Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 603 A Peaceful Meeting

Although the Shennong 1 spacecraft was launched three years ago, it has only just flown out of the range of the Ultra Cloud. It has not officially left the solar system yet.

This speed is already quite good. The dispatched fleet that Xiao Ming② was in took 7 or 8 years to fly the same distance.

This is because the dispatched fleet passed through two more massive planets on its path, and the slingshot effect was used many times to accelerate.

Shennong 2 was able to fly such a long distance in three years with only one slingshot effect.

It can be seen how rapidly the New Han Kingdom has developed in the field of space over the years.

There is an important difference between the clones on the Shennong spacecraft and the clones in the Yanhuang Three Star System.

They are all controlled by intelligent programs. Except for a very small number of privileged clones, other clones do not have open consciousness transmission channels.

In other words, these people can only be controlled by intelligent programs, and others cannot control them.

This is one of the conditions of the Xin family. If these 2,700 clones can be taken over by Pangu Star at any time, then wouldn’t the Xin family become a puppet?

Then Xin Ku would not be willing to take on this matter. It is because of the possibility of becoming a local lord that the Xin family will accept this mission.

Although these 4,000 passengers are also playing games, the games they play are different from the magic planet.

Therefore, Xiao Ming has never met his parents in the previous games. Now there may be a chance. However, he is still investigating the environment in the spaceship.

Xiao Ming's circle and mental scan quickly saw Xin Shui. From the real time, it has been more than half a month since the last time he met Xin Shui in the reincarnation space.

If the time in the mission world is also counted, it means that they haven't seen each other for more than ten years.

I used to think that she was 6 or 7 points like Zhao Linger. So I have a good impression of her.

After so long, Linger's appearance is a little vague in Xiao Ming's mind.

On the contrary, I think they are more similar. So I have a better impression of her.

This is probably a kind of empathy effect of loving the house and the dog. It seems that the good impression of Linger Junior Sister at the beginning was transferred to Xin Shui.

Of course, this is also because Xin Shui is a good person. Xiao Ming looks at people's life energy first, then their faces.

If a person has bad character, no matter how beautiful he is, he will be ignored by Xiao Ming.

Before he could think about how to meet and recognize Xin Shui, Xiao Ming's circle met the captain of Shennong, Xin Ku.

Unlike Xin Shui, Xin Ku immediately sensed Xiao Ming's telepathic circle and mental scan.

"It's that master who has come. Please come out and talk." Xin Ku's heart was surging, but he remained calm on the surface.

At a time when the Xin family was in internal and external troubles, the sudden appearance of a master was both a good thing and a danger.

It's like being lost in a cemetery and someone suddenly talks to you.

Xin Ku can no longer exert his S-level combat power. Now we can only hope that this master is not a bad person.

As for him treating Xiao Ming as a master, it's not surprising at all.

The telepathic circle is fine, but Huang Xiaoming's 6th-level primary mental power is really powerful.

The mental power of the Zerg will produce this seemingly strong effect.

The other party was polite, but Xiao Ming didn't dare to be arrogant, so as not to be embarrassed when he met Xin Shui in the future. He immediately condensed a shadow clone in front of Xin Ku.

He bowed deeply and said, "Senior, you are polite. I am here to greet you. I have a nickname called the leader, you may have heard of it."

"Oh? So you are the leader mentioned by Shui'er, she has a good impression of you. But, why are you here?"

Xin Ku was relieved when he heard this nickname. Since he is someone he knows, things will be much easier.

If it weren't for Xin Ku's current poor condition, he would have taken action when he saw that there was suddenly an extra person on his spaceship. In any case, he should control himself first.

But now he can only slowly talk.

Xiao Ming can also feel that Xin Ku is in a very bad state. However, S-level masters are always worthy of respect. No matter what the state is.

What's more, the other party doesn't look like a bad person.

Generally speaking, it is not easy for Xiao Ming to see through the life energy of A-level and S-level masters.

Especially for the characters in the plot, the reincarnations may not be able to hide themselves very well.

Xin Ku, who was seriously injured and dying at the moment, was an exception. He no longer had the ability to hide himself in front of Xiao Ming.

If Xiao Ming came to him in person, he might have to consider whether to fight hard.

But now the person in front of him was a shadow clone with D-level strength. It would be useless to hit him. Instead, he would provoke a strong enemy. He could only deal with his moves.

Xiao Ming saw clearly what Xin Ku was like. Although he seemed to have done something bad recently, there was a sense of sin surrounding him.

But he was still not a bad person. What he did should have been hard for him, and he paid a huge price.

This complex emotion made his life energy seem a little confused. In short, Xiao Ming didn't think he was a bad person.

But since it was the first time they met, it was okay to be polite, but forget about being frank.

Xiao Ming didn't dare to tell the strange things he encountered. He just scratched his head and said:

I don't know what's going on. I picked up an object, fiddled with it with my supernatural energy, and ended up here.

(﹁·﹁)~Xin Ku squinted his eyes. ‘Damn, you must be kidding me. You traveled through time just by picking up something. Do you think you are writing a novel? ’

But since the leader said so, it is not polite to directly say that he is lying. It is normal to only say 30% of the words when you first meet.

Since he is on his ship, he probably can't get off. One more person means more strength. I should tell him about his situation.

Therefore, the captain briefly introduced the Shennong plan, the origin of Shennong 2, and the potential dangers.

He did not even hide the fact that he was seriously injured.

There is no way to hide this. Anyone who sees his current appearance will know that he is seriously injured. It is better to say it openly.

"Master... little brother, your circle is very powerful. Shennong 2 is in need of someone with strong reconnaissance ability like you."

Xin Ku said directly: "I have an unwelcome request. Can you please check this spaceship thoroughly to see if there is any problem."

"Okay. Since I'm already on the pirate ship, I will do my best. I will go back and inform the main body." After the shadow clone said this, it cancelled its own existence.

Huang Xiaoming's circle and scanning map actually showed the specific structure of the spacecraft clearly.

However, Xiaoming's professional knowledge was not enough to see where the problem was.

The physical structure of the hull is still very good. If there is a problem, it is probably in the software, right?

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