Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 587 Lazy Task

The mission that the League of Legends gave to the little Lolita would definitely not be a very dangerous one. Who among the staff in the Hive doesn't know Miss Li's ninth daughter?

Giving her a dangerous mission, are you crazy? And there are many people in the League with similar status to Miss Li.

What kind of mission can be given to these people has long been an unspoken rule in the League. All employees are familiar with it.

This time the mission is to hunt down a werewolf reincarnation who committed murder and was injured and fled in the deep mountains and old forests. In principle, it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies.

The League of Legends rarely wrongly accuses reincarnations, and even those who are not guilty of minor crimes can make meritorious contributions. So those who choose to escape are almost all really guilty.

At least this time, before the taxi arrived at the designated location, Xiao Ming felt the evil life energy from a distance.

Everyone didn't know that Xiao Ming had a strong reconnaissance ability. But knowing that the opponent's strength was not very good, they simply divided into three groups to chase.

Datang Zhao Yun directly chose the direction where the werewolf was. The combination of Xiao Ming and Li Songrui was sent far away. The direction given to Dou Qunfang was also wrong.

Xiao Ming and Dou Qunfang just looked at Zhao Yun and smiled, and Zhao Yun also smiled awkwardly, and everyone knew it tacitly.

It turned out that everyone knew the real direction of the werewolf. And Zhao Yun did not want Miss Nine to be in danger, and he also wanted to have fun.

No matter how the process was, the final points were always divided equally among the four people. Dou Qunfang was happy to be idle, and Xiao Ming was also happy to play with the little Lolita.

Anyway, each person can only get one point for such a small task, so why bother to compete with Brother Yun.

The four people went in three directions. Once someone completed the task, they would contact everyone by phone to return.

Datang·Zhao Yun took the lead and set off. Dou Qunfang symbolically walked a distance in her direction, and then stopped to practice the barrier technique.

Only Xiao Ming's group, knowing that there was no enemy ahead, still pretended to keep going.

After a while, the little Lolita was bored. "Brother leader, give me a few skeleton soldiers to play with, okay."

Seeing Xiao Ming was stunned, he did not answer immediately. She added: "My third and fifth brothers both said that your skeleton soldiers are very interesting."

Xiao Ming smiled bitterly and said in his heart: 'What your brother said is interesting is not the same as what you understand as interesting.

If you understand it in your way, it will probably be boring. Where can I find some interesting skeleton soldiers for you? '

I had to smile and said: "Ninth sister, my skeleton soldiers are actually the same as in the game, very boring. How about this, I will teach you the magic of summoning skeleton soldiers?"...

After more than 2 hours and 20 minutes, Zhao Yun had killed the werewolf and notified everyone to return.

Xiao Ming has been watching the battle. The werewolf bloodline is indeed very bloody, and the Jedi counterattack under serious injury is still very fierce.

However, Zhao Yun's spearmanship is as good as a god, and the defense is very strict. Not only was the werewolf's counterattack completely ineffective, but it also exposed an empty door. Zhao Yun found the right opportunity to stab it three times and it died.

At this time, the little loli still had not learned the magic of summoning skeleton soldiers. And Xiao Ming also saw that she was actually more suitable for fire magic. Undead magic was too difficult for her.

But Xiao Ming didn't know fire magic, so he couldn't teach her. And even if he told Li Songrui, the little girl would refuse to listen.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to let her continue practicing. Let's just call it exercise.

On the contrary, Xiao Ming gained a lot.

Although he kept walking and stopping with the little loli, he was always not far away from Dou Qunfang. He circled around her.

Xiao Ming saw and remembered the whole process of Dou Qunfang's practice of barrier art.

It didn't take long for Xiao Ming to learn the basic usage of her barrier art. Create a cubic space surrounded by a barrier out of thin air.

Detonating the barrier can detonate the things covered in the space. Whether it will die or not depends on whether the thing is hard.

Moreover, Dou Qunfang's barrier art is quite interesting, much more flexible than the barrier art that Xiao Ming learned from Uncle Qiu, but it also consumes much more spiritual power.

One of the ways to use it is to create a barrier in mid-air, and then people can jump on it and land. It is equivalent to opening up a battlefield in the air.

If a row of mid-air barriers are created, people can also run, spin, and jump on it...

But you must keep your eyes open, because if you step on empty air, you will be in trouble.

There is no such trick in the barrier technique that Uncle Qiu practices.

The reason is also very simple. Dou Qunfang's barrier technique comes from a world with relatively strong spiritual power. Therefore, combat power is prioritized, and consumption is not the biggest problem.

Uncle Qiu's barrier technique was used by Taoist priests and celestial masters to exorcise ghosts and demons in an era when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was already weak.

The spiritual power of Taoist priests in this era was not strong, so they had to be very economical when using it. The arrangement of barriers also requires the assistance of talismans. Otherwise, they cannot afford the consumption.

All of this is normal and in line with the development direction of the specific environment.

If the two sides switch positions, they will also develop the barrier technique of the other party.

And Xiao Ming also found that there is a square mark on Dou Qunfang's left arm.

Every time she used the barrier technique, a spiritual force would emanate from the mark to assist her in completing the spell.

This power seemed to be a power similar to blood. And the square mark played the role of blood to a certain extent.

I didn't expect that there was such a way to play in space. Putting a stamp on your body can give you a blood.

But Xiao Ming doesn't need it. His spiritual power has experienced another 5 years of growth in "Zombie Agreement 2".

Although his realm is still maintained at the late stage of foundation building. However, his spiritual power is much higher than before.

The stagnation of realm has not affected Xiao Ming's accumulation of spiritual power at all.

Now using a small barrier technique is simply a piece of cake.

After parting with everyone and returning home, Xiao Ming did not rush to log in to the game, but continued to practice the barrier technique.

Xiao Ming felt that this spell has many applications that can be developed. Now is the time when he is most interested and his ideas are flowing. It would be bad to interrupt at this time.

He practiced until 12 noon and did not stop. When the spiritual power is used up, he immediately went to Guangmingding.

Using the Changsheng Qi Training Technique, it takes less than an hour to replenish the spiritual energy. Practice again after it is full, and replenish it again after it is used up...

When Xiao Jinger came out of the game cabin, she happened to see Xiao Ming practicing.

She couldn't learn such a complicated trick. But she provided Xiao Ming with a good idea.

The barrier made by Xiao Ming is like a sieve, which can set what can pass through and what cannot pass through. This is a very interesting feature.

Xiao Jinger proposed a plan to let Xiao Ming make a small barrier and let a cup full of water fall freely from the top of the barrier.

The cup passes through and falls on the table, while the water is left in the barrier.

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