Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 600 A pot of cactus

Zhang Xiaoming was only slightly surprised when his soul was ‘invaded’, and he was not too worried.

The reason is simple. If there is danger, his intuition would have reminded him long ago.

This time, his intuition did not remind him, which means that this matter must be harmless. This is not an invasion, but an absorption and fusion.

If his intuition is not accurate, then what else can he say. He deserves it.

Watching the thing gradually disappear, Xiaoming retracted his three heads and six arms and immersed himself in the depths of his soul. He was very nervous.

There are only a few things that can go deep into the depths of the soul.

The best is the source energy seed. Xiaoming doesn’t mind planting one more tree. More importantly, it can have one more soul.

As the things at hand become more and more, one more soul will improve the efficiency of doing things.

The second is to bloom another flower on the soul tree, that is, to have one more special ability.

Whether it will become stronger or not is not a big deal. Xiaoming already has a lot of abilities, and any one of them is the way to be a strong man. It’s just that he doesn’t have that persistence.

What Xiaoming likes more is to have one more fun ability. It can make life more interesting and exciting.

The worst is the residual soul like the remnant soul, hiding in the depths of one's soul to take advantage.

However, as long as the other party has no bad intentions, it doesn't matter if Xiao Ming pays a little source energy. The other party's insight alone is worth the price.

In the end, none of these three situations happened. To be precise, it should be a combination of the first and second situations.

Next to the three source energy trees, there is an extra flower pot with a blue cactus less than 10 cm high in it.

What is this thing?

Through the feeling of the soul, Xiao Ming already has the answer. This cactus must also be related to source energy.

It is blue, different from the color of any source energy Xiao Ming has, that is, it is a new source energy.

However, it is not a tree rooted in the depths of Xiao Ming's soul, but a pot of cactus.

This shows that it is not a source energy seed, but just an ability. Xiao Ming has heard this situation mentioned by the remnant soul.

The three major races of human, god and insect have mastered certain permissions of Fuxi Qin, but the use of this permission is strictly restricted.

This cactus is a manifestation of this situation. It has a certain amount of source energy upper limit and can also self-recover. However, the use of source energy is fixed.

Xiao Ming cannot use this source energy at will, let alone condense his fourth soul with it as the core.

╮(╯▽╰)╭ Alas, it is still too beautiful to think about it.

The closer Xiao Ming gets to this cactus, the more familiar this ability is. This is... the ability of space jump!

Xiao Ming has experienced various space jumps: being teleported by the reincarnation space; teleporting in the game; teleporting from Qinglong Town back to Pangu Star; even Xiao Ming's own wormhole ability.

These are different manifestations of space jump. No wonder it feels so familiar.

This cactus has less than 10 cm of source energy, which makes people feel so miserable.

It is estimated that it is only enough for one jump, and the distance cannot be too far, otherwise the energy is not enough.

And after each jump, it takes a long time to accumulate source energy before jumping a second time.

What a useless ability! If it is a short-distance space jump, Xiao Ming has the Bright Summit and the wormhole to use.

Unless he is seeking excitement, he will jump around regardless of the destination. But that does not suit Xiao Ming's character. Xiao Ming is not that bold.

Whether it is the main body on Pangu Star or the worm king of Chiyou Galaxy, it is impossible to take such a risk. Both sides are big families.

After roughly understanding this ability, Xiao Ming suddenly lost interest.

So he thought about withdrawing from the depths of his soul and slowly studying this ability later. Anyway, there is plenty of time.

Suddenly, the blue cactus gave Xiao Ming a strange feeling, as if it kept calling him.

This feeling is so strong, this is the so-called major event. Xiao Ming's intuition has never been so urgent.

Silver Xiao Ming stayed to guard the main body, Green Xiao Ming guarded the worm king, and Huang Xiao Ming, who can be distracted, responded to this call.

Swish~~. Huang Xiaoming didn't need to open his eyes, he felt as if he had a body, and his body was in a closed state.

Eh? This feeling is so familiar. Oh my god, this is clearly the game chamber.

Circle, mental scan, two major reconnaissance skills are released at the same time. It took him a moment to understand the environment he was in.

When the circle was just released, Xiao Ming sensed that this body was his own, or to be more precise, a copy of Xiao Ming.

Well, in fact, Xiao Ming's copies are everywhere. Because of the incident of attracting the light spirit, many forces are copying him.

Could it be that this was done by a certain force? Could it be that this force has some conspiracy against him? So his intuition led him here?

Interesting, Xiao Ming is a little eager to try. His skills seem to have a place to use.

In fact, it is also because of Xiao Ming's strong mental power that he can think about so many random things in a very short time.

But then, this guess was broken.

Because there is a game chamber on each side, the people who are sleeping and playing games in it are not others, but Xiao Ming's parents!

And it is the original! Not a copy. With Xiao Ming's current ability, he can easily distinguish the difference between the original and the copy. At least the technology of the New Han Kingdom couldn't fool him.

Long time no see! Xiao Ming's eyes filled with tears.

As far as he knew, the two elders had been sent to the spaceship for immigration to Wolf 359 star field three years ago because of their participation in the [Shennong Project]. And they had been frozen and hibernated earlier.

Now seeing them, there is probably only one possibility. That is Huang Xiaoming's soul, through space jump, ran to the immigration spaceship. Ran into his own copy.

Sure enough, as the circle expanded, Xiao Ming clearly saw that he was in a huge shuttle-shaped spaceship.

The technological level of this spaceship is quite advanced. Such a gorgeous structure, high-end technology, and artistic style are not the products of the New Han Kingdom at all. In Blowing Sting.

Xiao Ming used to think that the immigration ship would be like the dispatch team of the Yellow Emperor Galaxy, with limited space and everyone crowded together.

The result was not, the space in this spaceship was quite spacious.

The game cabin of Xiao Ming's family of three was placed in a large suite. This suite was clearly a new home prepared for them.

The same is true for others. A suite is a family. The minimum number of people in it is 2, and the maximum number is 5 or 6. The rooms of a family with more members are bigger.

But there is one thing, almost everyone is in hibernation. Only about 10 people are active.

They are all wearing handsome uniforms, going back and forth between the spacecraft, probably doing maintenance work.

It seems that everything here is peaceful. It is quiet and peaceful. Why was I summoned here? Could it be that my parents missed me?

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