year.

Only then did the two of them get used to it and master the simplified Changsheng Jue internal energy. Of course, it took several days in real time.

Fortunately, after Xiao Ming did it more than a dozen times, the system automatically took over this task, and defaulted to Nancy Ren helping Ke Han and the others practice every day.

Otherwise, if Xiao Ming had to do it himself, he might not be able to stick to it. It is inconvenient without the help of supernatural energy.

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