Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 622: Insect Game

Compared to the Magic Planet, the Insect Game is very simple and crude. The Zerg is a bit careless.

When entering the game, there is no personal space. Lu Xiaoming only feels that he is surrounded by stars, and each star is probably a game/secret realm.

There is no obvious main star, that is, there is no main game in the Insect Game. They are all secret realms.

The size of the stars varies greatly, and the Zerg can sense it through their instincts. The larger the star, the more games the Zerg have played.

This is popularity, ah, no, it is insect energy. Let's see what the popular games of the Zerg will look like.

Xiaoming naturally chose the one that looked the largest. As a result, he was dumbfounded when he entered.

This is a stupid game similar to big fish eating small fish. The more the game character eats, the bigger the body will be, and the bigger the body will be, the more dangerous it will be.

This type of small game originally existed on Pangu Star, but it was rare in the Magic Planet. I didn't expect to see it here.

Of course, the game played by the Zerg should be called big monsters eating small monsters.

Seeing that so many Zergs have played it and it is so popular, Xiao Ming couldn't help but wonder if there is any secret in this game.

So he controlled his character and tried to play it, but he didn't find any secret until the end of the game. It's just eating.

Xiao Ming suddenly remembered that this game is so popular, could it be because of this? Eating!

Zergs love to eat. In reality, you must eat in moderation. Even the most tolerant Zerg will get sick if they eat too much.

But in the game, you can eat as much as you want. Zerg is probably played for this. This group of useless foodies.

Xiao Ming complained about the Zerg in his heart while retreating from the secret realm. "Stop" in the air and carefully feel the stars around him.

After a while, Xiao Ming noticed that some of them had a sense of déjà vu. It was as if he had entered it before.

This is unlikely, right? There is no reason for me to enter a Zerg game?

Xiao Ming was suspicious, so he chose a star and went in... came out, and chose another one... again...

Xiao Ming explored the first few secret realms of insects for a while, but he couldn't see any problems, and he didn't know why he had that feeling.

It wasn't until the 7th secret realm that Xiao Ming realized that this was the Marvel world!

Xiao Ming didn't have any special feelings about the secret realm, but because he felt that Yin Xiao Ming was also in this secret realm at that time.

Yin Xiao Ming was in the same secret realm as Lance Jacob, accompanying the prince of Asgard to pick up girls.

And Green Xiao Ming entered this secret realm as a Chitauri officer. There was an immediate induction between the two souls.

There was something wrong with this matter! Although Magic Planet was a game made later, it had an intersection with the game of insects.

Was it intentional by the game creation team? Or did the masters of the three tribes of humans, gods and insects interfere?

Or was it because they were derived from the same source energy, and the intersection was automatically generated? Even all three situations.

There is too little information and too many possibilities. Xiao Ming can't make a judgment at all.

The development of the secret realm by humans on Pangu Star is still in a relatively early stage, and there is no rumor that anyone has dealt with the Zerg.

But then again, the Zerg who can play games are all masters of mental power. And they appear as characters in the game.

Even if you really encounter a character controlled by the Zerg, few people can tell them apart, right?

Green Xiao Ming exited the secret realm again. Looking at the size of these stars, there are really many Zerg playing games.

Who created this Zerg game? What is his (their) purpose?

Is it to enhance the strength of the Zerg? Or to make the Zerg addicted to the game and unable to extricate themselves?

Since the human race and the Zerg have games, do the Protoss have them? Will the light spirits that he feeds every day also play games?

An unexpected discovery stirred up thousands of waves in Xiao Ming's heart, and countless questions came to mind, but no one could give an answer.

Next, Green Xiao Ming logged into several more popular secret realms for the Zerg. The results are all similar.

The Zerg's hobbies are simple and direct. All the popular secret realms are either eating or fighting. Not many Zerg are willing to play games that require a little brainpower.

Like the Marvel secret realm just now, it seems that almost no Zerg has entered to play. At most, they took a look and ran away. The Zerg atmosphere is low.

One of the most popular games is the secret realm where the three races of humans, gods and insects fight each other. Xiao Ming calls it [StarCraft].

It is a strategic game mode that fights one game at a time. Each race has several forces, and each game is a big melee scene of more than a dozen forces from all parties.

However, as a game, the Zerg in it is simpler than the Zerg in reality. I believe that the human and god races should be the same.

And almost all of them are land wars, with a little air battle in the atmosphere, but Xiao Ming has never encountered a battle in space.

Xiao Ming tried it a few times, and did not use his various abilities to cheat during the period.

Sure enough, in terms of combat command, he is still a rookie. He often drags down the Zerg fighting together.

Moreover, every time Lu Xiaoming entered the secret realm, he used the Zerg and never controlled the other two races, which means... Zerg can only use Zerg.

Then who are the people behind the Terrans and Protoss that he encountered in the battle?

As soon as he thought of the first question, Xiao Ming immediately shook his head and threw it out.

o(≧口≦)o It's frustrating. Now once he thinks of a question, a series of questions will pop up.

Xiao Ming decided that it was enough to know about this matter and not to delve into it. Damn, if he keeps thinking about it, his brain will burn out.

The secret realm settings in the bug game are not much different from those in the magic planet, but there are no special restrictions.

The few Xiao Ming encountered can use all kinds of supernatural energy at will without being suppressed.

Among them, there are not many secret realms that are truly connected to the magic planet, that is, the secret realms that Xiao Ming feels familiar with, only a dozen.

These dozen are probably the secret realms that Xiao Ming has explored before. It's just that the time is too short, so he can't identify them.

Moreover, there are countless secret realms in the magic planet, and Xiao Ming has only played dozens of them, and the total number is less than 100. So there may be more worlds with intersections.

Xiao Ming touched his chin, thought about it, and felt that the future would be very interesting.

If nothing else, at least from the perspective of the Chitauri, cutting into the Marvel secret realm can provide a unique perspective.

Let's also see how much power there is behind the Chitauri.

Such an interesting thing, if it can also be cut into the game from the perspective of the Protoss, it will be even more interesting.

Considering that the three tribes all use the source energy of the Fuxi Qin, Xiao Ming thinks this possibility is not small.

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