Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 58 Recruiting Qiu Santong

Switch to the explorer, Xiao Ming made several common crossbows for ascetics. Stored in the warehouse.

Seeing several weapons with the word "tang" in the warehouse, Xiao Ming decided to go to Baiyang Village.

Before that, he walked around various places in the town, but failed to get a suitable task.

There is no crossbow professional instructor in the professional hall of Wushan Town.

Finally, Xiao Ming came to the base of the first guard. Captain Huo Yingda was leading the team in training.

Seeing the explorer, he hurried over and looked very happy.

He led the explorer to visit his team and camp.

There are more than a hundred people in the first guard. Among them, 1/3 are ascetics. There are a small number of free NPCs.

The team is indeed well trained. The spirit is very high. Xiao Ming can't tell the others.

This base is also very good, covering a large area and many houses.

There are all kinds of equipment and instruments, and it is a small local tyrant level at first glance.

Coming to the captain's room, eating what the explorer took out of his backpack. Huo Yingda asked the explorer about his purpose.

Xiao Ming didn't expect that both problems would be solved here.

The first thing is that the captain of the second squad of the guard is a level 2 crossbowman.

Xiao Ming is an honorary captain, and it is not difficult for him to learn some skills.

Xiao Ming spent hundreds of gold coins to learn three crossbow skills, including "long-range shooting", "continuous shooting", and "quickly adding arrows", and everyone was happy.

The second thing is that as an honorary captain, the explorer can receive the task of recruiting team members and go to Wushan Town or the villages under its jurisdiction to recruit team members to join the first guard.

Of course, there are task requirements. The team members are required to be young professionals between levels 0-1, and at least 10 people must be recruited.

The quality of the recruited personnel determines the completion of the task.

This is a blue task. Brother Huo also told the explorer the secret. If there are not enough people, go to the training ground to "buy".

It is certainly better to be a guard in the town than in the village. Just bribe and appease the instructor.

First, replenish the troops in the guard. The explorer is now a little over level 10 at level 1, and can hire 6 soldiers, and can store 6 soldiers in the simple tent.

Xiao Ming can get a discount when hiring from the guard team. If the guard team is reduced in number, Huo Yingda can recruit free NPCs or go to the arms nest to buy.

Xiao Ming still follows the original configuration, 2 of each of the 4 professions.

The other 4 are all hired ascetics, and they are all equipped with general crossbows.

They can resist and heal, what a useful soldier. Yes, the level 1 ascetic is still popular, but it is not easy for players who are not ascetics to hire.

Directly rent a carriage from the guard team. The explorer drove to Baiyang Village with 6 mercenaries.

Last time I walked at night, and I couldn't see much scenery. This time I traveled during the day. It was really a feast for the eyes.

The area of ​​Wushan Town, including the dozen villages under its jurisdiction, are all built on the mountain. This area is the Wushan Mountains.

The deep mountains are shrouded in fog, which never dissipates all year round. There are powerful monsters and ferocious beasts in the fog. Often harass the surrounding areas.

Human settlements dare only be built far away from the fog.

Looking at the fog in the mountains from a distance, it gives people a mysterious feeling.

Xiao Ming habitually uses the superpower of concentration to focus his eyes and can vaguely see the outlines of some monsters.

How big a monster must it be to be able to see its body shape from such a long distance!

I'm afraid that the prehistoric giant dinosaurs on Pangu Star are tiny compared to them. No wonder all the major forces dare not provoke them.

Human forces, orcs in the north, and elves in the west meet in this area.

This large fog is also very dangerous to them. Not much stronger than humans.

Relatively speaking, it is more peaceful here.

Because once a big fight provokes the monsters in the fog, no force can stop it.

So even if there are disputes here, they are only small-scale. The three parties have a tacit understanding.

It presents a harmonious and peaceful scene.

Xiao Ming got bored after looking at the scenery for a while. Stay in the carriage to make a general crossbow, eat a piece of barbecue and rest when you are tired.

Not long after, the carriage arrived at Baiyang Village.

Baiyang Village is a very remote place. If you go further away, there are only military outposts and beacon towers, but no settlements.

Therefore, the folk customs in places like Wushan Town and Baiyang Village are relatively tough. Almost every family has a combat professional.

But most of the high-level professionals who become strong will move their homes to towns.

So although the folk customs are tough, the strength is not very strong. It is a good place to recruit soldiers.

Xiao Ming did not stay in Baiyang Village, but drove directly to the lumberyard.

Met Li Erbo and Qiu Santong. Li Erbo was teaching Qiu Santong to practice archery.

The two were also very happy to see the explorer coming.

The three sat together, ate and drank, and talked about what happened after separation.

The wild boars had returned to their original home and no longer harassed Li Erbo.

Qiu Santong's archery ability has also improved significantly.

After listening to the explorer's experience, especially Han Dong's growth. Li Erbo was just in awe. But Qiu Santong couldn't stand it.

His little brother, who was not as good as him, became a hero in a few days and conquered the strategic map.

Although he was happy for Han Dong, it would be a lie to say that he was not jealous.

Xiao Ming took the opportunity to propose that Qiu Santong follow Han Dong to the strategic map for training.

If he was asked to follow the explorer, the favorability was not enough. But to follow his good friend Han Dong, Qiu Santong couldn't help but hesitate.

But Uncle Li Er said that he had already taught him all the skills he could. It would be good to train in actual combat.

Qiu Santong agreed to join Han Dong and follow the explorer for the time being.

Hearing that the explorer came to Baiyang Village to recruit soldiers. Qiu Santong immediately recommended his brothers.

Uncle Li Er also recommended the descendants of several old brothers.

Finally, they talked about the blacksmith surnamed "Tang".

An old man in the family is like a treasure. Uncle Li Er really knows.

The thing is like this. Baiyang Village originally had a blacksmith surnamed Tang.

The eldest son of the Tang family is now the head of the family, Tang Long, whose good skills far surpass those of his father.

The things he made are also famous far and wide.

People are afraid of being famous, just like pigs are afraid of being fat. Once Tang Long became famous, troubles followed.

What happened was very bloody. A certain chamber of commerce that deals in weapons wanted to hire Tang Long.

This was originally a good thing. But the people from the chamber of commerce were too strong, and they looked like they were giving alms to beggars.

Tang Long was a hot-tempered man, so the deal fell through.

If the Chamber of Commerce failed to recruit him, it would have to suppress him.

They couldn't keep him around, because it would make the Chamber of Commerce's products look worse than those made by a village blacksmith.

They didn't even bother to plot against Tang Long, a little blacksmith.

They would report you to the government as a bandit spy, and after searching your house, they would arrest you and interrogate you, preparing to force you to confess.

Tang Long was alert, so he ran away first. His belongings were confiscated.

Some of the confiscated weapons fell into the hands of the Chamber of Commerce. Some of them were bought by Xiao Ming.

Fortunately, the people here are tough. The government didn't dare to take it out on his parents and family.

But the pillar of the family ran away, and the house was also confiscated.

His wife had no choice but to remarry, and his parents had to rely on the villagers for support.

It's been a year or two since this happened.

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