Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 6 Hooray! Superpowers

The combination of priest, appraiser, and scholar is not a particularly strange one. Xiao Ming feels that there should be a certain number of players who are good at archeology in the game.

But in fact, Xiao Ming is the only player who has mastered archaeological skills at this stage.

For some special reason, he was the only one to achieve a matching rate of 88% so early.

Later, some players reached the level of third-level priest, senior appraiser, and senior scholar, and the matching degree reached over 80%, and they understood the archaeological skills.

After leaving the career hall, Zhang Xiaoming stood in the center of the square in a good mood.

Not just because of the realization of special skills. More importantly, he felt that his superpowers could actually be used in the game.

Why? It's obviously not something that can be used in other games. Long live! No matter why, it's great to be able to use super powers. At this moment, Xiao Ming was full of confidence.

Know yourself and your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger. Xiao Ming seizes the time and takes Infantry A to find a village inn and rent a single room on the second floor to confirm the status of his superpowers.

Fortunately, the setting was that he was a local, so the penniless Zhang Xiaoming was allowed to take credit on credit by the innkeeper's wife.

In a single room, you don't have to worry about being seen. In reality, there are actually no obvious signs of Xiao Ming's super power being activated. In the game, he did this just in case.

Xiao Ming tested his superpowers in many aspects. There are generally no obvious signs of superpowers in games, and the effects of superpowers are more powerful than in reality:

1. Less consumption: Using superpowers in the game consumes much less mental energy (I think) than in reality.

Second, the effect is even greater: At present, we can only test the no-attribute trainee suit for two people, and the equipment adds combat attributes.

After a full set of enhancements, each of the two people's values ​​more than doubled, and their overall combat power was several times stronger.

3. Manufacturing equipment: In reality, Xiao Ming has tried to create items out of thin air, or used materials to create items with super powers, but he couldn't do it.

I never expected to do it in the game. Of course, it consumes much more mental energy than strengthening items.

The signs of changes in style after equipment upgrades and items appearing out of thin air are more obvious. Need to be more careful.

He made a short bow and a quiver for Infantryman A. Short bow attack 0-2 range 10; quiver (8/8).

There is also a set of bows for archer players, and a set for archer mercenaries.

Wow, NB is booming now! Although Zhang Xiaoming's gaming skills are not very good, he has read many game novels. You know how powerful this ability is in a strategic game like this.

Not to mention anything else, just equipping your melee subordinates with long-range weapons is super powerful! In this game, you can't just buy a bow and equip it for mercenaries.

Mercenary equipment is inherently different from player equipment, and it cannot be used across arms types. Xiao Ming tried it several times before he succeeded.

Of course, this ability also has its limitations: the number of times the ability can be used is limited by Xiao Ming's mental power. Moreover, the same item cannot be strengthened twice, and manufactured items cannot be strengthened.

After much thought, Zhang Xiaoming decided not to waste his time growing up. Develop in a low-key manner and avoid the limelight.

That is to say: the same as before. Some people are definitely losers based on their ability.

"Infantry A, keep a low profile. Put the bow and arrow into the backpack first. (The backpack was made when the infantry equipment was strengthened.) Yes, don't reveal the secret.

Come on, follow me, I will take you to fight monsters. "Xiao Ming left the single room, preparing to go out to fight monsters and upgrade to earn some money.

As we all know, the first floor of the inn is of course the dining hall. As Xiao Ming went downstairs, he listened to the noise in the dining hall.

"Old Zhang, here are two more pots of bamboo leaves and green leaves to record in the account."

"Okay, come on. Brother Wang, what's the happy event today? Tell me. I've invited you to drink."

"Brother, you are going to the town for three months, but you don't dare to find those unclean women. If..."

"Dongzi, let me tell you. Vocational training is not easy. I am now a level 5 trainee archer. I will go to the lumber factory with you soon. I will give you..."

"Liu Sister, come and eat a chicken drumstick. I bought the wolf pelt you wanted, and it took a lot of effort! You can use it to sew a mask and be promoted properly. Then..."

"Brothers, you have good food and drink. This meal is mine, no one can steal it from me!"

"That's so embarrassing."

"Shopkeeper Huo Da, there is not much good food in this small place in the countryside. I apologize for the poor hospitality."

"Brother, if you say that, you're going to see someone outside."

At the beginning of the game, all the people eating, drinking and chatting in the canteen were NPCs. There are several players huddled in front of the counter. The person at the counter was naturally the innkeeper's wife.

She is the kind of multi-threaded NPC that can communicate with many players at the same time. Such as renting and checking out, ordering and paying for food, commodity transactions, task release, etc.

When the player interacts with her in these aspects, it appears to other players to be static.

However, there was one player who was definitely not interacting with the boss lady, because his grumbling voice could be heard eight meters away.

"It's a fucking broken game. No experience is given for killing monsters. What the hell?! I finally killed a wild dog, but I was given two pieces of meat and one piece of skin. Not even a piece of equipment."

"What you said is true. I almost died. I feel sorry for my Zilong. In order to protect me, he did this." This guy was a dramatist.

"You were just a close call. We are lucky. That dog was just a first-level ordinary monster.

Yehuo's team encountered a second-level elite, eight of them, and all eight mercenaries died. They were just resurrected and are still weak. "

"We also lost an infantryman, and we don't know how to buy one. Qingqing, after selling the meat, ask the boss lady where we can buy soldiers and what's the experience."

It's new to fight monsters without experience. It seems that monsters are not easy to fight.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but slow down. After a while, a girl spoke. The name is Qingqing River Grass.

"The boss lady said: If an apprentice professional dies, no experience or money will be deducted, and he will be weak for ten minutes.

Experience is given by tasks. We have to go to the training ground at the west end of the village first to accept daily professional tasks. After completing all of them, we can accept other ordinary tasks.

Only special tasks can be triggered at any time. It seems that the hired soldiers are also in the training ground."

"Oh--, what are we waiting for, let's go there quickly." Before the voice fell, several players ran out in a flash.

Xiao Ming confirmed with the boss lady again. Although he had no money, he still asked to see the product catalog. Then he left for the training ground.

The village-level training ground is also very simple. A large playground, divided into several areas, with some NPC soldiers training inside, and more than a dozen thatched houses around.

There are several NPCs on the playground, and many players are accepting tasks.

The one who gave Xiao Ming the task was a first-level level 6 priest. Ten daily tasks were sent to the player's task list together.

At this stage, tasks are all for single players. Unfinished tasks can be exchanged for lower-level tasks. Gray simple tasks are not allowed to be exchanged.

If daily tasks are not completed on the same day, the tasks will automatically fail and there will be corresponding penalties.

If players feel that time is limited, they can choose not to accept daily tasks, and there will be no penalties.

There are many types of tasks, such as praying in temples, patrolling in villages, training in training grounds, beating dogs, looking for chickens...

The submission methods are also different: some are submitted to the system after completion, and some are submitted to designated NPCs.

Task rewards also include money, items, equipment, professional experience, etc.

Tasks are divided into different levels. Xiao Ming only received one white ordinary task, six green difficult tasks, two blue expert tasks, and one purple master task.

Listening to other players' conversations, it seems that it is good to receive a green task.

The daily task he received was so high-level. It is estimated that the system has evaluated the combat effectiveness of players and mercenaries in advance.

It seems that he has won at the starting line.

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