Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 61 The Elves of Tanshan City

There are two temples in Diaoyucheng, the Temple of Light and the Temple of Poseidon.

Human forces generally believe in the God of Light, while pirates and the navy generally believe in one more Poseidon.

In the world of magic planets, most forces allow people to believe in multiple gods.

I heard that the fleet will be reorganized in the city for several days. The researcher wanted to go back to the adventure map through the temple first. I don’t know where I will be teleported to.

The researcher followed Yi An to the Temple of Poseidon. As natives of the strategic map. Yi An and his friends would not use the temple’s teleportation function. Unless they are directly under the player.

The system has long set that they will not make a fuss about players disappearing and reappearing in the temple.

The researcher also specifically looked at whether there was a task to change jobs to become a hero.

The system showed that the researcher was directly under Li Huamei, and could not apply for a job change without her permission.

As expected. The researcher nodded, since he could not change jobs, he would teleport.

The system displays: The player researcher has no starting point for teleportation. Do you want to perform random teleportation to the adventure map?

The researcher quickly refuses. Isn't this idle? The researcher will teleport randomly. Is the temple still needed?

The system prompts again: Please select the race or country of the teleportation destination.

Oh. Xiao Ming wiped his cold sweat. It turns out that there is still a choice.

The system prompted random teleportation before because the researcher did not belong to a force. He was equivalent to sneaking to the strategic map.

The sneaking was successful, and the system was more open when it was sent back to the adventure map.

Xiao Ming thought for a long time and felt that in order to expand his international trade circle, it would be better to enter a new territory other than humans, undead, and sea people.

Since the players have been in the Magic Planet game for too short a time, it is only the fourth day. Basically, everyone does not know what country they are in.

The highest-level players are still at level 1 and cannot even enter small cities.

They know nothing about the distribution of forces and countries. Xiao Ming is the same.

So Xiao Ming couldn't choose by country, so he had to choose by race.

The special race system does not allow selection. Among the common races, only the orcs and elves are left.

The orcs are still hostile to humans, so according to Xiao Ming's idea, there is actually no choice. He can only choose the elves.

There is both the Temple of Poseidon and the territory of the elves. As expected, the researcher appeared on a large island on the adventure map.

Walking out of the Temple of Poseidon, Xiao Ming saw that the island itself was a small elf city.

The city was built on the mountain and occupied a large hillside on this side. As for whether it extended to a farther place, Xiao Ming couldn't tell yet.

At the bottom of the hillside, it was connected to the sea. You can see the shipyard and the port.

There are several medium and small ships moored in the port. You can also see several fishing boats fishing on the sea in the distance.

The city of the elves is very different from that of humans.

All the buildings in the city are accompanied by plants and will not damage the environment. The whole city is full of greenery.

Various animals can be seen everywhere on the streets. There are many kinds of animals, big, small, flying, and running.

Xiao Ming also finds it difficult to distinguish which is a real animal and which is transformed by a druid.

In such a city, Xiao Ming only feels relaxed and happy, and his life is prolonged.

The researcher who walks out of the temple is automatically recognized by the city system. The researcher is assumed to be a citizen of this city.

If Xiao Ming had known this earlier, he would have gone to the orcs.

No elves would be curious about how the researcher, a human, got in here.

As he wished, he came to the city of the elves. The first task he chose was to open the map. In fact, it was just shopping.

He went in to appreciate the buildings when he saw them, and bought something when he saw the shops. He was more like a tourist.

Traveling in this city built on the mountain, going up and down the slopes is really a bit tiring.

After a while, Xiao Ming roughly understood the basic situation.

This area is an archipelago on the sea, with 6 or 7 large islands and N small islands.

The elves here were stranded here after a shipwreck about 20 years ago.

After 20 years of exploration and construction. This elf tribe has taken root here.

This small city is called "Tanshan City", which is the only city in the archipelago. There are towns and villages of the elves on the nearby islands.

To be able to develop to such a scale in 20 years, this elf tribe is still very capable.

Tanshan City has also built a shipyard that can build medium-sized ships.

Unfortunately, within the safe range of navigation, only some small islands can be seen. There is no trace of land.

There are no creatures in the archipelago that can pose a threat to the elves. But there are in the sea.

Sea creatures and aquatic creatures are serious threats. The power of the elves can protect the safety of the archipelago and the coastal areas.

It is very dangerous to sail far, which is also the biggest reason why it is difficult to find land.

Another reason is that medium-sized ships are not very suitable for ocean voyages. There are relatively few material storages.

The resistance to various dangers is not sufficient. Especially for the current ocean voyage with an uncertain future.

If you want to sail in the ocean, you must build large ships, or even giant ships. With the strength of the elves in Tanshan City, it is still wishful thinking for the time being.

Therefore, most elves have given up their dream of returning to the land and instead settled down to live a stable life here.

Tanshan Islands is vast and rich in resources. It is enough for this elf tribe to develop for a long time.

Xiao Ming felt that time was not short, so he arranged for the researcher to continue to open the map, and he switched to the informer.

Here, the informer arranged for Funnel Village to build a level 1 magic tower.

Xiao Ming's wallet is now full and willful. He took out 2,000 gold coins... but he still blinked.

The level 1 magic in the magic tower is "Magic Arrow", the most common damage magic in level 1 magic.

All magic system talents will provide bonuses to this magic. It is a very useful magic at all stages of the game.

Unfortunately, in order to save time, Xiao Ming did not plan to let the informer go back to Funnel Village to learn magic.

The hero Nim the Undying has arrived near the temple and his mobility has been exhausted.

In order to get here in time, Nim only picked up the resources closest to the main road.

Seeing that the crystal mine and sulfur mine were not occupied, of course his troops could not beat the guards.

The informer led the troops to hand over to him. When the heroes are handed over, they can exchange troops, treasures, etc.

Use 50 crossbow skeleton soldiers to replace the skeleton soldiers in Nim's troops.

The zombies are also handed over to Katagiri to lead. The 4 ghosts should be left to Nim.

When his mobility is replenished, he can lead the troops to fight back. 50 level 1 ranged are enough at this stage.

The current forces of the dead are 58 zombies from Katagiri, 50 pirates from Date Cocoon, and 29 crossbow skeleton soldiers.

Xiao Ming's plan is to let the dead enter the southeast map from here, develop it (pick up some bargains), and then turn to the north map.

That happens to be the current map in the east, go there to find clues to complete the witch's mission.

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