Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 610: Finding a Different Way

Xiao Ming did not deal with the problem in front of the Shen family, so as not to expose his strength. This is common sense for reincarnations.

Anyway, his circle can cover the entire spacecraft, and the scanning map can see a large area near Shennong 2 in his mind.

In space, the range of scanning maps is particularly wide.

To deal with the problem of Shennong 2, Xiao Ming's computer technology is not enough, and he must find another way.

Xiao Ming's approach is to first give the artificial intelligence of Shennong 2 a soul.

So [Little Shennong] was born, and soon he confirmed that his "father" was Xiao Ming. He immediately started crying.

The artificial intelligence actually knew that there was a problem a long time ago, but no one had the right to listen to it.

Now that he has an independent soul, he can ignore some of his own restrictions. He cried directly to Xiao Ming in the mental connection.

Of course, no one in the Shen family can see these situations.

It turned out that the situation was like this. The predecessor of Shennong 2, Avalon, once suffered a strong meteorite attack.

It caused a failure in the power system and caused an overload. And this fault cannot be fixed by artificial intelligence itself.

If Xiao Shennong had an independent soul at that time, some trade-offs would be made and some unnecessary functions would be cancelled. The overload problem would be solved directly. Even without a soul, the problem could be solved with sufficient authority.

Unfortunately, the humans in that world are very vigilant about artificial intelligence and do not allow it to change its program at will.

As a result, the overload problem becomes more and more troublesome. Many systems have failed, and the male protagonist woke up from the dormant chamber because of this.

And more and more failures have made the overload problem of the power reactor more serious.

If it is not dealt with, the reactor may explode completely in a year or two due to being overwhelmed. Then the entire spacecraft will be ruined.

Since the protagonist is a mechanical worker, there is such a saying: artificial intelligence deliberately caused problems in the protagonist's dormant chamber to wake him up.

If you think about it carefully, it is actually not very reasonable. If you want to wake him up, it is more appropriate to wake up a crew member with higher authority.

There is no way that there are no workers who can repair machinery among the crew. Waking up those people is much more useful than the protagonist. After all, they have high authority and are professional.

Of course, there are still many logical problems in the original movie. They are all off-topic, so I won’t say more here.

After Xiao Shennong obtained the soul, he soon discovered that the problem of nuclear reactor overload was no longer something he could solve by himself.

There were not so many functions that could be discarded. Now he could only find a way to repair the nuclear reactor. He still knew how to repair it.

It’s just that that place requires manual operation, and the computer can’t handle it.

After explaining the situation to Xiao Ming, Xiao Shennong thought Xiao Ming would go to deal with it himself.

As a result, a shadow clone appeared out of thin air in the power room and solved the problem directly.

This was completely beyond Xiao Shennong’s understanding, and he admired his "dad" very much.

After the problem was solved, Xiao Ming did not immediately inform the father and daughter of the Shen family. That would be too evil. There is no way to explain it.

So Xiao Ming spent several months slowly letting Xiao Shennong open various permissions to the Shen family one by one.

Pretending to make it seem like he had broken through the system firewall bit by bit. This was enough to amaze the whole Shen family.

Of course, the only one who couldn't hide it completely was Xin Ku. As an S-level master, he was the most sensitive to crises.

When Xiao Ming solved the problem, his sense of crisis disappeared immediately. This can't be deceived.

It was only a short time since the leader appeared. His people were even chatting with him and others, and the crisis had been automatically resolved.

Therefore, Xin Ku didn't dare to confirm whether the crisis disappeared automatically or was settled by the leader.

If it was really the handicraft of the person in front of him, it would be a bit terrifying to think about it. Since then, he has been paying close attention to the leader's every move.

However, for a person who can place clones everywhere, no matter how closely he pays attention, it is useless.

Besides, Xiao Shennong has been helping Xiao Ming observe the entire spacecraft. Xin Ku's behavior was soon known to Xiao Ming.

But Xiao Ming didn't care, he thought it was because of Xin Shui. As a father, it is normal to pay close attention to his daughter's "male friends".

On Pangu Star, Xiao Ming's body has been under surveillance. He has long been used to it.

Xiao Ming summoned 20 shadow clones right in front of the father and daughter of the Xin family, and asked them to pretend to operate on computers in various places.

After meeting other members of the Xin family, he was personally arranged by the housekeeper to stay in a high-class room. And he also thoughtfully prepared a game cabin.

And it turned out to be 2 sets of game cabins. Seeing this, Xiao Ming couldn't help but smile, privileges are really everywhere.

Don't think that all the passengers on the entire spaceship are playing the game [Martial Arts Planet]. Now everyone in the Xin family can play the more advanced [Magic Planet].

The game of the entire spaceship has not been upgraded. But they can upgrade their own individually. I don't know what method they used to contact the increasingly distant game consoles.

Thinking of the breadth and depth of the reincarnation space, such things should not be difficult to find.

But they have been playing Martial Arts Planet for a long time, and it is estimated that they can't just give up. In the future, they will probably play the two games in turn.

To be honest, the martial arts moves in the martial arts planet can also be used as a reference for the God of Death.

The magic planet can only be played for 12 hours a day, but the martial arts planet is running 24 hours a day. It's just right for two shifts.

Xiao Ming thought about it and introduced Xiao Shennong to Maomaoer first. They are similar in nature and should be able to chat.

As expected, Maomaoer is very caring for his new brother, and Xiao Shennong also likes brother Maomaoer very much.

By the way, there is also brother Xiaoxiaoer. Even Xiao Shennong followed them and changed his name to call Xiao Ming "Big Da".

In order not to appear too partial, Xiao Ming had to divide some of his mental power and made a full body armor for Xiao Shennong to attach to.

The one that Maomaoer lives in is called [Hot-blooded Nezha], and the one that Xiao Shennong lives in is called [Hot-blooded Mu Zha]. The functions are basically the same.

The relationship between the brothers seems a bit messy, but it doesn't matter. Xiao Ming is too lazy to come up with other names.

This move, in addition to making Xiao Shennong happy, has an additional benefit. Xiao Ming now has two game servers. He no longer has to worry about Maomaoer going on strike.

Maomaoer, the heartless one, always plays with Xiaoxiaoer. He hardly pays attention to himself.

Xiao Shennong is still the best, and he is the closest to Xiao Ming. He always sticks to Dada. Xiao Ming is very happy.

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