Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 633 Cooperation with the Heart Cultivators

"Brother Zhu Xinxiu, this is what happened. Do you think it's possible?"

Once again, Xiao Ming invited Zhu Xinxiu to lunch at the barbecue restaurant near the game studio and told him about the secret realm of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Xiao Ming also told him some basic information about the Shennong Project. This should actually be kept secret, but Xiao Ming trusts Zhu Xinxiu.

A few months ago, Zhu Xinxiu taught Zhang Xiaoming a lot of fighting skills, and he was also the model/prototype of Xiao Ming's special forces beast. Xiao Ming has observed him for a long time and his character is absolutely reliable.

In fact, Xiao Ming originally planned to find Sister Hongchao to ask her how to handle this matter.

But he changed his mind and gave up the idea.

If all things are troubled by one family, not only will it make one's side appear incompetent, but it will also be easy for others to see through the truth.

Since Jiang Shizu's zombie lineage and Li's lineage are already two well-known allies; then the ally of the Shen family seems to be better hidden.

To gather people and march into the secret realm of Liancheng Jue, Xiao Ming prepared two lines, one bright and one dark.

The bright line is the people recruited on Pangu Star. This line is likely to be exposed in the future, and it can also play a role in concealing others.

The hostile forces of the Shen family sent the underworld to make trouble. To fight against these people, Xiao Ming naturally thought of retired soldiers and policemen.

Xiao Ming only knew one person who was most suitable to lead this team, that is, Brother Zhu Xinxiu.

Soldiers and policemen are a group of people with the strongest sense of honor, mission, and justice. Of course, there are a few scums among them, and no profession can avoid them.

After these people retired from the army, some of them were able to get along well in society; but a large number of people, because they adhered to principles and did not know how to adapt, struggled to make progress;

Some people were even forced by life to go to the extreme and commit crimes.

Xiao Ming's target is these people. Since there are no suitable jobs in the real world, they can go to the game to fight crime.

They can also get a good salary here, which is the best of both worlds.

In fact, this is the wisdom of many online novels. Xiao Ming was able to think of this because he had read some novels.

So Xiao Ming, a homeboy, rarely came out of his house and came to the warehouse area where the Magic Dragon Aotian Studio was located.

He took the security guard Zhu Xinxiu to have lunch and explained his purpose.

"Zhang Xiao, please speak up. I shouldn't have postponed such a thing. It's just that my father's lung disease has worsened recently, and my mother's health is not very good... this, that..."

Zhu Xinxiu said apologetically. His parents' health is indeed not optimistic.

He has been thinking of ways, but he didn't dare to go to Xiao Ming to borrow money. This time Xiao Ming took the initiative to find him, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity.

It's just that it's easy to catch a tiger in the mountains, but it's hard to ask for help. For people with Zhu Xinxiu's personality, it's even more difficult.

If he went to find his former comrades and friends of life and death, he could ask for help.

But these people are basically in the same situation as him. Some of them still need his help. Who to ask for help?

Xiao Ming slapped his thigh and said, "Brother Zhu, you should have told me about this earlier! Uh... don't say anything, take me to see my uncle and aunt right away. Let's go."

Xiao Ming pulled Zhu Xinxiu up and ignored the half-eaten meal. It was a buffet anyway, so it didn't matter.

On the way, Xiao Ming explained to Zhu Xinxiu that he had received the true teachings of a Chinese medicine master and had the ability to cure diseases.

The Chinese medicine industry on Pangu Star did not encounter the setbacks of the parallel world.

The Chinese nation led the world into modernization, and Chinese medicine naturally progressed with the development of science.

At the same time, the world of Pangu Star has a reincarnation space, with all kinds of supernatural powers, strange items, mysterious bloodlines...

As a result, science has not been able to dominate, and there are too many things it cannot explain for the time being.

A few things randomly made from the reincarnation space are not something that Pangu Star's current scientific level can understand.

So Chinese medicine is the absolute boss of the medical community on Pangu Star. Zhu Xinxiu was full of confidence in Xiao Ming when he heard this.

This is very different from the treatment Xiao Ming received in the world of Zombie Covenant 2.

We know that Xiao Ming's so-called true Chinese medicine is just a name. He relies on the telepathy and healing magic of [Life-saving Golden Needle] to save people.

Of course, he also knows something about medicine. In the world of Zombie Covenant 2, he learned a little bit of basic knowledge in this area. In order to avoid being asked questions without knowing anything.

The treatment process is very simple. Zhu Xinxiu's old father just has bad lungs. After using a few healing spells, he directly returned a pair of healthy lungs.

Please note that other people's primary healing magic cannot achieve the effect of Xiao Ming. A person's abilities will definitely affect each other.

Xiao Ming's source energy, alchemy, body shaping and other abilities all affect the use of healing spells, and essentially enhance the effect of healing spells.

Zhu Xinxiu's old mother actually has liver cancer, but it has not yet appeared.

Healing spells can't handle this, Xiao Ming must use the life-saving golden needle, and it will take some time to treat.

Zhu Xinxiu also wiped a cold sweat after learning about it. He didn't doubt at all whether Zhang Xiaoming was lying to him.

He believed Xiaoming's diagnosis directly. After all, his old father was like a good man in the time it took to stick an incense stick, and this couldn't be deceived.

More importantly, he thought of his fellow brothers who were in the same situation as him. Who doesn't have elderly elders in their family?

At this age, with such a family situation, few elders are healthy. Almost every brother is worried about their parents.

Some elders of the brothers have been killed by diseases. Some brothers are even seriously ill at a young age.

Xiao Ming, a master of traditional Chinese medicine and a big sponsor, appeared at the right time. It is exactly what everyone needs.

If you work for Xiao Ming, you can get both work and medical insurance.

For the welfare of the brothers, Zhu Xinxiu can't care about being embarrassed. When he told Xiao Ming about this idea, of course he hit it off.

It's easy for Xiao Ming to treat diseases, and Xiao Ming is definitely not short of funds.

He has saved tens of millions of gold coins in the game, and the synthesized Chinese currency has exceeded 1 billion. He can hire them with high salaries.

Of course, Xiao Ming himself doesn't plan to show up for this matter. Everything is done by Zhu Xinxiu.

In the eyes of outsiders, he has attracted an investment, established a game studio, and taken a big job.

Things like treating people are all done in secret. The matter of veterans entering the Liancheng Jue secret realm must be kept secret.

To be on the safe side, Xiao Ming not only used telekinesis to personally observe every brother recruited by Zhu Xin Xiu;

He even bought a relatively strong confidentiality agreement from the reincarnation space. It can also be used for ordinary people.

This line is Xiao Ming's clear line in the Liancheng Jue secret realm. It can also be regarded as a small force of his on Pangu Star.

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