Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 597 Silver Lihuamei

No matter how many concerns there are, the immediate benefits are real.

The cargo and treasures in the ship are also a large resource. However, the more valuable are the wreckage of these large ships.

In order to facilitate repairs, Xiao Ming salvaged the ship with a completeness of at least 60%.

Such a broken ship is very valuable for the shipbuilding craftsmen of the Li family.

Although the Li family can neither repair large ships nor master the technology of building large ships immediately.

However, after studying these shipwrecks, they can accumulate a lot of technical experience in ship building and combat experience.

Through the structure and equipment of the ship, the Li family can have a considerable understanding of Western ships. Knowing yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated in a hundred battles.

Of course, these are all later stories. At present, the Li family will only arrange a small number of people to calculate the cargo in the ship.

Others have to prepare for the battle against the Raishima family in full swing.

If these goods are sorted and sold by the Li family, the profit will definitely be much higher than if Xiao Ming sells them himself.

The money was divided equally between Li Huamei (representing the First Fleet), the Drillers (the Second Fleet), and the Divers (the forces of the Huiyan Town Temple).

In fact, this way of dividing the money, all parties have room for bargaining. But these three parties are too lazy to make such an effort.

Why not do something else with your own people? ! You are just bored.

This distribution is the best. In addition, if you see fragments that may be high-level items, all of them will be handled by the Drillers and Divers. Of course, the Li family has the right of first refusal.

Richard and his wife are not stupid. When they saw that the Drillers were interested in the incomplete items and thought about the repair of the big ship, they naturally guessed the Drillers' abilities and intentions.

Xiao Ming actually did not hide that this benefit was originally intended to be shared with the Li family.

At the beginning, the Explorers and the branches of the Huo's Chamber of Commerce also had a similar agreement, and they had always cooperated well and made a little money.

Unfortunately, the Explorers were later abducted and taken to Liangshan. This agreement can no longer be followed up.

The Drillers brought such a huge benefit to the Li family this time. Of course, the Li family will reward according to merit.

In addition, this time Li Huamei also accepted the super energy seed and obtained the microcosm like her husband, so this contribution should also be counted.

Li Huamei is indeed the absolute protagonist. Her microcosm directly awakened to the level of the 6th-level Silver Saint.

And she also awakened a very powerful force. A power that can stun all the people in the entire admiral's mansion with just momentum.

Among them, the only two who can persist without fainting are her two sworn brothers.

In terms of age, Richard is actually much older than Li Huamei. He used to be Li Huamei's teacher.

However, considering that Li Huamei is the admiral of the Li family and the head of the family. It is not good to let her be a sister, which will easily reduce her deterrence. So Richard is willing to be humble and become the second brother.

Besides, he has been reborn as a lich, and it seems that he can be more casual at this age.

If he didn't do this, Li Huamei might not be able to awaken this power if a teacher/big brother appeared beside her.

Later, Xiao Ming learned that this power was the [Hao Wang Haki] in the One Piece world.

It was originally a hidden power, which was stimulated by Xiao Ming's super power seed.

The normal process should be that Li Huamei will awaken this power after the Li family pirates completely defeated the Laidao family forces, dominated East Asia, and obtained the certificate of the hegemon in the East Asian waters.

Unexpectedly, this domineering color domineering was stimulated by Xiao Ming's ability in advance. Of course, Li Huamei is not the only one with this potential. This is an era of heroes competing for supremacy.

Even players can participate in the competition for the certificate of the hegemon. But players may not necessarily have the potential for domineering color domineering.

In case, the player himself has this potential and obtains the certificate of the hegemon. Then he may really awaken the domineering color domineering with the help of the system.

Regarding domineering, Xiao Ming had only seen [Armament Haki] on Yijian Guang Hanzhao Jiuzhou before. He is really good at it.

Xiao Ming was very envious of this and focused on analyzing Li Huamei's domineering. Unfortunately, no matter how he tried, Xiao Ming could not simulate the domineering color domineering.

With the foundation of the Insect King, Xiao Ming is indeed a king. However, there are many kinds of kings, and not all kings are qualified to have the domineering color domineering.

Xiao Ming's lazy and wretched personality, even if he is a king, he is not a domineering king.

If even he can have the domineering color domineering, then the four emperors in the One Piece world will probably cry in the toilet.

Xiao Ming once simulated the murderous aura of the alien, and scared a reincarnation named Wolf King out of the reincarnation space.

But this kind of murderous aura is okay for bullying the inferior reincarnations, but it is useless when facing the C-level reincarnations, and it is completely different from the domineering color domineering.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming is not the kind of person who loves to entangle. If he can't simulate this, then give up. Let's see what he gains first.

Li Huamei clearly distinguishes between public and private. The rewards were distributed in two parts.

On the public side, the researcher obtained 3 construction blueprints of medium-sized shipyards. The original small shipyard can be expanded into a medium-sized shipyard.

In addition, 3 blueprints of large Chinese sailing ships were obtained. The Li family itself has not yet mastered the construction technology of large ships, but it can issue blueprints of large ships as rewards.

This is a situation that is almost ridiculous and only occurs in the game. Because the actual reward is issued by the game system, not the Li family.

Neither the Li family pirates nor Xiao Ming's characters have built a large shipyard. The power situation does not allow it.

The Li family has a medium-sized shipyard, but Xiao Ming only has a small shipyard. There is no large shipyard, but there are blueprints for large ships. Where to build it?

If you encounter a large shipyard of other forces in the future, and the other party allows it.

You can use their equipment and manpower to build large ships for yourself. But the cost must be high.

This is the development path prepared by the system for Li Huamei.

First, establish a certain sphere of influence in East Asia. The Li family will obtain blueprints for large ships.

Then go overseas, at least sail to the Arab region, to turn these blueprints into large warships in reality at a high price.

Then, relying on the advantages of large warships, return to East Asia to defeat the Laidao forces. Seek further development.

This is a long process. However, the Li family is full of talents. As long as there are no strategic accidents, it can still be done.

In addition, there is a spy Richard sent by Country E. At the beginning, he would help the Li family grow, but once the Li family and E country become enemies, he would rebel behind the scenes.

This spy was able to gain Li Huamei's trust because Li Huamei lost her beloved Richard, and saw a little bit of her lover in Richard, so she was deceived.

This was originally a big disaster for the Li family pirates. Now that Richard has been "resurrected", Richard has no chance anymore.

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